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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 30, 2020

                                INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Northville clerk prepares for March primary

           A closed Presidential Primary  does not affect voting in the Aug.                                                       Voter Ballot to be mailed by first
        is planned in Michigan for     4 primary, which is an open pri-    The March ballot selection does not affect voting       class mail; Saturday, March 7
        Tuesday, March 10, and City of  mary. At that election, voters will                                                        when the city clerk's office will be
        Northville Clerk Dianne Massa is  be issued ballots containing all  in the Aug. 4 primary, which is an open primary.       open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for in-
        getting prepared.              political parties and their candi-                                                          person AV ballot requests.
           While there is no political  dates, and will select one of the  Voters can learn more about  want to be on the automatic  Ballots may be voted at city hall
        party registration requirement in  parties in the privacy of the vot-  the Michigan Presidential  application list are asked to com-  or taken home and 4 p.m.
        Michigan election law, in this  ing station, according to an advi-  Primary Election on the State of  plete and return the form provid-  Monday, March 9, which is  the
        specific election, registered vot-  sory from the City of Northville.   Michigan website.    ed on the website. It is anticipat-  deadline for registered voters to
        ers will need to make their ballot  The written ballot selection  In Northville, Absent Voter  ed ballot mailings will begin the  request an Absent Voter Ballot
        selection in writing before being  made at the Presidential   (AV) applications have been   this week, an official noted.  in-person at the clerk's office.
        issued a ballot (whether voting at  Primary does not have any bear-  mailed to voters on the automatic  Deadlines for Absent Voter  Voters are not allowed to leave
        the polls or by absent voter bal-  ing on how a person votes in the  application list; they are also  ballots include: 5 p.m. Friday,  with the ballot on this day and
        lot).                          general election for president,  available on the Northville city  March 6 which is the deadline for  must vote the ballot in person at
           The March ballot selection  set for Nov. 3.                website. Registered voters who  a voter to request an Absent  city hall.
        Suspects sought in Michigan Avenue shootout

           The search continues for    West.                          of the incident by witnesses var-  police reports. Several guns  tinued.
        individuals involved in a two-   Police said that surveillance  ied.  Other customers in the lot  were reportedly confiscated as  Officers were also contacting
        car shoot-out in Inkster last  video shows that as a blue car  were reportedly ducking for  the suspect was taken into cus-  hospitals about any possible
        week.                          drove out of the parking lot, a  cover from the gunfire.     tody.                          patients seeking treatment for
           According to police reports, a  shooter in the vehicle fired on a  Police officers instigated pur-  Police searched the nearby  gunshot wounds.
        shootout began last Wednesday  white SUV parked at one of the  suit of the vehicles.        neighborhood for the other       Anyone with information
        night in the parking lot of the  gas pumps. That vehicle report-  The blue car was found in a  individuals involved in the  about the incident is asked to
        Citgo gas station at Middlebelt  edly left the gas station lot and  nearby neighborhood and one  shooting and asked residents to  contact the Inkster Police
        Road and Michigan Avenue       returned fire, although reports  person arrested, according to  stay inside as the manhunt con-  Department at (313) 563-9850.

