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PAGE 8                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 20, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Art exhibition under way       more than 1,000 commercially   or call or visit The Village Theater  The museum is located at 405  April 4 at the museum, 1 Town
           The Gallery at City Hall in  obtained items from throughout  Box Office between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.  Main St. in Belleville. For informa-  Square, in downtown Wayne.
        Westland is featuring a Martin  the world. There will be three auc-  Monday through Friday. Calls will  tion, call (734) 697-1944.  The $20 fee includes all sup-
        Luther King, Jr. and Black History  tions every hour, two silent auc-  be accepted at (734) 394-5300. If                   plies for the make and take work-
        Month Art exhibition featuring the  tions and an oral auction.   tickets remain, they will be avail-  Wild Wings vs. Red Wings  shop.
        artwork of local artists honoring  The event is hosted by The  able for purchase one hour prior  Alumni in charity game      For more information, call (734)
        the spirit and accomplishments of  Roamin Club, the local rock and  to show opening time.      Mayor William R. Wild, along  722-0113.
        Black Americans in every area of  mineral club for Western Wayne  The Village Theater at Cherry  with his team of Westland Wild
        endeavor throughout history.   County. The Roamin Club is a non-  Hill is located at 50400 Cherry Hill  Wings, are once again getting  Wrestlers
           The exhibition is organized by  profit organization and is spon-  Road in Canton.        ready to lace up their skates to
        the City of Westland and Three  sored by Livonia Parks and                                  challenge the Detroit Red Wing
        Cities Art club. For more informa-  Recreation.               Ghost hunt is planned         Alumni in the 11th Annual Hockey  FROM PAGE 1
        tion, call (313) 231-3939 .       Admission is free.            The Wayne Historical Society  Night in Westland charity event.
           Westland City Hall is located at  For more information see:  will present a Ghost Hunt at the  The event, being presented by  them suffered serious symptoms
        36300 Warren Road in Westland  140-year-old museum from 7 p.m.  North Brothers Ford, will take to  and discomfort on Tuesday.
        and the exhibition is open during  or call Clarence Sterling at (248)  until midnight March 13 with the  the ice at 7 p.m. Friday, March 20  Student Jaden Shiggs com-
        city hall hours through the month  981-9673, or Todd Gall at (248) 348-  Great Lakes Ghost Hunters.  at the Mike Modano Ice Arena  plained of double vision, ringing
        of February.                   5093.                            Tickets are priced at $20.  located at 6210 N. Wildwood St. in  in his ears and a severe
                                                                        The museum is located at 1  Westland. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.  headache, according to reports.
        Senior Tax help offered        Citizens Police Academy        Town Square in Wayne at the cor-  6 p.m. the Westland Hockey  The symptoms were serious
           AARP Foundation Volunteer   registrations continue         ner of Main and Biddle. For infor-  Association Mini-Mites and Mites  enough to prompt him to tell an
        Tax Aides will offer free tax prepa-  Canton Township residents can  mation call the museum at (734)  will take the ice to show off their  athletic trainer at the school who
        ration services at the Northville  get a first-hand look at law  722-0113.                  skills. The Red Wing Alumni and  diagnosed the apparent concus-
        Community Center again this year.  enforcement procedures during                            the Westland Wild Wings will fol-  sion and contacted his mother,
        Tax preparation is by appointment  the popular Citizens Police  Women pilots to be topic    low at 7 p.m.                  Vonda Shiggs.
        only and is offered from 9 a.m.  Academy.                       Historian Daniel Mason will    Tickets for the event are $10 for  Shiggs told news outlets that
        until 2 p.m. each Thursday at the  The Canton Public Safety   discuss the 107 female pilots who  adults and $5 for children ages 6 to  she had no knowledge of her
        Northville Community Center.   Department will be accepting   flew aircraft in and out of what is  12. Children 5 and younger are  son's medical condition until
        Appointments are available until  applications for the eight-week  today Detroit Metro Airport at 7  admitted at no cost with an adult.   three days after the auto acci-
        Thursday, April 9.  This service is  program during the month of  p.m. March 12 at the Wayne Public  Tickets are available for pur-  dent and she said she was “infu-
        provided to taxpayers with     February. This year, the program  Library. The library is located at  chase at Westland City Hall, the  riated.”
        low/middle income with special  will take place from 6-9 p.m. on  3737 South Wayne Road in Wayne.   Mike Modano Ice arena, North  “I'm still infuriated every sin-
        preference for appointments will  Thursday, beginning April 23.                             Brothers Ford, 33300 Ford Road,  gle time I think about it,” Shiggs
        be given to those 60 and older.   Applications will be accepted  Garden Club meeting set    and online at https://westland.tick-  said. “How is it so many adults
           Appointments can be made by  through Feb. 29 online at       Members of the Country  that are responsible for children
        calling (248) 305-2851., or in  Garden Club of Northville will  westland/                dropped the ball?”
           AARP Tax Volunteers are certi-  person at the front desk of the  meet at 11 a.m. March 4 at Ward                           The letter addressed to
        fied for tax preparation and will  Canton  Public    Safety   Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in  Rosie the Riveter visits museum  Wayne Memorial community
        electronically file federal and state  Headquarters located at 1150 S.  Northville.            The Belleville Area Museum  members signed by school prin-
        tax returns. Tax payers will leave  Canton Center Road. Questions  The speaker for the meeting  will celebrate National Rosie the  cipal James Anderson, said,
        the 1-1 ½ hour appointment with a  can be directed to Community  will be Tony Reznick who will dis-  Riveter Day from 1-4 p.m.  “The District is currently investi-
        copy of their e-filed returns, and  Relations Ofc. Patty Esselink at  cuss how present evolutionary  Saturday, March 21 with visits  gating the incident and taking
