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January 30, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Customer returns cash canister to credit union

           George Condash seems to define the  on the counter.  There was, in fact, only
        term “honest man”                      $27,000 in the black plastic container.
           Last week, Condash, a Westland resi-  A guard from an armored truck service
        dent, noticed a plastic container in the  left the cassette containing the cash on
        drive through lane near the Wayne      the driveway pavement during a pick up
        Westland Credit Union on Wayne Road.   from the credit union about a half hour
           He said he thought that the rectangu-  before Condash discovered it at around 2
        lar, dark-colored box was probably trash  p.m.
        and that somebody should pick it up so   “It's not mine and any honest person, I
        that everyone using the ATM or drive   would hope, would take it back in,”
        through wouldn't have to swerve around  Condash is quoted as saying.
        it. He stopped his car, got out and picked  His actions have drawn attention on
        up the plastic cassette, only to discover  social media and with television news
        that it was full of cash.              crews who reported his actions.
           Video surveillance cameras show that  Alicia Stewart of the Wayne Westland
        Condash, 53, looked at the cassette he  Credit Union presented Condash with a
        picked up and then without hesitation  small reward as a token of appreciation
        took it back inside the credit union.  An  for his actions in returning the cash to the
        outside label on the container said it con-  cashier at the counter.
        tained $40,000.                           “It could've ended in a very different
           Condash, a pipe fitter at Ford Motor  way for us, but Mr. Condash was very hon-
        Co., took it into the credit union building  est, and a good person to return the
        and asked if there was a reward for    money, so we appreciate that very much,”  Surveillance cameras caught the image of George Condash returning the cash canis-
        returning $40,000 as he put the container  Stewart said.                     ter to the credit union.
        Owner of storage project offers site to city for $1

           Metro Storage owner Tim     the land from the city in 2016 for  efficient, but was unable to build  could receive about $326,000 in  County Land Bank and county
        Judge has offered to sell the East  $1, although Gouin explained that  within acceptable costs. Gouin  reimbursement for the remedia-  officials will attempt to market
        Michigan Avenue property where  his cost was actually $10,001.  reiterated that Judge has spent  tion at the site, which has not  the land.
        a $3 million project was planned  She said that currently Judge  more than $256,000 on the project  been done.               Gouin said that there had been
        to the City of Wayne for $1.   is facing a loss of $256,000 on the  to date on various fees for engi-  Gouin reminded the council  a great deal of misinformation
           Wayne           Economic    project and has unpaid taxes   neering, permits and utility instal-  members that the city has not col-  circulated about the project
        Development Director Lori      from 2018 and 2019 of about    lation at the site. He has put the  lected tax revenue from the site  including erroneous and unflat-
        Gouin presented a project update  $18,334. She told the council that  site on the market, she said.  as it is in the Downtown  tering information about Judge
        and Judge's offer to members of  as Judge attempted to move for-  The land is on the site of a for-  Development Authority bound-  and his business practices.
        the city council at their regular  ward with the construction, he  mer radiator manufacturing plant  aries and that entity collects the  “Mr. Judge is very disturbed
        meeting last week.             found that costs, particularly of  and is considered contaminated.  city share of tax revenue.    about some things that have been
           Gouin explained that she had  steel needed for the building, had  Council members previously  She said that if Judge does not  said,” Gouin told the council “He
        several conversations with Judge  escalated beyond cost effective-  approved the establishment of a  pay the taxes on the property,  is a very good man and he is
        and had reviewed his financial  ness for him. He revamped the  Brownfield Development area for  Wayne County will claim the site  already out $256,000 on the prop-
        records of the plan to construct a  plan, she reminded the council  the site allowing Judge to recoup  and offer it to the city for the  erty.”
        95,000-square-foot project on the  members, in 2017 and 2018, in  some of the costs of mediating the  unpaid amount. If the city refus-  Council members took no
        2.3 acre parcel. Judge purchased  attempts to make the project cost  contamination. Gouin said he  es, it will go into the Wayne  action on Gouin's report.

