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February 9 – 15, 2023                                   NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 06                                                                                    www

                                       Plymouth Canton students exceed national goals

                                          Students at Plymouth-Canton                                                            ment goals, which help inform
               Vol. 138, No. 06        Community Schools are meeting                            ”                                comprehensive needs assess-
            A public hearing regard-   or exceeding student perform-       All stakeholders in P-CCS collaborate to meet         ment and teaching and learning
          ing the proposed Parks and   ance rates in Michigan and                the needs of our students, despite              programs. Using data from a
          Recreation Master Plan in    nationwide in several subjects,        great challenges like a global pandemic.           national evaluation as well as the
          Sumpter Township Jan. 10     including reading, math, science                                                          Michigan Student Test of
          obviously apparently con-    and social studies, according to                                                          Educational Progress (M-STEP),
          fused some of those in atten-  an analysis by district adminis-  studies.                Schools Superintendent Monica  the analysis showed that each
          dance.                       trators.                         “At     Plymouth-Canton    Merritt said. “P-CCS teachers,  Plymouth Canton grade level, in
                          See page 6.     School officials said the  Community Schools, we work    staff, administrators, students  aggregate, is performing at or
                                       exceptional achievement by    tirelessly to help ensure our stu-  and families put learning first  above the national average range
                                       Plymouth Canton students defies  dents can continue to learn and  and found solutions to help all  in achievement as measured by
                                       both national and statewide   achieve and that means innovat-  students reach their fullest  the Fall 2022 national Northwest
                                       trends three years into the   ing and stepping up to deliver a  potential.”               Evaluation Association (NWEA).
                Vol. 76, No. 06
                                       COVID-19 pandemic, which has  world-class education that can   District  administrators      All district student demo-
            Canton Township Police     resulted in lost learning for stu-  help our students succeed even  released a detailed analysis of  graphic groups are meeting or
          Director Chad Baugh recent-  dents in Michigan and across the  during a global pandemic,”  student performance as part of
          ly issued a statement reas-  country, according to national  Plymouth-Canton Community   the district benchmark assess-        See Students, page 3
          suring the community of the
          dedication to service demon-
          strated by Canton police offi-  Back
                          See page 3.     in class

                                          Last month, Westland
                                          police officers and supervi-
                                          sors completed in-person
               Vol. 76, No. 06            training. Classes included
                                          sessions on Fair and
             Inkster officials last week  Impartial Policing and Traffic
          helped celebrate the opening    Stop Safety along with a
          of a new apartment complex      review of previous training.
          at the site of a former build-  The subject matter focused
          ing which was condemned by      on implicit biases, acknowl-
          the city.                       edging them and managing
                          See page 2.     them. Officers attended
                                          afternoon classes reviewing
                                          basic safety practices while
                                          conducting traffic stops. In a
                                          prepared statement supervi-
                                          sors noted that the
                Vol. 23, No. 06           Westland          Police
                                          Department constant edu-
            Northville Township Fire      cation of officers and super-
          Marshal Tom Hughes recent-      visors while following guide-
          ly reminded businesses and      lines set forth by  the
          residents of the impact cold    Commission           on
          weather and snow could          Accreditation for Law
          have on emergency response      Enforcement Agencies, Inc.
          services.                       (CALEA). Monthly depart-
                          See page 5.     ment training will continue
                                          through 2023.

                Vol. 23, No. 06
            The community is mourn-
          ing the death of Plymouth
          Township Fire Department
          Battalion Chief Christopher
          Mack who died Jan. 31 of
          heart disease.
                          See page 3.

               Vol. 138, No. 06
            Former Romulus Mayor
          LeRoy Burcroff is expected
          to be sentenced to prison by
          Federal District Judge
          Denise Page Hood in a hear-
          ing set this week.
                                       Vision specialist accused of sex assaults of children
                          See page 2.

                                          A former vision specialist  Elementary School in Garden  dren have filed civil lawsuits
                                       working in area school districts  City. The assaults took place dur-  against Baird, claiming that he
                Vol. 76, No. 06        is facing charges of criminal sex-  ing a vision examination per-  was a vision mobility specialist
                                       ual conduct in assaults on sever-  formed by Baird, prosecutors  who worked with children who
            Fifth-grade students from  al children.                  said.                         had vision impairments. During
          the   Wayne     Westland        James Adam Baird, 43, of      Baird is charged with a sec-  the school day, he is accused of
          Community Schools district   Plymouth, has been charged    ond assault of a Westland stu-  putting goggles on the victims'
          are over the moon after      with two counts of first-degree  dent at Marshall Upper     heads that block light, called
          learning a recent school     criminal sexual conduct and   Elementary School on March 1,  occluders, before assaulting the
          project will be on the       three counts of second-degree  2018. Prosecutors claim that  young girls. The lawsuits claim
          International Space Station.  criminal sexual conduct in the  Baird blindfolded the then 13-  officials from the respective
                          See page 6.  alleged molestation of four girls  year-old victim before sexually  school districts authorized an
                                       between the ages of 10 and 15.  assaulting her during a vision  investigation into the alleged
                                       The children were blindfolded  test.                        assaults but did not notify them
                                       and assaulted during eye exami-  The former teacher is also  that their daughters had been
                                       nations performed at area     accused of assaulting an 11-year-  victimized.
                Vol. 76, No. 06        schools between 2018 and 2020,  old girl during an eye examina-  Baird was arraigned on all          James Adam Baird
            Recently     appointed     according to charges filed by  tion performed at Douglas    four cases two in 18th District
          Westland Mayor Michael P.    Wayne County Prosecutor Kym   Elementary School in May of   Court in Westland and two in  from jail.  In Garden City he was
          Londeau has announced        Worthy.                       2019. He is also alleged to have  21st District Court in Garden  given a $15,000 personal bond
          new initiatives aimed at        Prosecutors allege that Baird  sexually assaulted a 15-year-old  City. Baird was given a $100,000  and must wear a GPS tether, if
          enhancing the quality of life  sexually assaulted a 10-year-old  student at Stevenson Middle  personal bond by Judge Sandra  released from jail.
          in the community.            victim multiple times at about  School in Westland.         Cicirelli in Westland and must   His next court dates are
                          See page 4.  noon Jan. 4, 2018 at Douglas     Parents of four of the chil-  wear a GPS tether, if released  scheduled for Feb. 9 and Feb. 27.

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