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January 30, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                     CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Township clerk seeking election poll workers

           Plymouth Township Clerk     set at $18 to $25 per hour                                ”                                 School). Likewise, all voters
        Jerry Vorva is already making  depending on the assignment.                  If you would like to be added                 assigned to Precinct #09 at
        preparations for what clerk's  For further information, contact                                                            Living   Word   Church    to
        anticipate will be huge voter  Vorva at (734) 354-3224, or Paula        to the permanent AV list, we have forms            Northridge Church. There is
        turnouts the 2020 elections.   Jefferson at (734) 354-3229.           that can be completed at the clerk's office.         another precinct at Northridge
           Vorva said his office also    The new absentee ballot laws                                                              Church as well. None of the
        anticipates a much larger absen-  allow residents to be placed on a                                                        precinct boundaries have
        tee voter turnout due to the new  Permanent Absent Voter List                                                              changed, just the voting location,
        changes in the law which allow  which means the clerk's office  office of the clerk, the applica-  we have forms that can be com-  officials said.
        for “no reason” absentee voting.  will always send an application  tion will be processed and absen-  pleted at the clerk's office,” Vorva  Elections dates in 2020
           Workers for the election are  to vote before every election.   tee ballots mailed.       stressed in a prepared state-  include March 10 for the
        currently being recruited to     Anyone who wishes to utilize   “We do not automatically send  ment.                       Presidential Primary; Aug. 4, for
        meet the increased voter       absentee voting is required to  out ballots. You must complete  Plymouth Township has relo-  the Primary Election which
        turnout. Vorva said the team is  complete and sign an  applica-  an application and sign it in  cated all Precinct #03 voters  includes local offices and the
        looking for individuals with lead-  tion for each election in which  order for us to process your  from Plymouth Township Hall as  Nov. 3 General Election.
        ership and/or computer skills  they choose to vote using an   request and this applies to each  a polling place to Allen Early  For more information, contact
        and a desire to be a part of the  absentee ballot. After the signed  election. If you would like to be  Learning Center (formerly  Vorva or Jefferson at the num-
        2020 election process. The pay is  applications are received by the  added to the permanent AV list,  known as Allen Elementary  bers listed above.
        ‘Life is a Cabaret’ show will benefit Relay for Life

           Those who love the music of  Ella   Denise Staffeld, a mortgage loan officer
        Fitzgerald, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra,  at DFCU Financial. “The support from
        Sammy Davis Jr, Doris Day, Tony Bennett,  the community has been overwhelming.
        Lena Horne, Bobby Darin and Nat King   It's a fantastic cause, and I'm so grateful
        Cole can take a trip to the nightclub  for the incredible talent volunteering
        scene where every musical era is repre-  their time for this important mission.
        sented during a special musical perform-  Take a step back in time to the Rat Pack
        ance set for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5.  era for a fabulous evening of entertain-
           “Life is a Cabaret - LIVE from the  ment and compassion. Last year we
        Starlight Lounge” is a special musical  raised over $20,000, so I can't wait to see
        fundraiser for the American Cancer     what happens this year,” she said.
        Society Relay For Life of Canton and     The pre-show reception will start at 6
        Plymouth.                              p.m. with a dessert and sweet treats bar,
           Under the musical direction of Kevin  featuring Cold Stone Creamery and a
        Ryan, director of music and liturgy at St.  Prize Pull, 50/50  and other entertain-
        Thomas a'Becket, this unique fundraiser  ment. A cash bar will also be available.
        will include a live band with special    Tickets for this event are $25 each and
        guest trombonist, Bugs Beddow, as well  can be purchased online at www.can-
        as a cast of  talented individuals and spe-  or by calling or in
        cial appearances from some local       person at the Village Theater Box Office
        celebrities. DanceBeat and DACE        from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Monday through
        Studios will also add to the fun with their  Friday - (734) 394-5300.
        dance stylings. The evening will be      Any remaining tickets will also be
        emceed by local personality Roy Sexton,  available for purchase at the box office
        director of marketing for the law firm  one hour prior to show time.
        Clark Hill.                              The Village Theater at Cherry Hill is  Participants in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Canton and Plymouth
           “We are thrilled to be returning for  located at 50400 Cherry Hill Road,  community event pose for a photo at The Village Theater at Cherry Hill.  Photo courtesy of
        year three,” noted Producer/Director   Canton.                               Denise Staffeld
        Canton property ordered demolished                                                              To subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.

                                  Julie Brown  the  property being secured, as well as pos-
                                  Staff Writer  sible squatters. Kristin Kolb, corporation
                                               counsel for Canton, noted the 870 Lotz
           Members of the Canton Township Board  property has deteriorated over consider-
        of Trustees voted unanimously Jan. 14 to  able time, agreeing with the township
        give the owner of the property at 870 Lotz  building official, who also spoke to the
        Road 28 days to demolish the structure.   board briefly on his findings at the proper-
           Two neighboring properties also owned  ty.
        by Jeanne and Willie Wyatt of Detroit in  Prior to the unanimous vote, attorney
        Canton Township will come before the   David Nykanen spoke for the Wyatts.
        Canton Board of Trustees in coming       In other township business, the property
        months for action, officials said.     at 44112 Yost was also unanimously OK’d
           Canton Public Safety Director Joshua  for demolition that evening and a contract
        Meier noted at the meeting his concern was  awarded for that work.
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