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January 6, 2022                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE
                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE

        Attack leaves 2 Inkster toddlers in critical condition

           Two young children remain   arrived at the home, which is  Assistant Police Chief Bill   scene.                         Hospital in Detroit for further
        in critical condition following a  near Middlebelt Road and   Ratliff, the officers found two  Officers also confronted an  treatment.
        New Years Day attack in a home  Avondale, they received no    toddlers, a boy and a girl, suffer-  adult woman in the home and a  Police said the relationship
        of Grandview Street in Inkster.  response to repeated knocks  ing from obvious physical     struggle ensued, according to  of the woman to the children
           Police were called to the   and calls requesting response.  injuries described as severe to  police reports, before she was  remains unknown but that the
        home at about 7:30 a.m. Jan. 1 by  While walking around outside  their necks and throats. The  taken into custody by officers.   investigation into the situation
        a 911 caller who requested a   the home, the officers reported  young boy was unresponsive     Both children were hospital-  is ongoing.  Anyone with infor-
        well-being check on two chil-  hearing a child crying, and used  when discovered by officers, but  ized and remained in critical  mation is asked to call the
        dren known to be in the home.  force to enter the house.      was resuscitated by CPR admin-  condition. The boy was report-  Inkster Police Department at
        When responding officers         According     to   Inkster   istered by the officers at the  edly air-lifted to Children's  (313) 563-9850.

        12 houses at former Kiwanis

        Park site are already purchased

           Twelve of the 22 homes planned at the  years,” he said during a Wayne City
        former Kiwanis Park in Wayne have      Council meeting last fall.
        already been sold, according to a recent  Soave said Infinity Homes specializes
        social media post from officials.      in houses for first-time and upgrade buy-
           Infinity Homes, developer of the proj-  ers, and said the Kiwanis development
        ect, is currently constructing houses on  will be affordable. “Our market interest is
        John Street, near the intersection of  under $300,000, that's what we're pretty
        Annapolis and Howe in the city. According  waded into,” Soave told the members of
        to Rino Soave, owner of Infinity Homes,  the city council. “So, this will pretty much
        this is the first project in the City of Wayne.  fall right into that niche.” Soave said he  Members of the council also approved  the October meeting.
        He said his company “does a fair amount  expects the highway access and every-  an 18-month agreement with Infinity   “We're really excited to be bringing a
        of work right across the road in Romulus-  thing downtown Wayne has to offer will  Homes to develop the spaces formerly  new development of housing to the City of
        we've probably built well over 350 homes  make the space attractive to potential resi-  known as Sue Winn Park, Vandenberg  Wayne,” Soave said. “I think the city has
        in Romulus in the last seven or eight  dents, as well.                       School and Angelo Demario Park during  been really welcoming to us.”
                                                                                     Wayne District Court is

                                                                                     awarded grant for kiosk

                                                                                       Making payments to the 29th District                ”
                                                                                     Court in the City of Wayne will soon
                                                                                     become much more convenient.
                                                                                       The court was recently awarded a          The grant, was awarded
                                                                                     grant from the Michigan State Police        in the amount of $18,016.
                                                                                     which will fund the construction and
                                                                                     installation of a kiosk outside the court
                                                                                     building on Sims Street. The grant, was
                                                                                     awarded in the amount of $18,016,
                                                                                     according to a prepared statement from  tactless and after-hours payments due
                                                                                     the court and the kiosk will allow con-  the court.
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