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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          February 9, 2023

                                                         SUMPTER - WAYNE
                                                         SUMPTER - WAYNE

        Flying high

        District students’ proposal will be on board Space X craft

           Fifth-grade students at     Winter-Walker students will be                                                              winning mission patches will
        Winter-Walker    Elementary    the first from the district to be                         ”                                 spend four to six weeks on the
        School in the Wayne-Westland   flown to the space station.               The team created a project centered               ISS and then be returned to the
        Community Schools district are   After nine weeks of research,                  around cultivating lion's                  students embossed as “flown in
        over the moon after learning a  experiment design, and proposal                                                            space.”
        recent class project will be an  writing, a national panel of                mane mushrooms in space.                        The Student Spaceflight
        experiment on the International  experts selected the Winter-                                                              Experiments Program is a pro-
        Space Station.                 Walker proposal to be on board                                                              gram of the National Center for
           Students worked for several  an outgoing SpaceX spacecraft.                                                             Earth and Space Science
        weeks designing and testing    The students' work will spend a  tively set to go to space in June  Students in grades K-12 will  Education (NCESSE) in the U.S.
        microgravity experiments for the  few weeks on board the ISS after  and will spend four to six weeks  also have the opportunity to  and the Arthur C. Clarke
        2022 Student Spaceflight       blasting off from Kennedy Space  aboard the ISS, where astronauts  design a piece of art commemo-  Institute for Space Education
        Experiments Program Mission    Center atop a SpaceX Falcon 9  will follow instructions provided  rating  Wayne-Westland    internationally. It is enabled
        17 to the International Space  rocket.                        by the student team to complete  Community Schools SSEP      through a strategic partnership
        Station. Students from Adams     The team created a project   the investigation in space. Then,  Mission 17 experience, and one  with Nanoracks LLC, which is
        Middle School, Franklin Middle  centered around cultivating   the results will be returned to  winning patch from grades K-5  working with NASA under a
        School, John Glenn High School  lion's mane mushrooms in space  Earth, and the students will com-  and one patch from grades 6-12  Space Act Agreement as part of
        and Stevenson Middle School    and the project is currently   pare those that went into space  will be selected to accompany  the  utilization  of  the
        also worked on the design proj-  undergoing the optimization  with identical samples that   the Winter-Walker Elementary   International Space Station as a
        ect, but the program prepared by  process. The experiment is tenta-  stayed on Earth.       experiment to the ISS. The two  National Laboratory.
        Sumpter trustees approve Five Year Recreation Plan

           The purpose of a public hear-  at a future date and be publicly  $300,000 and $150,000 for park                      ”
        ing regarding the proposed Parks  discussed before any action  projects. He said that a brief sur-
        and Recreation Master Plan in  would be taken.                vey of township residents deter-          The Jan. 10 hearing was scheduled
        Sumpter Township Jan. 10         The Jan. 10 hearing was      mined that priorities were use-       solely for public input on the proposed Parks
        apparently confused some of    scheduled solely for public input  able facilities for children and
        those in attendance.           on the proposed Parks and      seniors and trail development at     and Recreation Master Plan for the township.
           As audience members contin-  Recreation Master Plan for the  the current township parks. He
        ued to question plans for the ren-  township. That agenda item was  said there was no consensus
        ovation and reconstruction of the  eventually approved during the  among those surveyed of the
        parks, officials repeatedly    regular meeting of the board   location of trails but the preserv-  he said.                ship repurpose one of the police
        explained that there had been no  members which followed the  ing of natural resources was     He said the park had been   cars being replaced and use the
        plans as yet submitted or pro-  public hearing.               important to township residents  damaged and neglected during  vehicle for security at the park
        posed for any such major park    Chris Nordstrom who worked   who responded to the survey.   the past two years and the drug  which he described as "a simple
        project. Officials explained that  on the five-year plan said he  One resident questioned the  problems at the parks "have been  solution."
        the plan being discussed for   thought the plan presented to the  proposed plan saying that he  a disgrace." He told the board  "It's only one mile to the
        approval was the five-year parks  board members met the       believed there were only 24   members that the lavatories at  MetroParks with more ameni-
        and recreation plan which did  expressed wishes of township   responses to the survey which,  the parks were unusable and that  ties," he said, criticizing previous-
        not include any major renova-  residents. He told the board   he said, was not a good indicator  vehicles speed up and down the  ly discussed suggestions for
        tions or changes. Those plans,  members that there were grants  of what people in the township  streets leading to the park  reconstruction or improvements
        trustees explained, would come  available in the amounts of   want. "People like it the way it is,"  entrance. He suggested the town-  at the park.

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