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February 20, 2020                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 7

                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Distinguished Young Women

        scholarship program planned

           The 53rd Distinguished Young Women    Competing this year are Isabella
        of Wayne-Westland Scholarship Program  Riopelle, Zuriel Phillips, Shannon
        will take place beginning at 6:30 p.m. on  Blevins, La 'Tavia Ventress, Morgan
        Friday, March 6 at Wayne Memorial High  Butler, Emma Elinski, Savannah Byers,
        School. Nine contestants from Wayne,   Wendy Santiago-Rivera and Arleth
        Westland and Inkster will compete for  Gonzalez.
        thousands of dollars in college scholar-  Tickets to the event can be purchased
        ships and the chance to represent our  from any participant or on the night of the
        communities at local events and at the  show for $10. All proceeds go toward
        state finals in July 2020. This scholarship  scholarship awards.
        program is based on academic scholas-    The Wayne-Westland Local Program is
        tics, leadership, physical fitness and tal-  part of the Distinguished Young Women of
        ent.                                   America, which has impacted the lives of
           At the local program on March 6, con-  more than 765,000 young women since it
        testants will perform an opening number  first began in 1958. “Our mission is to
        and compete in a performing arts talent  empower high school young women by
        routine, a physical fitness routine and self  providing scholarship opportunities,
        expression. Contestants are also evaluat-  developing self-confidence and teaching
        ed based on academic scholastics and an  crucial life skills needed for success in
        interview.                             college and beyond,” Reed said.
           “This is an amazing group of smart and  National sponsors include Mobile
        talented young women and we are excited  County, City of Mobile, Alabama Power
        to have them showcase their talents at our  Foundation, Encore Rehabilitation,  The nine hopefuls competing for scholarship in the Distinguished Young Women of
                                                                                     Wayne-Westland Class of 2021 prepare for the March 6 event.
        53rd annual scholarship program. We    Wintzell's Oyster House, Master Boat
        invite the public to come and support  Builders, Barbara Barrington Jones      For more information about          Communications Director, at (251) 438-
        these accomplished young women” said   Family Foundation, Evonik, Regions    Distinguished Young Women, contact    3621 or or
        Lauren Reed, Distinguished Young       Financial Corporation, Jostens and    Jessica Sawyer,                       visit
        Women of Wayne-Westland co-director.   Alabama Media Group.                    National Headquarters Marketing and
        Wayne receives ‘unmodified’ audit, but still faces $1.5 million deficit

           Officials in the City of Wayne received  however, he said the city will still face a  capital outlay for city equipment in sever-  ance in the water and sewer fund.
        an “unmodified opinion” of their finan-  deficit in the 2020 budget.         al departments along with the reduction  “You have an aging water and sewer
        cial audit for last year which shows the  “Even if you hit the budget numbers on  in city staff.                   system . You need to evaluate that both
        city facing an upcoming $1.5 million budg-  the head, even if you do better than the  He said while these measures were  long and short term,” he said.
        et deficit in 2020-21.                 budget,” he said, the city will be short $1.5  helpful, the predicted budget shortfall  Overall, Camillier had praise for the
           Brian Camillier of the Plant Moran  million next year.                    was the result of a decrease of $60 million  efforts of the city.
        auditing firm presented the financial    The city has $14.7 percent in the rainy  in property tax revenue from 2010 to 2019.  “The city has prevented state interven-
        report at the regular meeting of the city  day fund which, Camillier said, is “below  “The city has adopted cost contain-  tion with tough decisions,” he said. “Your
        council earlier this month.            my comfort level.” He said the state mini-  ment strategies, but the options to  options are limited and you need a new
           Camillier told the council members  mum state recommendation is for munici-  increase revenue are limited to property  revenue sources. You are losing ground”
        that the contents of the financial report  palities to have $16.7, or two months oper-  tax,” he said. “The city has addressed this  He added that the city could not absorb
        was accurate with a minor deficiency on a  ating expenses, in the rainy day fund.  to the best of your ability, you just don't  the loss of the revenue should the upcom-
        grant report which he said was a compli-  He praised the city efforts to cut  have resources.”                     ing police and fire millage on the March
        ance issue, not a financial issue. He told  expenses and curb spending and noted  He said that a 45 percent decrease in  ballot fail.
