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February 9, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Let’s TALK

        Library offering literacy programs for pre-school children

           The Northville Public Library  This makes books fun and trains                                                            TALK will not share regis-
        wants to “TALK” to parents of  baby's eyes and muscles to work                           ”                                 trant's information with anyone
        children younger than 5.       together.                               Registrants will receive about eight to 10          and is stored on secure servers.
           A new library program         SING: Put on a concert with                                                               TALK only asks for the child's
        “TALK: Text and Learn” is an   your toddler. Invite all of the          text messages per month that suggest               birthday to make sure activities
        opt-in test messaging service that  stuffed animals. Use spoons as  fun activities parents can do with their children.     are tailored to their age and the
        offers a variety of early literacy  your microphones and sing your                                                         family zip code to send relevant
        ideas for parents to enjoy with  favorite songs.                                                                           local event information. TALK is
        young children.                  TALK: As your child washes                                                                an optional service.
           Registrants will receive about  up ask, “What sound does sss-oap  play together.   Recipients may  letters and numbers. Activities  This project was made possi-
        eight to 10 text messages per  start with? What else starts with  also receive text notifications for  also encourage the building of  ble in part by the Institute of
        month that suggest fun activities  the sss sound?” Work together to  local library storytimes and other  STEM and social-emotional  Museum and Library Services.
        parents can do with their chil-  list words like sock and silly.   free, children's events.  skills. There are currently 205  For more information, visit
        dren. Example texts include:     These activities were devel-   The program was developed   libraries participating across  Northville District Library on
        PLAY: Show baby their face in  oped by librarians, reviewed by  in 2017 with the intention of help-  Michigan and Indiana, and more  Facebook        at:
        the mirror, try to get them smiling  staff from Washtenaw Literacy  ing parents get their children  libraries are joining daily., visit
        or cooing at themselves. Baby  and parents from the Washtenaw  ready for school success and    TALK has a helpful FAQ sec-  our       website        at:
        can learn about their body and  County Success by 6 Great Start  make any time learning time.  tion on its website, located online, email our
        build social skills.           Collaborative, and are based on  TALK helps build pre-literacy  at: TALK is also  Head of Youth Services: Caryn
           READ: Babies like to open   the Every Child Ready To Read  skills, including hearing letter  active on Facebook, which can be  Bartone at cbartone@northvil-
        and close books, hand them to  program that encourages fami-  sounds, building hand muscles  found       online       at: or telephone the
        you, or stack them like blocks.  lies to read, write, sing, talk, and  and dexterity, and recognizing   library at (248) 349-3020 ext. 212.
        Fire marshal urges clearing of snow from hydrants

           Northville Township Fire                                   ing clear access will help us pro-
        Marshal Tom Hughes recently                ”                  vide a high level of service,” he
        reminded businesses and resi-        In emergencies,          added.
        dents of the impact cold weather   every second counts.         Hughes suggested that resi-
        and snow could have on emer-                                  dents also be aware that the cold
        gency response services.                                      temperatures result in multiple
           Hughes reminded the public                                 pipe breaks and floods every year,
        that heavy snow and frigid temper-  with two outlets that allow fire  caused by frozen pipes from fire
        atures present challenges to fire-  hose to be connected. Please  sprinkler systems, residential
        fighters and rescue services and  ensure that these outlets are also  sprinkler systems and general
        suggested that residents and busi-  cleared to the street.”   domestic water.
        nesses contact snow contractors or  Hughes reminded residents   “These breaks will normally
        property maintenance companies  that in addition to creating a delay,  occur as the weather warms up
        to ensure that fire hydrants are  snow covered or blocked hydrants  after the initial single digit temper-
        kept clear and accessible.     are a violation of the township fire  atures,” he said. Residents should
        Continued snowfalls, he said, hin-  code.                     keep thermostats turned up espe-
        der the department ability to    He also reminded residents to  cially at night or when on vacation,
        locate the fire hydrants quickly  clear driveways and walkways as  he explained in the communica-
        which could impair fire suppres-  soon as possible. Heavy snow cre-  tion posted on social media.
        sion operations.               ates access issues and delays for  Hughes suggested that ques-
           “Please clear at least 3-feet in  both fire and medical emergen-  tions or concerns should be
        all directions” around hydrants he  cies, he said. “In emergencies,  referred to the fire department at
        noted. “Each hydrant is equipped  every second counts and maintain-  (248) 348-5807.
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