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Warm welcome
Veterans’ Tent is popular attraction
during annual Plymouth Ice Festival
As the crowds flock into the huge tent Organization congressionally chartered
behind E.G. Nick's restaurant during the and exclusively dedicated to Vietnam-Era
Ice Festival this year, they probably won't Veterans and their families. The entire
realize the $5 cover charge is being col- cover charge for both nights of live enter-
lected by a hero. tainment in the tent will go to help sup-
The tent, renamed the Veteran's Party port the veterans' organization, noted E.G.
Tent this year, will feature two of the most Nick's owner Frank Agostini.
popular bands in the area, Smokin' “He just freely gives it to the Vietnam
Mirrors on Friday and Power Play Detroit Veterans,” said King, Chapter 528 secre-
on Saturday. It is one of the largest tary and former president. “He has a spe-
fundraisers of the year for the Vietnam cial place in his heart for Vietnam veter-
Veterans of America group. The men col- ans.” The goal of the group is, “to promote Lemoureux said of his Vietnam service.”
lecting the cover charge and checking IDs The cost is $5 per person. Last year, the and support the full range of issues impor- He was in country for 14 days and injured
at the entrance are veterans of that war Chapter 528 volunteers made close to tant to Vietnam-Era Veterans, to create a by napalm, earning a Purple Heart.
and have seen armed conflict that didn't $6,000 from Ice Fest tent. new identity for this generation of veter- Spencer was in Vietnam for 1966, in serv-
end with their return home during the “He just treats us really well,” ans, and to change public perception of ice 1965-67. Adis was in-country during
late 1960s. Many faced angry crowds, jeers Plymouth Township resident King said of Vietnam-Era Veterans, according to the 1966-67.
and the hostility of their fellow Agostini. Being at the Ice Fest promotes website dedicated to the chapter. “Our Dignan served 1967-68, in Vietnam the
Americans. VVA community involvement while sup- chapter activities benefit the communities last half and first half of those years. King
“The first thing I did was get out of my porting activities and services for veter- of Plymouth and Canton as well as Wayne and Adis were in the U.S. Air Force, the
uniform even though I was proud to wear ans. County and these activities help to create rest Army. “We flew search and rescue,”
it,” veteran Rick Adis said. “I just didn't Vietnam veterans Don Dignan of a positive public perception of Vietnam- recalled King. “I'm the only officer in the
want to take all the crap.” Livonia, a Dearborn native, John Spencer Era Veterans.” bunch, the token.” He was in the Air Force
Vietnam veteran Ron King of Plymouth who lives in Canton and Bob Lamoureux, Dignan said the post has a few Korean for 22 years and in Vietnam in 1971-72.
Township recalled an airline gate agent in also of Canton, have leadership roles in veterans who are members. A couple of All five men are current or past VVA
San Diego, California, suggesting he both the Vietnam Veterans of America World War II veterans remain, and presidents.
change his clothes as his uniform could (VVA) Chapter 528 as well as the Veterans Persian Gulf service personnel have Veterans like them will be volunteering
offend some people. “We didn't get treated of Foreign Wars Mayflower Lt. Gamble joined in recent years, he added. their time both Friday and Saturday and
well,” he said. Post 6695, at 1426 S. Mill St. in Plymouth. The post is reaching out to younger vet- the entire cover charge goes to the local
They, along with several others, are Returning veterans from Iraq, erans, and the men point with pride to chapter to help veterans with a multitude
members of the Plymouth-Canton Afghanistan and elsewhere are encour- Iraq combat medics who have joined.. The of services.
Vietnam Veterans of America, (VVA) a aged to call (734) 459-6700 to learn about current membership is 307 individual “These guys are heroes,” said Agostini.
group founded in 1978 and which remains membership and benefits offered to veter- members and 285 life members. “Whatever we can do to help them, we'll
the only National Vietnam Veterans ans. “I was in two years. That was enough,” do.”
Moving right along
Tubing slide will be relocated during 2020 Ice Festival
Crowds looking for the Tubing Run at “hills” or “bumps” rather than being a flat 2007.
the Plymouth Ice Festival this year will not ride down the expanse. “Our setup provides users the ability to
find it at the usual location on Ann Arbor “It adds more excitement to the ride,” ski, snowboard and snow tube. Bringing
Trail. Zian said. The couple does a number of the mountain to you ... no real snow neces-
This year, the popular attraction has other events with the slide, including in sary,” is the claim on the company website.
been moved to Main Street near Ann summertime when lights aren't needed. The Tubing Slide is sponsored by DTE
Arbor Trail and obviously, won't be hard to The couple said they enjoy the commu- Energy Foundation and will be open from
spot. While only about 10-feet high, the nity events. Josh Zian's Z Innovations is a 6 until 9 p.m. Friday, from 11 a.m. until 6
amusement looks much taller according to family owned and operated business p.m. on Saturday and from 11 a.m. until 5
Josh and Melissa Zian of Clarkston who bringing snow sports to the region since p.m. on Sunday.
bring the structure to the Plymouth Ice
Festival. The slide provides about 100 feet
of sliding fun, they said.
“We do it because it's fun. We just devel-
oped it. You can do it year round. You don't
need snow,” explained Josh Zian.
“It looks bigger because we have sides
on it,” he said of the ride, noting it's used
“like a ski resort” with inner tubes.
“We just created the slide for fun. We
were invited by Plymouth to come out and
enjoy the time,” he added.
This is the third year the slide has been
available for fun-seekers and again this
year the slide will have lights along with
rollers on the slide which will add little
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