        Mack                                   the other outreach court programs, such  City council chooses president pro-tem
                                               as the Truancy Diversion Program, the
                                               Eviction Diversion Program, juvenile    While the upcoming presidential        Neither received enough votes to be
        FROM PAGE 1                            jurisdiction, the Teen Court program,  election in Washington D.C. remains an  elected when Councilwoman Tasha
                                               Law Day and Constitution Day activities  issue in the headlines, the balloting for a  Green voted against both their nomina-
        the Wayne Rotary Club in July.         at local schools, and the informal intern-  city council president pro tem in  tions.
           Mack said she is committed to ending  ship program,” she said in a prepared  Westland is complete.                 At the meeting last week, Londeau
        stigma and helping people with sub-    statement.                              Mike Londeau, elected to his second  and Herzberg were again both nominat-
        stance use disorders and mental illness-  In her “spare” time, Mack said she is  term on the council in the November,  ed for the position. Councilman Jim
        es stay out of the criminal justice system  looking forward to exercising regularly  2019 election, garnered enough support  Godbout, Councilwoman Andrea
        by securing the treatment they need.   and learning yoga.                    among his fellow council members for  Rutkowski and Council President Jim
        Her husband, Milt Mack, is also deeply   Mack praised the staff at the court  election to the post.                Hart voted with Londeau, who voted for
        committed to this ideal.  Milt Mack is on  and said that Court Administrator Linda  Members of the council were unable  himself.
        a task force with state court administra-  Gable is recognized as one of the best  to elect a president pro tem at their Jan.  The council did not vote on Herzberg,
        tors, chief justices and community men-  court administrators in the state.   6 meeting when Londeau and           who previously filled the president pro
        tal health professionals throughout the  “The 29th District Court has an excel-  Councilman Peter Herzberg were in  tem role, as the four votes gave Londeau
        country to re-write civil commitment   lent staff, with very low turnover, as well  contention for the post.       the necessary majority.
        and forensic laws to more effectively  and is regarded by court users (lawyers
        and humanely deal with people suffer-  and the public) as being prompt, courte-  Valentines for Veterans effort under way
        ing from mental illness in the court sys-  ous, fair and competent,” Mack said.
        tems.                                  She said she will do everything she can  As Valentine's Day approaches, U.S.  veterans have done so much to protect our
           Laura Mack said that her 16-years of  to ensure that that reputation continues  Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI)  country and the freedoms we enjoy every
        experience as a judge has given her    after her retirement.                 invites local students to participate in the  day.”
        valuable insights into these mental ill-  “It's been a pleasure serving the peo-  “Valentines for Veterans” project by making  The cards will be delivered on
        ness issues, and she said she is looking  ple of Wayne for over 16 years, and I am  handmade Valentine cards for local veter-  Valentine's Day by Dingell to both the John
        forward to assisting and traveling with  looking forward to the next chapter,”  ans. Since 2015, students across the region  D. Dingell VA Medical Center and the Ann
        her husband.                           she said.                             created hundreds of cards to show veterans  Arbor VA.
           Mack said she also plans to volunteer  Her replacement must be a lawyer in  how much they are loved and appreciated.  Those who wish to participate may drop
        her time to help mental health courts  good standing who lives in Wayne and  This is the sixth year that Dingell has organ-  off artwork at Dingell's Michigan offices
        throughout the state, including the    who has at least five years of experience  ized the “Valentines for Veterans” project.  through Wednesday, Feb. 12, or call the
        Western Wayne County Regional          as a lawyer. That appointed judge would  “A gesture as small as a handmade card  Dearborn office at (313) 278-2936 to arrange
        Behavioral Treatment Court that she    then be required to be on the ballot in  can mean so much to the men and women  for pickup. The Dearborn office is located
        started at the 29th District Court 6 years  2020.                            who served our country,” said Dingell. “For  at 19855 West Outer Dr., Suite 103-E,
        ago. She said it is very important to her  If elected in November, Mack's    Valentine's Day, I invite all students to join  Dearborn, MI 48124. The Ypsilanti office is
        that the treatment court continues.    replacement would serve until the end  us in showing our veterans how much we  at 301 West Michigan Ave., Suite 400,
           “I will help my successor continue  of her current term, 2024.            appreciate their service and sacrifices. Our  Ypsilanti.


                              Virginia Pack and Melody
                              Buchanan; three grandchil-
                              dren, and one great-grand-
         Frances Virginia Howard  child.                JOB POSTING
        Frances Virginia Howard,  Mrs. Howard was a lifetime  Sumpter Township is cur-
        one of the former owners of  resident of Wayne County  rently accepting applica-
        Brownie's Diner in Wayne,  and a lifetime member of  tions for Department of
        died peacefully at home on  the Order of the Eastern  Public Services Laborer.  Help Wanted
        Jan. 22, 2020. She and her  Northern Star a Masonic
        sister, Wilma, operated the  Chapter.       This position is under the  Truck Driver
        popular restaurant and  Frances will be missed,  direction of the Water  CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,
        local gathering place for  and remembered by count-  Superintendent.  Must have  3  MONTHS  MINIMUM
        many years before their  less people who's life she  high school diploma, mini-  EXPERIENCE,  EXCEL-
        retirement.           touched, her family said.    mum S-4 State of Michigan  LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN
        She was born May 15 in  Memorial services took  Water   Operators  ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-
        Greenup, Kentucky, the  place Jan. 26, 2020 at  Certification or ability to  CATED ROUTES ROMEO
        daughter  of   Dayton  Husband Family Funeral  obtain one, excellent driv-  AND WAYNE DISPATCH,
        Howard and Ada Martin  Home in Westland.    ing record and the ability to  CALL RON 586-752-4529
        who preceded her in death.                  work as a team or inde-  EXT 1028
        Among her survivors are     Need a job?     pendently.
        her   siblings,  Wilma                      Please submit application,  Wanted to Buy or Trade
        Atherton, Jude Howard                       resume and cover letter to  WANTED FREON R12: We
        and Duke Martin; three      Find it fast in   Michelle Bellingham,  pay CA$H. R12 R500 R11
        children, William Archey,                       Human Resource          Convenient,
        Greg and Monica Wilhide;    The Eagle’s
        seven grandchildren, 21                        Coordinator, 23480   Certified Professionals
        great-grandchildren and     Classifieds.     Sumpter Road, Belleville,  (312) 291-9169
        four great-great-grandchil-                   MI 48111 no later than
        dren as well as many                         4:00 PM on January 31,
        nieces,  nephews,  and    Call 734-467-1900   2020.  Application and full
        greats.                                      job description available  To advertise in
        In addition to her parents,  to place your       on our website
        she was preceded in death                The Eagle call
        by siblings Reed Howard,  classified ad or email  Sumpter Township
        Ernie Martin and Pauline                          is an equal
        Poplin; her daughters,                        opportunity employer.  734-467-1900.
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