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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          February 9, 2023


         New mayor outlines first priorities for city

           Recently       appointed    program by the fall of 2023    sizes identifying any and all  would explore any and all
        Westland Mayor Michael P.      along with an upgrade and      deficient or hazardous side-  opportunities for a recreation-
        Londeau has announced five     streamlining of the bulk trash  walks in Westland's neighbor-  al complex to be constructed
        new initiatives aimed at       pick-up process in an effort to  hoods.                      on the city-owned property
        enhancing the quality of life for  make it more customer friend-  “Once this is completed, we  along Ford Road.
        residents and visitors to the  ly and simpler to navigate.    will then begin with the         “These initiatives are a cru-
        city. These initiatives, Londeau  He said the city will also  process of replacing / repairing  cial step in creating a better
        said in a prepared statement,  implement a Neighborhood       any problem areas at no cost to  future for our residents. We are
        were prepared with  input      Makeover Program 2.0 follow-   homeowners,” Londeau said in  dedicated to making Westland
        from city staff members, com-  ing the recently completed first  the announcement.          a more vibrant, sustainable,
        munity residents and local     5-year    cycle    of    the     The mayor said the city     and inclusive community for
        leaders, and “reflect a commit-  Neighborhood Makeover Plan.   would also establish a task  all,” Londeau stated.
        ment to sustainable growth,      “We will be implementing     force within the administration  In addition,  Londeau also
        quality of life improvements   the next phase which will dig  to explore the possibility of  announced that his office
        and a brighter future for all.”  deeper into neighborhood     purchasing the Westland       would be scheduling a series of
           Londeau said the city will  improvement needs with an      Shopping Center. In addition,  community summits at various
        re-implement a leaf pick-up    augmented plan which empha-    he said, city administration  locations around the city.                 Michael P. Londeau
        Inspire Theatre schedules ‘Producers’ auditions

           Auditions for the Inspire   Leopold Bloom have discovered                                                               wear loose clothing in which to
        Theatre production of  Mel     a surefire way to make a fortune                          ”                                 be able to move.
        Brook's “The Producers” are    on Broadway: raise millions from        Casting will include roles for a scheming             Those planning to audition
        scheduled for 6 until 9 p.m. next  little old lady investors, produce                                                      should plan on arriving before 6
        Monday, Feb. 13 and Thursday,  the worst play ever and then run          producer and his mousy accountant.                p.m. to complete paperwork and
        Feb. 16 at the Westland Center  off with the money when the play                                                           should remain for the entire try-
        for the Arts, 33455 Warren Road.   closes on opening night. They                                                           out sessions.
           Casting will include roles for a  think they've found their play in                                                       The cast will include 10 men
        scheming producer and his      “Springtime for Hitler” - but any-  weekends, June 10 through 26.   portion of a song from the show  and 10 women.
        mousy accountant who aim to    thing can happen when the lights  The acting portion of the audi-  for the vocal audition. The dance  Details of roles and ensemble
        produce the biggest flop on    go down on Broadway.           tion will include cold readings  audition will include an instruct-  requirements are listed at:
        Broadway. Max Bialystock and     Performances are set for three  and auditioners will be taught a  ed routine. Auditioners should
                                                                                     All the right notes

                                                                                     Jessicah Chiles, a student at Adams Middle
                                                                                     School, received a rating of 1 (Superior), the
                                                                                     highest rating achievable, at the Michigan
                                                                                     School Band and Orchestra Association
                                                                                     (MSBOA) District 12 Solo & Ensemble Festival
                                                                                     earlier this month. The music festival is an
                                                                                     opportunity for individual students from mem-
                                                                                     ber schools to perform a selection of their
                                                                                     choice for adjudication. In addition, students or
                                                                                     groups earning a Superior rating are qualified
                                                                                     for thee State Solo and Ensemble Festival,
                                                                                     which will take place in March. District educa-
                                                                                     tors congratulated Chiles on her exceptional
                                                                                     performance and wished her well in the upcom-
                                                                                     ing competition.

           Veteran support

           Westland Facilities Director and Veteran Liaison Vic Barra visited American
           House Senior Living Communities recently to accept their generous donation of
           $1,216 in support of local veterans. Staff members at American House raise
           money annually through their "Giving Tree" initiative, and this year they decided
           to help local veterans at the VFW Bova Post #9885. Barra was joined by
           American House Administrator Debbie Adams well as U.S. Army veteran Frank
           Maguire and U.S. Air Force Veteran Stephen Wozniak.  The veterans' group is
           currently hosting a fish fry from 4 until 9 p.m. every Friday at the 6440 Hix Road
           location in Westland.  Meals include three pieces of battered cod, French fries
           and Cole slaw for $14.
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