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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 20, 2020


        Sweet stuff

        Maple syrup tours set at Maybury

           Area residents have a unique opportu-  Batter Up Waffle Company will be on-site
        nity every weekend in March at Maybury  selling waffles topped with maple syrup.
        Farm.                                  The farm will be selling Pure Michigan
           The farm will offer Making Maple    Maple Syrup along with other maple prod-
        Syrup tours every Saturday and Sunday  ucts.
        which include a wagon ride to the Sugar  This event is popular each year and
        Bush in the woods where the maple trees  space is limited so arrive early to reserve
        will be tapped for sap The wagon will then  a spot, organizers advised.  To schedule a
        take visitors back to the Sugar Shack  private Maple Syrup Tour for groups of 15
        where the sap will be converted into   or more, call (248) 374-0200.
        maple syrup.                             Maybury Farm is located at 50165 Eight
           Tours are set to begin every half hour  Mile Road in Northville.  The cost for
        from 1 until 4:30 p.m. and tastes of the  Maple Syrup Tour is $8 per person and
        syrup will be offered.  After the tour, visi-  children younger than 2 are admitted free
        tors can make Smores and warm up by the  with an adult.                      Northville Community Foundation, a    mals and agriculture through hands-on
        bonfire or shop at the General Store     Visit to learn    501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.   experiences that are both engaging and
        where hot drinks and snacks are available  more.                             Maybury Farm is a working farm with a  educational. Maybury Farm is open to the
        to enjoy next to the toasty wood stove. The  Maybury Farm is operated by the  mission to connect the community to ani-  public Tuesday-Sunday beginning April 7.
        City council approves purchase of police equipment

           Members of the Northville   Department.                                               ”                                 ventilated area to dry evidence
        City Council met a new police    In addition, the council mem-           Police Chief Alan Maciag introduced               such as clothing and bedding,
        officer and approved purchases  bers approved the purchase of                                                              which is retained for DNA test-
        for the department among other  two 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe 4-                  new officer Erin Larkin to the                ing.
        business during the Feb. 3 regu-  wheel drive, pursuit-rated police         mayor and council members.                       The cabinet was purchased
        lar meeting.                   vehicles using the Oakland                                                                  under the State of Michigan con-
           Police Chief Alan Maciag    County extendable purchasing                                                                tract for $6,407. Those funds will
        introduced new officer Erin    contract in the amount of $75,226.  The council also approved the  with UV light was chosen  be reimbursed through the
        Larkin to the mayor and council  The new vehicles will replace the  purchase of a drying cabinet for  because it does not require water  Michigan State Police Justice
        members, noting that she has 17  2013 Chevrolet Tahoe and 2013  the police evidence processing  or a drain to operate, according  Assistance Grant, which was
        years of experience with the   Ford Taurus that are currently in  room. The 3-foot Labconco pro-  to police officials. The stainless  received by the department last
        Washtenaw County Sheriff's     the police administrative fleet.   tector evidence drying cabinet  steel-lined cabinet has a secure  year.