        the knowledge that their tax   (734) 394-5194.                research has an impact on garden-  from original and tribute Rosies  appropriate steps to address this
        returns have been filed at both                               ing. Light snacks will be served.   along with Suffragette reenactors.  issue with those involved.
        Michigan and IRS acceptance    Alumni invited to game           For more information, call (248)  Dressing up as a Rosie or   “We are aware that there
        sites.                           The Romulus High School      202-1518.                     Suffragette is encouraged, organiz-  have been news reports on this
                                       Eagles Basketball Team has invit-                            ers said. There will be a female  situation. While we cannot share
        Students host record show      ed alumni to a business social and  Kids Crafty Saturday     empowerment group photo at 2:30  specifics that may impact the
           The annual 88.1 record show  the game beginning at 5 p.m. Feb.  The Van Buren Township   p.m. and light refreshments and  privacy of any of the individuals
        will bring thousands of vinyl  29th in the Romulus High School  Recreation Department will host  activities are planned.   involved, if you have questions
        records, CDs, import only releases,  Cafeteria. The evening will begin  Kids Crafty Saturday from 10 until  The museum is located at 405  please feel free to contact me via
        t-shirts, posters and other collecta-  with meet and greet networking at  11:30 a.m. March 14.  Main St. in Belleville. For informa-  email at
        bles to the Salem High School  5 p.m. followed at 6 p.m. with pre-  Staff will available to provide  tion, call (734) 697-1944.  or by phone at (734) 419-2200.
        Cafeteria.                     sentations and the varsity basket-  craft supplies and instruction. The                        “As always, the safety of our
           The record show is set for 10  ball game against River Rouge  event is designed for those in  Mom To Mom Sale planned   students and staff is our first pri-
        a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22  High School beginning at 7 p.m.     kindergarten through fifth grade.  Canton Leisure Services will  ority.  As a District, we are com-
        and proceeds will benefit the                                 The cost is $5 per student. Register  sponsor Mom To Mom Sale from 8  mitted to the safety and educa-
        nationally-recognized student  Dress Shirt Monolgues set      by calling the Parks and      a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Saturday,  tion of all our students.  Those
        radio station operated by the  for Village Theater stage      Recreation Department at (734)  March 21 at the Summit on the  priorities will be reflected in the
        Plymouth-Canton Community        Dress Shirt Monologues will be  699-8921.                  Park, located at 46000 Summit  District's review and response to
        Schools.                       performed on the Main Stage of   The event will take place at  Parkway. Find more than  65  this situation.”
           In addition to the wide variety  The Village Theater at Cherry Hill  46425 Tyler Road in Van Buren  booths featuring gently-used baby  That statement wasn't quite
        of vendors, the show will feature  in Canton from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Feb.  Township.            and kids clothing, shoes, and more  enough for parent William
        special giveaways and door prizes.   29.                                                    .Admission is $2 from 8-9 a.m. and  Mauldin whose son, William
           Admission to the record show is  Writer, director and producer  Mark Twain in Michigan   $1 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For  Mauldin, Jr., was one of the teens
        $3; however collectors wanting an  Rene Ingram-Dunham is bringing  The Belleville Area Museum  more information, call (734) 394-  in the car when it overturned.
        early start can purchase early  the show to the local stage follow-  will present When Mark Twain  5460.                      “It was upside down on its
        admission between 9 and 10 a.m.  ing her 2019 smash-hit "Stiletto  Came to Michigan with Al and                            roof. He rolled it with the kids in
        for $5. Students at Canton,    Monologues" debut.             Dave Eicher from 6-8 p.m.     Fairy Garden Workshop planned  the car,” Mauldin said.
        Plymouth and Salem high schools  Tickets are currently on sale for  Thursday, March 19. The program  The Wayne Historical Society  A meeting with the coaches
        will be admitted at no cost with  $27 per person and are available  is free for museum members and  will sponsor a Fairy Garden  involved and administrators was
        student identification.        at  there is a $5 fee for non-members.  Workshop from 1-3 p.m. Saturday,  reportedly set for last week.
           Interested dealers or those
        wanting more information can
        contact (734) 416-7732 or email  Eight foot
        tables can be reserved for $30.
           Salem High School is located at
        46181 Joy Road in Canton at the
        corner of Joy and Canton Center

        Indoor Farmers Market opens
           The first of three monthly
        Winter Markets will take place
        from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Sunday,
        Feb. 23 in the Summit on the
        Park's Banquet Lobby, located at
        46000 Summit Parkway. Markets
        are also scheduled for March 22
        and April 26 at the Summit. More
        than a dozen local vendors will be

        Black History program set
           The Romulus Public Library
        will host a Black History Month
        program included African drum
        and story telling beginning at 6
        p.m. Feb. 25.
           The library is located at 11121
        South Wayne Road in Romulus.
           For more information about the
        free program, call (734) 942-7589.

        Census jobs available.
           The Romulus Public Library
        will host representatives from the
        2020 census seeking workers from
        11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Feb. 27.
           Jobs start are $17-$20 per hours.
           The library is located at 11121
        South Wayne Road in Romulus.
           For more information call (734)

        Rock, Mineral and Fossil show set
           The 48th Annual Rock, Mineral
        and Fossil Auction is set for 11 a.m.
        until 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 29 and
        noon until 6 p.m. March 1 at
        Schoolcraft College VistaTech
        Center, 18600 Haggerty Road in
           The family event will feature
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