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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 30, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Daddy Daughter Dances planned in Plymouth  The exhibition is organized by the City of  this performance will be donated to local,  the Snowball Tournament or the softball
           The City of Plymouth Recreation     Westland and Three Cities Art Club. For  national and international programs that  leagues that are starting soon, call the
        Department will host the 9th Annual    more information, call (313) 231-3939 .  work with children.                Canton Sports Center at (734) 483-5600 or
        Daddy Daughter Dance at the Cultural     Westland City Hall is located at 36300  Funds will go to help youngsters with  visit
        Center Reception Room from 6:30 until  Warren Road in Westland and the exhibi-  essential needs overseas, such as clean
        8:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31 and again Saturday,  tion is open during city hall hours through  water and mosquito netting, as well as to  Enchanted Forest invites
        Feb. 1.                                the month of February.                help provide learning opportunities for  daddy-daughter dancers
           Light refreshments and snacks will be                                     children locally through Connection.  In  An enchanted Forest themed Daddy
        served.  Semi-formal, dressy-casual attire  Butterfly Ball returns           addition, support from this performance  Daughter Dance is set for 7 until 9 p.m. Feb.
        recommended. Advance ticket purchase is  A Valentine's Day tradition returns to  will sponsor programs for low-income com-  16 at the Van Buren Township Parks and
        required because space is limited. Sorry,  Canton Township Feb. 7 and 8 with the  munities around the United States.   Recreation building, 46425 Tyler Road in
        no walk-ins will be accepted.          Butterfly Ball at the Summit on the Park.  Tickets for this event are $15-$25 each  Van Buren Township.
           The cost for the dance is $12 and regis-  The event offers a unique experience and  and can be purchased online at www.can-  The event includes a magical craft and
        tration is now available online at www.ply-  dads and daughters can enjoy an evening  or by calling or in per-  light refreshments. Casual semi-formal                of dancing, refreshments, a special butter-  son at the Village Theater Box Office from  attire is suggested. Tickets are limited so
           The Cultural Center is located at 525  fly souvenir, and the highly anticipated- bal-  10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Monday through Friday,  registration by Feb. 8 is urged. No tickets
        Farmer St. in Plymouth. For more informa-  loon drop that caps off the festivities.  (734) 394-5300. Any remaining tickets will  will be sold at the door and there will be no
        tion call (734) 455-6620.              Choose from three dances: 6 p.m. Feb. 7  or  also be available for purchase at the box  refunds. The cost is $20 for a township resi-
                                               2 or 6 p.m.  Feb. 8. All three dances will  office one hour prior to show time.   dent couple and $25 for a non resident cou-
        Toy train show set                     again take place in the Summit gymnasium  The Village Theater is located at 50400  ple. There is a fee of $5 for each addition
           The Ss. Simon and Jude Ushers' Club is  this year. Ticket sales will end Feb. 1.  Cherry Hill Road in Canton    child and $10 for each additional adult.
        sponsoring a buy-and-swap Railroadiana  Tickets are $11 for residents and $14 for                                     To register or for more information, call
        Train Show from noon to 4 p.m., Sunday,  non-residents. Dads and daughters, regard-  Grief recovery seminar is planned  (734) 699-8921.
        Feb. 2, at the Ss. Simon & Jude Catholic  less of age, are required to purchase a tick-  A grief-recovery seminar and support
        Church Social Hall, 32500 Palmer Road,  et to attend. This annual event has sold out  group will meet at 5 Points Church   in  Students radio station hosts record show
        between Merriman and Venoy roads,      in the past, so early ticket purchase is  Romulus at 6 p.m. each Thursday starting  The annual 88.1 record show will bring
        Westland.   There will be approximately 100  advised.                        Feb.13. The church is located at 37300  thousands of vinyl records, CDs, import
        dealer tables available.  The cost is $10 for  For more information, call 734/394-5460.  Goddard at Huron River Dr.   only releases, t-shirts, posters and other col-
        an 8-foot table.  Dealer set up is 9 a.m. on                                   GriefShare offers help and encourage-  lectables to the Salem High School
        the day of the show, and complimentary  Kids Crafty Saturday                 ment after the death of a family member or  Cafeteria.