                                                                                            C 21 71 074 99 0005 000
                                      STATE OF MICHIGAN
                                      COUNTY OF WAYNE                                     b. Lewis House.
                                 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                                 50221 Cherry Hill Road
                                                                                            C 21 71 073 99 0004 702
                                         CHAPTER 90
                                                                                          c.  Robert Huston House.
                 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 90, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 2, OF THE          50325 Cherry Hill Road
                                                                                            C 21 71 073 99 0006 000
                 TRICT” TO REVISE SECTION 90-93 TO BRING IT INTO COMPLIANCE WITH          d. William Hank House.
                 THE PUBLIC ACT NO. 169 OF 1970.                                            50530 Cherry Hill Road
                                                                                            C 21 71 071 99 0005 702
         THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON ORDAINS:                                          e.  Cherry Hill Inn
                                                                                            50545 Cherry Hill Road
         SECTION 1.    AMENDMENT TO CODE.                                                   C 21 71 074 99 0003 000
         Chapter 90 of the Charter  Township of Canton Code Ordinance, Article III, entitled “Historic Districts,” Division 2, entitled  f.  The Henry Ford Factory - Cherry Hill Plant.
         “Specific Districts,” Section 90-93 is hereby amended to read as follows:          50625 Cherry Hill Road
                                                                                            C 21 71 074 99 0006 705
         Sec. 90-93. - Cherry Hill historic district.
                                                                                          g. Easton/Jorgensen House and Knudt Jorgensen House.
         (a)  Purpose. Preservation and rehabilitation of historic sites and districts is declared to be a public purpose, and the township  51160 Cherry Hill Road
              may regulate the following, including but not limited to the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, relocation and  51262 Cherry Hill Road
              demolition of historic and architecturally significant structures within the boundaries of the Cherry Hill historic district.  C 21 71 071 99 0002 702
              Pursuant to the provisions of Public Act No. 169 of 1970 (MCL 399.101 et seq.), the purposes of this section are to:
                                                                                          h. Plant Dormitory.
              (1) Provide for the establishment of the Cherry Hill historic district.       250 South Ridge Road
                                                                                            C 21 71 074 99 0006 705
              (2) Safeguard the heritage of the township by preserving the Cherry Hill historic district, which reflects elements of the
              township's cultural, social, spiritual, economic, educational, political, engineering, or architectural history.  i.  Elliott/West House.
                                                                                            703 South Ridge Road
              (3) Stabilize and improve property values in the district.                    C 21 71 074 99 0009 000
              (4) Foster civic beauty and community pride.                                j.  Henry Hauk House.
                                                                                            801 Cherry Hill Road
              (5) Strengthen the local economy.                                             C 21 71 073 99 0003 708
              (6) Promote the use of the Cherry Hill historic district for the following, including but not limited to the education, pleas-  (3) Non-contributing buildings.
              ure and welfare of the citizens of the township, the county, the state, and United States of America.
                                                                                          (a) Ray's Garage, 50525 Cherry Hill Road.
         (b)   Definitions. As used in this section:
                                                                                          (b) 50530 Cherry Hill Road.
         Cherry Hills preservation plan and plan mean the document prepared by the township historic district commission and the depart-
         ment of community and economic development.                                 The Secretary of the Interior's standards for historic preservation projects that are provided in this chapter shall govern any work or
                                                                                     preservation performed on the properties enumerated in this section and the Cherry Hill preservation plan. The issuance of certifi-
         Commission means the township historic district commission.                 cates of appropriateness with respect to any of the properties within the district shall be governed by the appropriate sections in this
         Contributing building means a building identified in the Cherry Hill preservation plan as lending to the historical character of the
         Cherry Hill Village.                                                        (f) Guidelines governing preservation and future development.
         Contributing site means the following, including but not limited to an area, structure, significant landscape feature or surface tex-  (1) In accordance with the Cherry Hill preservation plan, the historic district commission shall adopt specific guidelines gov-
         ture that has been identified in the Cherry Hill preservation plan as lending to the historical character of the Cherry Hill Village.  erning the historic preservation and future development of the Cherry Hill historic district.
         District means the Cherry Hill historic district.                             (2) The guidelines shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following issues:
         Historic district means a district designated by the township board for the purposes of this section. A historic district may include  a. Setbacks.
         an area or group of areas, sites, or structures, and need not have contiguous boundaries. A historic district may include significant
         landscape features (including trees or other plant life), surface textures, and street furniture located thereon. A historic district may  b. Facade treatments.
         be either publicly or privately owned.
                                                                                          c. Outbuildings.
         Historic preservation means the protection, rehabilitation, restoration, or reconstruction of districts, archaeological and other sites,
         buildings, structures and objects.                                               d. Drive treatments.
