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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           January 9, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Suite Surrender presented                The library is located at 223 S Main St,  0694.                           Daddy Daughter Dances
           Inspire Theater will be presenting Suite  Plymouth, MI 48170.                                                   planned in Plymouth
        Surrender: a farce by Michael McKeever at                                    State of the City planned                The City of Plymouth Recreation
        7:30 p.m. Jan. 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 and 25, and at  Chorus begins rehearsals     Mayor LeRoy Burcroff will present his  Department will host the 9th Annual Daddy
        3 p.m. Jan. 12, 19 and 26. Westland Center  The Belleville Community Chorus (BCC)  annual 2020 State of the City address begin-  Daughter Dance at the Cultural Center
        for the Arts is located at 33455 Warren  under the direction of Rachael Parr will  ning at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 at the  Reception Room from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m.
        Road.                                  begin rehearsals for a spring concert season  Romulus Athletic Center, 35765 Northline  Friday, Jan. 31 and again Saturday, Feb. 1.
           The story takes place in  1942 and two of  at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 13, at First United  Road in Romulus.            Light refreshments and snacks will be
        Hollywood's biggest divas have descended  Methodist Church, 417 Charles St.,   There is a $20 donation requested which  served.  Semi-formal, dressy-casual attire
        upon the luxurious Palm Beach Royale   Belleville.                           will be used for Romulus Summer       recommended.
        Hotel -- assistants, luggage, and legendary  All singers are invited to join the commu-  Programming including Sounds in  Advance ticket purchase is required
        feud with one another in tow. Everything  nity group.                        Downtown and Movies in the Park.      because space is limited. Sorry, no walk-ins
        seems to be in order for their wartime per-  The Belleville Community Chorus is a  Registration will begin at 3:30 and light  will be accepted.
        formance until they are somehow assigned  non-profit organization, made up of volun-  refreshments will follow from 5:30 until 6:30  The cost for the dance is $12 and regis-
        to the same suite. Mistaken identities,  teers of all ages who love to sing.    p.m. following the mayor's presentation.  tration is now available online at www.ply-
        overblown egos, double entendres, and a  For more information, contact Claudia                           
        lap dog named Mr. Boodles round out this  Roullier  at  (734)697-8235    or  Distinguished Young Women                The Cultural Center is located at 525
        love note to the classic farces of the 30s and or the  chorus  orientation is planned      Farmer St. in Plymouth. For more informa-
        40s. The play is not suitable for all ages.  For  website  An  orientation  meeting  for  tion call (734) 455-6620.
        tickets and more information visit                                           Distinguished Young Women of Wayne-   Policy groups to meet                Westland will take place at 4 p.m. Sunday,  Garden Club to meet
                                                 The first meeting of the mayor's policy  Jan. 26 at 32807 Manor Park in Garden City.   Members of the Country Garden Club of
        Elks host Blues performance            working groups in Inkster is set for 6-8 p.m.  This year, the pageant will also include  Northville will meet at 11 a.m. Feb. 5 at
           Blues @ The Elks takes place from 7  Wednesday, Jan. 15 at the Dozier Recreation  candidates for Distinguished Young Women  Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in
        until 10 p.m. the second Tuesday of the  Center.                             of Wayne County.                      Northville.
        month at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks     According to Dennis Black, a senior advi-  The event will take place March 6 at  The speaker for the meeting will be Sue
        Lodge #325 in partnership with the Detroit  sor in the mayor's office, “The city policies  Wayne Memorial High School and any high  Grubba who will discuss the Healthy Soil
        Blues Society (  will come from the citizens participating in  school junior girl who resides in Wayne-  and Wise Fertilizing. Light snacks will be
        There is a $5 donation at the door and danc-  these workshops.”              Westland or lives in Wayne County can reg-  served.
        ing is encouraged.                       Chairmen of the respective groups will  ister for the scholarship competitions at  For more information, call (248) 202-1518.