        Danger                                 police engaging on the Neighbors app  Senior tax assistance available
                                               and believe open communication is an
                                               important step in building safer, stronger  AARP Foundation Volunteer Tax Aides  older.
        FROM PAGE 1                            communities.”                         will offer free tax preparation services at  Appointments, which can be made by
                                                 Inkster police say if users share their  the Northville Community Center again  calling (248) 305-2851, are now being
        gation in your area. The user can either  video they would not be asked to testify  this year. Tax preparation is by appoint-  accepted.
        choose to ignore the request or share  in court or provide a statement.      ment only and is offered  from 9 a.m. until  AARP Tax Volunteers are certified for
        their video with us.”                    The letter from the school district  2 p.m. each Thursday at the Northville  tax preparation and will electronically file
           In response to privacy concerns, the  described the suspicious person as a  Community Center.  First appointments  federal and state tax returns. Tax payers
        Ring company issued a public state-    young African-American male with light  will begin on Thursday, Feb. 6 and the last  will leave the 1-1 ½ hour appointment
        ment.                                  skin and short twists in his hair. He  day will be Thursday, April 9.  This service  with a copy of their e-filed returns, and
           “Ring's mission is to make neighbor-  asked the student to get into the vehicle,  is provided to taxpayers with low/middle  the knowledge that their tax returns have
        hoods safer. We work towards this mis-  according to the letter from the district.  income with special preference for  been filed at both Michigan and IRS
        sion in a number of ways, including      The student refused and made it     appointments will be given to those 60 and  acceptance sites.
        allowing local police to share official,  home safety and the district also offered
        important crime and safety updates with  some safety recommendations for stu-
        their residents through the free       dents suggesting they always try to walk
        Neighbors app. Ring has designed the   with one or more other students when
        Neighbors app in a way that upholds our  going to and from school, the bus stop or
        user privacy standards and keeps resi-  other destinations. Anyone with infor-
        dents in control. We've seen many posi-  mation is encouraged to call Lebo at
        tive examples of residents and local   (313) 400-5387.
        Northville police to serve coffee

           Northville Township officers will serve  together-over coffee-to discuss issues and
        Coffee With A Cop at Cassel's Family   learn more about each other. Residents
        Restaurant 43003 W. Seven Mile Road    are urged to stop by for a complimentary
        from 10 a.m. until noon Feb. 10.       coffee and have a conversation with an
           Coffee with a Cop brings police officers  officer from the Northville Township
        and the community members they serve   Police Department.

                          NOTICE OF BID FOR LAWN MAINTENANCE

         The Charter Township of Plymouth is accepting sealed bids for lawn maintenance, including mowing of town-
         ship properties, until February 20, 2020, by 10:00AM, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read
         aloud by the clerk at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N Haggerty Road, Plymouth, MI 48170.
         Bid documents are available for review at the clerk's office during regular business hours of 8:00 AM-4:30 PM.
         The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to award the contract to the vendor the
         township believes will best serve the interest of the township, at their sole discretion.

         All questions should be directed to Mark Lewis, Building Official, 734-216-4574.
         Jerry Vorva, Clerk
         Charter Township of Plymouth
         Publish:  January 30, 2020                                 PT0281 - 013020  2.5 x 2.114

                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                 February 25, 2020 at 7:00 P.M.
         The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Northville Township Municipal Offices, 44405 Six
         Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48168.  The Planning Commission will consider a special land use request for
         a warehouse at 17000 Northville Rd., Unit 300 (Parcel ID# 77 054 01 0045 003). The meeting will begin at 7:00
         The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions.  Plans will be
         available for viewing at the Township between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Written com-
         ments will be received by the Northville Township Planning Commission at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville,
         MI 48168.
         Tim Zawodny, Chair
         Planning Commission
         Publish January 30, 2020                                      NT0046 - 013020  2.5 x 2.203

                                  CITY OF ROMULUS
                                 PLANNING COMMISSION
                              NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING
         Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at  7:00 p.m. on
         Wednesday, February 19, 2020 for the purpose of considering the following:
         1.   RZ-2020-001; PFG Romulus, a proposed amendment to the City of Romulus Zoning Map to
              conditionally rezone 60 acres from the current designation of RC, Regional Center District to
              M-1, Light Industrial District. The property is located on Smith Road, Parcel ID #80-038-99-
         2.   SLU-2020-001; PFG Romulus, a special land use request for a 165,200- sq. ft. food distribu-
              tion facility on Smith Road, east of Vining Road, Parcel ID #80-038-99-0002-702.
         3.   TA-2019-002; Vining Road Subarea Overlay District, a proposed text amendment to Section
              7.05 of the Zoning Ordinance.
         The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,
         Romulus MI  48174-1485. All interested parties are encouraged to attend and will be given an oppor-
         tunity to comment on said request. Written comments may be submitted and should be addressed to
         Carol Maise, City Planner, Planning Department, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485.

         Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         City of Romulus, Michigan
         Publish:  January 30, 2020                                    RM0467 - 013020  2.5 x 3.646
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