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January 9, 2020                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

               INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Death of longtime coach, Larry ‘Chum’ Stockwell mourned

           An icon in the local Wayne                             ”                                 dren, Jade and Nathan. He is
        and Westland communities,                                                                   also survived by  his sister, Sally
        Larry “Chum” Stockwell died                He just had a huge impact locally,               (Neal) Hannan and many
        Jan. 2.                                        and was a beloved coach.                     nieces and nephews.
           Mr. Stockwell, 80, was the                                                                  In addition to his parents, Mr.
        owner of Chum's Donut Shop in             He impacted thousands of kids' lives.             Stockwell was pre-deceased by
        Westland, a business started by                                                             his siblings, Anthony “Tony”
        his father, Chalmer C. “Chum”                                                               (Dorothy) Stockwell, Suzanne
        Stockwell in 1941 and consid-  a great influence and role     Council and was a member and  Schwein, and Mary Lou (Leo)
        ered a veritable institution in  model for countless young play-  leader of both the Wayne  Sheehan.
        the area.                      ers.                           Memorial and John Glenn ath-     A funeral mass took place at
           Mr. Stockwell was the         Tributes from former stu-    letic team booster clubs, accord-  St. Mary Catholic Church Jan. 7
        youngest of five children, born  dents and players flooded    ing to Reddy. “He volunteered  at interment services with mili-
        to Chalmer and Helen Marie     social media acknowledging Mr.  endless hours in the community  tary honors were at Great Lakes
        Stockwell on Feb. 13, 1939. He  Stockwell's influence and     to help young people.”        National Cemetery yesterday.
        grew up in Belleville and gradu-  advice to young people through-  Among Mr. Stockwell's sur-  Memorials in honor of Mr.
        ated from St. Mary's High      out his four decades of coaching  vivors are his wife of 58 years,  Stockwell  may be made to:
        School in Wayne in 1957.       in the area.                   Veronica; children, Troy      American Diabetes Association
           After serving in the U.S.     “He just had a huge impact   (Lynne) Stockwell, Todd       P.O. Box 15829, Arlington, VA
        Army, Mr. Stockwell opened his  locally, and was a beloved    (Sandra) Stockwell, Craig (Jill)  22215 (,          Larry “Chum” Stockwell
        Westland shop in 1966. Mr.     coach. He impacted thousands   Stockwell, Robin (Larry) Small,  American Heart Association
        Stockwell was known as “Coach  of kids' lives,” noted Del Reddy,  and Traci (Bryce) Wilson;  Greater Midwest Affiliate , 3816  Medicine (U of M Hospital) 1000
        Stockwell” to many football,   one of Mr. Stockwell's former  grandchildren,       Ashley   Paysphere Circle, Chicago, IL  Oakbrook Drive-Suite 100, Ann
        basketball, baseball and softball  players. “He was my first base-  Wieczorek, Sierra, Natalia,  60674, (www.americanherat.  Arbor, MI 48104 (leader-
        players. They benefitted from  ball coach,” Reddy recalled.   Shane, Cory, Ryan, Chaneil,   org),    National    Kidney
        his sports knowledge and lead-   Mr. Stockwell was also a     Maria (Brandon) Mullins,      Foundation, 1169 Oak Valley      Final arrangements were
        ership for St. Mary's teams for  member of the Knights of     Marguerite, Duncan, and       Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108     entrusted to the Harry J. Will
        more than 40 years and he was  Columbus #3021 Notre Dame      Veronica, and great-grandchil-  (, Michigan   Funeral Home.
        Winners of Basketball Legends of Inkster raffle named

           Last month, lucky winners   and a $50 dinner card at Sports  Holt also won four tickets to the  Soul went to Mike Green while  teeth whitening at the Cherry
        helped families in Inkster when  & Social in Detroit.         Henry Ford Museum; Trenton    the second dinner for two at   Hill Dental Center and Brenda
        the winners of the Basketball    Sam Mims won a two-night     Jones won a birthday party    Urban Soul went to James Ross.  Jooin won three haircuts at
        Legends of Inkster Big Raffle  stay at the Bayshore Resorts in  blast for 15 guests at the  The first dinner for four at the  Drews Cool Cutz in Wayne.
        were announced at the Booker   Traverse City plus a $50 gas   Romulus Athletic Center; Joann  Golden Corral went to Barb     According to Basketball
        Dozier Recreation Complex.     card while Mike Halker won     Sayles won dinner for four at  Wood while the second dinner  Legends of Inkster founder and
           Funds from the annual raffle  the Harlem Globetrotter pack-  Mexican Village; Bernie Hugely  for two at Golden Corral went to  President Freddie Smiley, the
        are used each year to provide  age.                           won a $25 gift card from      Venus Willis.                  event again this year was very
        toys, gifts and groceries for holi-  Dinner for two at Texas  Mexican Fiesta as did            Four tickets to the Detroit  successful and because of the
        day meals for at least 100     Roadhouse was won by Yolanda   Ernestine Williams and Jason  Zoo went to Lorenzo Moner and  donations from businesses and
        Inkster families. This year, win-  Holmes and a second prize of  Reed.                      dinner for two at Sammy's      ticket purchases, the group was
        ners of the raffle included:   dinner for two at the Texas      Dinner for two at They Say  Cuccina went to Brian James.   able to help Inkster families in
           Winners of the three grand  Roadhouse was won by Corey     restaurant was won by Loren      Clint Barnett won a Princess  need.
        prizes included Brian Quantz   Thomas. Alicia Murrell won a   Claypool while Mitch Riley won  Cruise and Annette Johnson     Smiley said the raffle draw-
        who won tickets to the         case of Porterhouse steaks from  the first dinner for two at the  won tickets to a performance at  ing gets more popular every
           Detroit Pistons game against  Fairway Meats in Detroit. Lisa  Ford Garage and Richard    the Detroit Music Hall.        year and he said he was very
        the Eastern Conference         Lewis won four tickets to the  Perkins won the second dinner    Two bonus prizes were also  grateful to all those who donat-
        Champion Milwaukee Bucks at    Henry Ford Museum or           for two at the restaurant. The  awarded this year.           ed to the event, purchased tick-
        Little Caesars Arena on Feb. 20  Greenfield Village and Monica  first dinner for two at Urban  Heather Mahon won $150      ets or volunteered help.
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