        coffee and doughnuts will be available to  The Van Buren Township Recreation  friend. The three key parts to the      The record show is set for 10 a.m. until 4
        the dealers until 10:30 a.m.  Food also will  Department will host Kids Crafty Saturday  GriefShare experience include:   p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22 and proceeds will
        be available to purchase.  Admission is $2  from 10 until 11:30 a.m. Feb. 8.   1. Video seminar in which there will be  benefit the nationally-recognized student
        per person and $4 per family.  Parking is  Staff members will available to provide  informational videos featuring leading  radio station operated by the Plymouth-
        free.                                  craft supplies and instruction. The craft for  grief recovery experts.      Canton Community Schools.
           For more information or table reserva-  February is descendants themed.  The cost  2. Support group with small group dis-  Admission to the record show is $3, how-
        tions, call (734) 728-1247.            is $5 per student. Register by calling the  cussion about the weekly video content.   ever collectors wanting an early start can
                                               Parks and Recreation Department at (734)  3. Workbook for journaling and personal  purchase early admission between 9 and 10
        Garden Club members to meet            699-8921.                             study exercises that reinforce the weekly  a.m. for $5. Students at Canton, Plymouth
           Members of the Country Garden Club of  The craft making will take place at  session topics.                     and Salem high schools will be admitted at
        Northville will meet at 11 a.m. Feb. 5 at  46425 Tyler Road in Van Buren Township.    Attend any or all sessions to receive cop-  no cost with student identification.
        Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in                                          ing skills..                             Interested dealers or those wanting
        Northville.                            Comedy show to benefit children         A $15 registration includes a       more information can contact (734) 416-
           The speaker for the meeting will be Sue  An afternoon of comedy is planned to  workbook/journal and weekly handouts.   7732 or email
        Grubba who will discuss the Healthy Soil  benefit local charities that help area chil-  More information is available at (734)  Eight foot tables can be reserved for $30.
        and Wise Fertilizing. Light snacks will be  dren.                            941-1511 or access   Salem High School is located at 46181
        served.                                  International talent Randy and Ben                                        Joy Road in Canton at the corner of Joy and
           For more information, call (248) 202-  Christensen will headline the special  Snowball Tournament set           Canton Center roads.
        1518.                                  fundraiser performance on the Main Stage  The Canton Sports Center annual
                                               at The Village Theater at Cherry Hill at 2  Snowball Tournament, a Chicago-style soft-  Northville Garden Club meeting set
        Art exhibition under way               p.m. Feb. 8.                          ball event, is back by popular demand.  The  Members of the Country Garden Club of
           The Gallery at City Hall in Westland is  The afternoon of comedy will feature a  games return beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday,  Northville will meet at 11 a.m. March 4 at
        featuring a Martin Luther King, Jr. and  variety of acts and entertainers all on one  Feb. 15, at 10 a.m. at the Canton Sports  Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in
        Black History Month art exhibition featur-  stage raising money for organizations that  Center, located at 46555 W. Michigan Ave.,  Northville.
        ing the artwork of local artists honoring the  work with children            Canton.                                  The speaker for the meeting will be
        spirit and accomplishments of Black      Audience members of all ages will wit-  This co-ed tournament is a double-elimi-  Tony Reznick who will discuss How pres-
        Americans in every area of endeavor    ness the hilarious physical comedy of the  nation format and will run from 10 a.m. to 4  ent evolutionary research has an impact on
        throughout history.                    Christensens. The first act will feature a  p.m. The entrance fee is $130 per team and  gardening.
           A free public reception is planned from  number of other talented comedy perform-  an umpire fee of $14 per game is required.  Light snacks will be served.
        4:30 until 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6 during  ers and variety artists including award-win-  The deadline to register is 5 p.m. Feb. 10.  For more information, call (248) 202-
        which awards to artists will be presented .  ning juggler, Will Oltman. Proceeds from  For more information or to register for  1518.
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