         Historic site means a site designated by the board for the purposes of this section. A historic site may include an area, or structure,  (3)  The historic district commission shall define and recommend to the planning commission future development design guide-
         and significant landscape features (including trees or other plant life), surface textures, and street furniture located thereon. A his-  lines to be employed within the Cherry Hill district in order to preserve and safeguard the historical character and signifi-
         toric site may be either publicly or privately owned.                            cance of the district for the public purposes described in subsection (a) of this section.
         Non-contributing building means a building identified in the Cherry Hill preservation plan as not lending to the historical charac-  (g)  Historical farmstead/events site. The township may develop a historical farmstead/events site at the 20-acre parcel the
         ter of the Cherry Hill Village.                                                    township owns which is located within the district for the purpose of fostering the preservation goals and purposes of
                                                                                            this section.
         Non-contributing site means an area, structure, significant landscape feature or surface texture than has been identified in the Cherry
         Hill preservation plan as not lending to the historical character of the Cherry Hill Village.  (h)  Change of status of properties. This section may be amended from time to time if properties within the Cherry Hill dis-
                                                                                            trict are nominated and designated as historical sites by local ordinance or state or national designation.
         Structure means anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent or temporary location on or in the ground,
         including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, buildings, fences, walls, gazebos, advertising signs, billboards, back-  SECTION 2.  SEVERABILITY
         stops, driveways, sidewalks, radio and television antennas, including supporting towers, utility poles and swimming pools.
                                                                                           If any clause, sentence, section, paragraph or part of this Ordinance, or the application of thereof to any person, firm,
         (c) Establishment.                                                          corporation, legal entity or circumstances, shall be for any reason adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitu-
                                                                                     tional or invalid, said judgment shall not affect, impair or invalid the remainder of this Ordinance.  It is hereby declared to the leg-
            (1)  The township historic district commission, having found that the Cherry Hill community meets one or more of the criteria  islative intent of this body that the Ordinance is severable, and that the Ordinance would have been adopted had such invalid or
              found in this chapter, and all procedures and actions necessary to make such designation having been effectuated, the  unconstitutional provisions not have been included in this ordinance.
              Cherry Hill community is hereby designated and established as a historic district within the township.
                                                                                     SECTION 3.   REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES
            (2)  The official zoning map of the township shall be amended to show the location of the Cherry Hill historic district.
                                                                                           All Ordinance or parts of Ordinance in conflict herewith is hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this
            (3)  This section should be read, cross-referenced, and construed in conjunction with the remainder of this chapter.  Ordinance full force and effect.
            (d)  Boundaries. The boundaries of the Cherry Hill historic district are hereby established as illustrated by the map attached to  SECTION 4.  SAVINGS CLAUSE
              this ordinance. This map, together with all notations, information and references appearing thereon, shall be incorporated
              in this section and made a part of this section by this reference.     All rights and duties which have matured penalties which have been incurred, proceedings which have begun and prosecution for
                                                                                     violations of law occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance are not affected or abated by this Ordinance.
            (e)  Identification of certain properties within district. The Cherry Hill historic district shall consist of the following described
              properties in the township. The attached map of the boundaries of the Cherry Hill district further identifies these proper-  SECTION 5.  PUBLICATION
              ties. The following descriptions include, for further identification of the properties, the street address where applicable, and
              sidwell numbers.                                                       The Clerk for the Charter Township of Canton shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the manner required by law.
              (1) Historic sites.                                                    SECTION 6.   EFFECTIVE DATE
         a. Cherry Hill Methodist Church. This site has both local and state designation as a historic site.  This Ordinance, as amended, shall be effective upon publication as required by law.
         312 South Ridge Road
         C 21 71 074 99 0007 000
         b. Cherry Hill School. This site has both local and state designation as a historic site.
         50440 Cherry Hill Road                                                      The foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Township Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton at its regular
         C 21 71 071 99 0007 000                                                     meeting called and held on the 11th day of February, 2020, and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.
         c. Benjamin Huston House.                                                                                      Michael Siegrist, Clerk
         600 South Ridge Road
         C 21 71 074 99 0008 006                                                     Introduced: January 28, 2020
                                                                                     Adopted: February 11, 2020
         (2) Contributing buildings and sites.                                       Published:  February 20, 2020
              a.  Cherry Hill Cemetery.                                              Effective:  February 21, 2020
                 Cherry Hill Road                                                                                                                    CN2027 - 022020  5 x 12.842
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