        the council members that the city depart-  that the decision to close the Community  tax revenue since 2008 was indicative of  “You can't stand to lose $350,000,”
        ment heads had all managed within their  Center and then outsource it to a private  what the city has had to do.   Camillier said. That is the amount 1 mill
        respective budgets and said the efforts of  operator was the correct move. He said  “There is money for some road proj-  of property tax generates annually in the
        the city to cut expenses by not filling  the center had been losing $1 million  ects,” he said and added there was a bal-  City of Wayne.
        employment positions had helped        each year.
        improve the financial condition of the city.  Camillier also noted other changes in
           With the lack of new revenue sources,  city expenses including the reduction in  It's never been more important
                                                                                       for everyone living in Michigan
                                                                                       to be counted in the U.S. census.
                              Bachelor of Arts in Social  The family is certain that,
                              Studies  from  Eastern  during their three years
                              Michigan University.  apart, Dick has been work-         The census impacts everyone from seniors to students, kids and
                              Dick and Janet's love story  ing on his  dance skills, and  parents and our local businesses and neighborhoods. Participating
                              produced seven children,  that he and Janet are now
                              30 grandchildren and 31  happily dancing together.       in the census is a civic duty as important as voting to our democra-
                              great-grandchildren with                                 cy.
                              three more on the way.   All
                              seven children graduated
                              from Wayne Memorial High  PUBLIC AUCTION                 To help get the word out, the state of Michigan has launched the Be
                              School.  After more than 68  MARTIN’S TOWING
                              happy years of marriage,  17180 DIX TOLEDO               Counted campaign to communicate the importance of completing
                              Dick preceded Janet in  BROWNSTOWN MI 48193              the census, dispel myths and help ensure every Michigander is
                              death on March 8, 2017.  FEBRUARY 24, 2020               counted in the 2020 Census.
                              Dick and Janet raised their  10:00 AM
                              family in Wayne, where  2003 LINCOLN
                              they were active in the  1LNHM87A33Y705610               The census form is available in several different languages in addi-
                              community, including the  2007 FORD
         JANET ELLEN HELPPIE  First   Congregational  1FMFK16567LA85623                tion to English, including Spanish. You are not required to be a citi-
        Janet  Ellen  (Colburn)  Church, Scouts, dance les-  2008 CHEVROLET            zen in order to complete the 2020 Census, and there are no citizen-
        Helppie passed away qui-  sons, the PTA, and various  2G1WU583689266563
        etly on Feb. 8, 2020.  She  sports teams.  They moved  2015 CHRYSLER           ship questions on the census form.
        was a resident of Wayne  to the Dallas area in 1988  1C3CCCAB4FN600638
        from 1953 until 1988, and  and traveled extensively  2006 CHRYSLER
        prior to that lived in  around the United States  2C3KA53G36H357662            The census takes place every 10 years with the goal of counting
        Norwayne  for  several  for many years.   They  2002 FORD                      everyone living in the United States. Invitations to complete the 2020
        years.                joined the Carrollton Senior  3FAFP13P72R214609          Census will begin arriving in mailboxes across Southeast Michigan
        She was born in Orange,  Center, took up bridge, and  2006 CHRYSLER
        Texas, on Nov. 9, 1927, to  played Scrabble daily.  2C3KA53G76H232440          in March.
