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Condo project at Courthouse Grill site OK’d
A futuristic design at the site apartment building.
of a beloved tradition in The apartment complex will
Plymouth will include a monu- be constructed with two tiers of
ment to the long history of the parking beneath the residential
property. units according to Mark
The Hillside Inn, which start- Abanatha, representing develop-
ed as a farmhouse barbeque on er Alexander Bogaerts &
Plymouth Road before evolving Associates.
into the premier area restaurant, He told members of the board
became Ernesto's and then The that a historic marker will be
Courthouse Grille where rites of placed at the site to commemo-
passage and family celebrations rate the iconic importance of the
took place for decades. The prop- site to area residents.
erty was sold about two years ago Abanatha said the complex
and last month members of the would include both one- and two-
Plymouth Township Board of bedroom apartments, with the
Trustees approved plans for a smaller units of 736 to 840 square
new apartment complex at the feet while the two-bedroom units a standpoint of the amenities it Amenities, he said, will be onsite the “footprint” of the building
site. The current structure, would be about 1,100 square feet. will offer,” said Abanatha. He car and dog washes, two rooftop and also reduces the need to
which is filled with family memo- Rental fees are currently esti- said the apartment units would gathering spaces and physical fit- remove area trees and conserves
ries of special events which took mated at about $2 per square be most attractive to empty ness facilities. green space at the site.
place there, will be demolished foot, he said. nesters and millennials, but were Abanatha said the design style The plan was unanimously
to make way for the new 120-unit “This is a class A project from not limited to those groups. of the proposed building reduces approved.
Community spirit
Members of the Canton Township Public
Safety Department have been busy this
holiday season giving back to the commu-
nity. The police department partnered with
Target for the annual Heroes and Helpers
event. Officers shopped for several families
around the community to bring a bit more
joy to their holiday season. Canton police
officers also participated in the Salvation
Army annual Red Kettle Campaign and K9
Ofc. Tino helped fellow officers ring the bell
for this great cause. Officers and Police
Explorers collected winter clothing and
distributed coats, hats and loves at Open
Door Ministries. Members of the Canton
Fire Department and Canton Police
Department teamed up with Canton
Leisure Services to escort Santa around
the community in their second annual
“Santa is coming to Your Town” event.
Their first stop was Canton Place where
Santa visited with residents and sang
Christmas carols with them.