           The Kathleen Murray Band will perform  be selected he said. Current groups include;  www.waynewestland.mi.distinguishedyw.or
        Jan. 14. Joining Murray with vocals is Mike  Housing;  Education;  Workforce  g or  Butterfly Ball returns
        Ferencz on guitar, Craig Scott on bass, Bob  Development; Economic Development,  and click on Apply Now.              A Valentine's Day tradition returns to
        Bowman on drums and Evan Mercer on     Criminal Justice Reform; Energy         Information will be forwarded to organ-  Canton Township Feb. 7 and 8 with the
        keyboard.                              Production and Information Technology.  izers who will contact candidates with  Butterfly Ball at the Summit on the Park.
           The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325  To register for the meeting, call (313) 768-  details.                   The event offers a unique experience and
        is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road in  6071.                                                                       dads and daughters can enjoy an evening of
        Plymouth. For more information, call (734)  The Dozier Recreation Center is located  Jazz performance planned      dancing, refreshments, a special butterfly
        453-1780 or visit or email  at 2025 Middlebelt Road in Inkster and the  Jazz @ The Elks take place from 7 until  souvenir, and the highly anticipated- bal-                meeting will take place in the multi-pur-  9:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month at  loon drop that caps off the festivities.
                                               pose room.                            the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325.  Choose from three dances: 6 p.m. Feb. 7  or
        Plymouth Concerned                                                           There is a $10 donation at the door which  2 or 6 p.m.  Feb. 8.
        Citizens meetings resume               Bowling fundraiser planned            includes hors d'oeuvres.                 All three dances will again be held in the
           The first Plymouth Concerned Citizens  The Romulus Chamber of Commerce      Pete Siers Organic Roots will perform  Summit gymnasium this year. Ticket sales
        meeting of the year is planned for 7 p.m.  and Friends of the Romulus Library have  Tuesday, Jan. 28.  Siers will be on drums,  will end Feb. 1.. Tickets are $11 for resi-
        Jan. 15. at the Plymouth District Library.  planned a bowling fundraiser from begin-  Duncan MacMillan on organ, Steve Wood  dents and $14 for non-residents. Dads and
        Plymouth-Canton Community Schools      ning with registration at 7 p.m. Jan. 18 at  on sax, and Matt LaRusso on guitar.  daughters, regardless of age, are required to
        District representatives will discuss their  Romulus Lanes, 37452 West Huron River  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325  purchase a ticket to attend. This annual
        upcoming request for a $275 million bond  Dr. in Romulus                     is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road. For  event has sold out in the past, so early ticket
        issue set for the Democratic primary ballot  Bowling will begin at 8 p.m.. Tickets are  more information, call (734) 453-1780 or visit  purchase is advised.
        on March 10.                           $25 per person or $50 per couple which or email              For more information, call (734) 394-5460.
           School Superintendent Monica Merritt  includes three games of bowling, shoe
        says the bond would not increase the cur-  rental, pizza and a soft drink. There will be
        rent school district millage rate of 4.02 mills.   a 50/50 raffle and a cash bar.
           Plymouth Concerned Citizens is a com-  Organizers said that the event is usually
        munity activist group of residents from both  a sell out and urged early ticket purchase.
        Plymouth and Plymouth Township.        The event is limited to the first 72 bowlers.
        Meetings are open to the public.         For tickets or information, call (734) 893-


        FROM PAGE 1

        the after-school program for students
        which is free and offers not just home-
        work help, recreation and some field trips
        but also a hot meal each night.
           “As it gets colder, we get more kids,”
        Barylski said. He appreciates bell ringers
        and other Salvation Army volunteers, not-
        ing volunteer hours at his corps have gone
        up the past few years “which was very
           Utility payment help is also offered
        through the Salvation Army with Barylski
        noting “All of our programs year-round are
        supported by the Red Kettle, everything
        that happens at the Wayne-Westland     The Metro Detroit kettle of The Salvation
        Salvation Army.”                       Army holds honors as the world's tallest
           His corps services Inkster, Wayne,  at 56 feet. Leaders of The Salvation Army
        Westland, Romulus and New Boston resi-  appreciate all donors and note fundrais-
        dents.                                 ing runs through the end of January.
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