        Norman and Alma (Ruble)  Janet continued to pursue  1997 HONDA
        Colburn.  Her parents  her love of dancing by tak-  1HGEJ7129VL093670
        already had three children  ing tap and clogging les-  2007 FORD               For the first time, the census can be filled out online, as well as by
        more than a decade older,  sons,  and  performing  1FAFP53U57A115107           phone or mail, making it more convenient than ever.
        and Janet's birth was fol-  around North Texas for  2010 DODGE
        lowed 19 months later by  many years with the  1B3CC4FB3AN204625
        her sister and best friend,  Skyliners Tap Troupe.  Dick  2002 GMC             Also, your information is 100% confidential and by law cannot be
        Joan.                 served as her cheerful driv-  2GTEK19V721122253
        The sisters grew up in  er and enthusiastic fan, his  2011 FORD        o subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.  shared with anyone. Census data is only used to produce demo-
        Gary, Indiana and Detroit,  dance skills never coming  3FAHP0HA1BR179878       graphic statistics and will not be used in a way that will identify you
        doted on by their parents,  close to Janet's -- despite a  2003 CADILLAC       or your household.
        two   older   brothers  few attempts at learning.  1G6DM57NX30162276
        (Norman Jr. and John) and  Throughout her life, Janet  2003 FORD
        older sister (Mary).  Janet  loved attending live theater  1FAFP53U63A102828   Completing the 2020 Census is critical to the future of our state.
        graduated from Cooley  and dance performances  2014 CHEVROLET
        High School in Detroit,  of every kind---including on  1G1JA6SHXE4140136       There is $3,000 in federal funding at stake for every person who
        where she met the love of  Broadway, at regional and  2001 FORD                completes the census.
        her life, Richard Dean  community theaters, and  1FDRE14W71HB47072
        (Dick) Helppie.  Dick  even at the local schools  2002 FORD
        worked   for   Wayne  whether or not she knew  1FMZU73EX2ZB69397               The 2020 Census will ask questions about the number of people liv-
        Community Schools as an  any students in the shows.  2006 CHEVROLET
        attendance officer, teacher  She passed on her dancing  1G1AL55F367704501      ing in your household on April 1, 2020, and ask their names, ages,
        at Roosevelt Elementary,  genes to her children who  1991 BUICK                genders, race, dates of birth, relationship status, phone numbers
        and as the swim coach at  all have a wonderful sense  2G4WD54L9M1849906        and whether your home is owned or rented.
        Wayne Memorial High   of rhythm and grandchil-  2009 DODGE
        School.               dren. Her youngest, Marin  3DD4GG57V19T567975
        Despite Dick's first (of  Rose, continues to thank  2002 MERCURY       T       Participation in the census determines funding for local communities
        many) proposals to Janet  her "Dancing Grandma" in  1MEFM55S82AL15428
        at age 17, she chose  all of her professional  2008 HONDA                      and essential services, including public safety, schools, housing,
        instead to attend Olivet  dancing bios.     2HGFG126X8H06246                   health care, and senior programs. Michigan receives nearly $30 bil-
        College, where she studied  In addition to her husband,
        modern dance.  But their  Janet was preceded in                                lion per year in federal funding for these and many other critical pro-
        love was strong and, at age  death by her parents, her                         grams. Census numbers also help determine how many congres-
        20, she dropped out of col-  brothers, her sister Mary,
        lege to marry Dick at the  and her daughters Jane                              sional seats Michigan will have.
        Mayflower Congregational  (Richard Enos) and Martha
        Church in Detroit on Sept.  (Mark Mason).                                                   Be sure to fill out your census form
        11, 1948.   Still, Janet  She is survived by her chil-
        promised her father that  dren, Joanne, Susan (Gary                                                and Be Counted in 2020.
        she would finish her  Shackelford), Richard Jr.  Agricultural/
        degree; and so, at the age  (Leslie), Sally (Michael  Farming Services
        of 42 and just a semester  Stokes) and Mary (Tom  GOT LAND? Our hunters          To learn more, visit
        before her oldest daughter  Horstman); her sister Joan;  will Pay Top $$$ to hunt
        graduated from college,  30 grandchildren;  31  your land. Call for a Free
        Janet was proud to keep  great-grandchildren and a  info packet & quote.                    Kerry Ebersole Singh is Michigan's 2020 Census executive director.
        her promise during her  large extended family and  1-866-309-1507
        father's lifetime, earning a  numerous friends.                                      Advertisement
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