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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           January 6, 2022

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Trustees OK purchase of odor remediation system

           The new year should be much  has been the subject of com-                                                               rebuilding the control panel and
        more pleasant for residents and  plaints from residents for years.                      ”                                  pit work, we have spent about
        visitors near Sumpter and Willis  Danci explained that the one-      Hydrogen sulfide is nasty, highly corrosive.          $130,000 already,” he told the
        roads in Sumpter Township      year warranty on the system was   Between rebuilding the control panel and pit work,        board members.
        where the main pump house for  an industry standard but that the                                                             Supervisor Tim Bowman
        the sewer system is located.   township had the option of              we have spent about $130,000 already.               expressed some concern that the
           Members of the board of     extending the guarantee. He said                                                            contract required the township
        trustees approved the recom-   the odor control would be a non-                                                            to provide materials for the sys-
        mendation of DPW Director      issue “as soon as we get the   System and Danci said that the   Trustee, and recently appoint-  tem which Danci explained were
        John Danci to purchase a Bio Air  hydrogen sulfide levels back  township should not have to  ed deputy supervisor, Tim Rush  specifications in the contract
        System for odor remediation at  down to where they are sup-   rebuild the system “ever again.”  said that the township had  prior to his employment.
        the site at a cost not to exceed  posed to be.” He said reducing  He said the new system is “sup-  already funded major work at  “The bid is for exactly what
        $98,552.73, during the Dec. 14  those chemical levels would also  posed to handle the problem  the corner caused by the corro-  we need for the site,” Danci said.
        meeting. Trustees wanted to be  “take care of the corrosion” expe-  indefinitely.”          sive effects of the hydrogen sul-  The contract for the odor
        sure that the expense would pro-  rienced at the site.          LaPorte said his concern was  fide.                        remediation and control system
        vide the odor and corrosion con-  Trustee Don Laporte inquired  that “another board in 10 or 15  “Hydrogen sulfide is nasty,  was approved by a unanimous
        trol needed in the area which  as to the life of the new Bio Air  years is doing the same thing.”  highly corrosive. Between  vote of the board members.
        Council members recognize, thank local good Samaritans

           Members of the Romulus City                                                              members to help one another
        Council used the last meeting of                          ”                                 contributes to the ability of the
        2021 to thank members of the            He's a very private man and doesn't brag            city to function and thanked
        community for their generosity                                                              those who contributed gener-
        during the holidays.                     about what he is doing, he just does it.           ously to help others during the
           Council member Tina Talley                                                               holidays.
        publicly    thanked     John                                                                   McCraight, during his report,
        Osbourne of Osbourne Concrete                                                               said that he wanted to call the
        in the city for his “generous holi-  Talley said and urged residents  thank him.” Webb  also thanked  attention of the residents to the
        day bundles” which were donat-  who might encounter Osbourne  fellow council member Virginia  first responders in the city who
        ed to area residents. Talley said  to thank him for his generosity.  Williams who was absent from  were working and away from
        the bundles were “amazing”       Councilwoman Eva Webb        the meeting.                  their families during the holi-
        and that Osbourne and his staff  also expressed her appreciation  “Virginia Williams also gave  days. He reminded the public
        were “truly a blessing” in the  to Mayor Robert McCraight     out turkeys,” Webb said. “I love  that calls for service during
        community. She said that       whom she said had donated a    it when people do so much     these weeks could be very emo-
        Osbourne also donated gift bun-  large number of turkeys to local  good” for residents, she added.  tional times for both police, fire
        dles to the Romulus Ministerial  families during the holiday sea-  Council President John   and EMTs in the city.  McCraight
        Alliance for donation to local  son.                          Barden noted that the generous  also thanked the participants in
        families during the holiday sea-  “He has helped so many fam-  spirit the officials and Osbourne  the Wreaths Across America      Mayor Robert McCraight
        son and that this year, Osbourne  ilies,” she said. “He's a very pri-  demonstrated were “what  program which honored
        doubled the number of gifts    vate man and doesn't brag about  Romulus is all about. Getting  deceased veterans and noted  reminding the public of the
        provided.                      what he is doing, he just does  along, helping people.” He said  than Romulus participation had  service of veterans to the coun-
           “They are a true blessing,”  it,” she said, “and I just want to  that the ability of the community  increased again this year,  try.
        Trustee, clerk question contract

           Members of Sumpter Township Board  contact and contract information to per-
        of Trustees unanimously approved a final  form the duties that have been trans-
        payment of $16,720.30 to former       ferred to the clerk's office in Cole's
        Township Administrator Michelle Cole  absence.
        who resigned last month to take another  LaPorte was vocal in his criticism of
        job.                                  Cole's failure to provide the information
           The final payment was for accrued  despite her repeated assurances to
        vacation and personal time Cole had   trustees and officials that she would be
        earned until her last day on the job at the  available and was willing to help.
        rate of $45.19 per hour. That amount is  “We need to understand what is going
        about half what Cole negotiated with the  on with these projects,” LaPorte said. He
        trustees to provide help as an independ-  added that Cole had not provided the
        ent contractor until a replacement is  information by the time she said she
        hired.  Cole and the trustees agreed to a  would and that, as she was due to be in
        rate of $95 per hour for her services not to  township hall the next day, “If she can't
        exceed eight hours a week, although   provide this tomorrow, we don't need her
        Trustee Don LaPorte and Clerk Esther  services,” he said. He reiterated that he
        Hurst voted no on the agreement.      felt Cole had provided short notice of her
           LaPorte noted that promised lists of  departure and that the township was left
        contacts and current projects was not  unprepared on several issues.
        forthcoming from Cole as promised and    “We can move forward without her,”
        Hurst explained that she did not receive  LaPorte said. Sources said that while
        information she needed from Cole in a  Cole did provide the promised list of con-
        timely manner. Hurst said she took other  tacts and ongoing projects the next day,
        steps to ensure that she had the correct  the work was “incomplete.”

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                         Synopsis of Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings

         Members: Supervisor Anne Marie Graham-Hudak, Clerk Michael Siegrist, Treasurer Dian Slavens
         Trustees: Kate Borninski, Sommer Foster, Tania Ganguly, Steven Sneideman
         Regular (Study Session) Meeting 11/2/2021: Synopsis: 2022 & 2023 Budget Presentation
         Regular Meeting 11/9/2021: Synopsis:  Approved consent and general calendar as posted in full on website.
         Regular (Study Session) Meeting 11/16/2021: Review of Progress: Organizational Assessment Recommendations
         Regular Meeting 11/23/2021: Synopsis:  Approved consent and general calendar as posted in full on website.
         Regular (Study Session) Meeting 11/30/2021: Synopsis: Update on Board Goals
           Copies of the complete Board minutes can be found for free at Minutes can also be viewed or copied
           at 1150 S. Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI during normal business hours. Call 734-394-5120 for more information.  CN2331 - 010621  2.5 x 1.618

                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                 ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS

         The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at
         the meeting/hearing upon notice to the Charter Township of Canton.
         In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Charter Township
         of Canton will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs,
         or activities.
         Employment: The Charter Township of Canton does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment prac-
         tices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title II of
         the ADA.
         Effective Communication: The Charter Township of Canton will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services
         leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the Charter Township
         of Canton's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other
         ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.
         Modifications to Policies and Procedures: The Charter Township of Canton will make all reasonable modifications to policies
         and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activi-
         ties. For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in the Charter Township of Canton's offices, even where pets
         are generally prohibited.
         Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to par-
         ticipate in a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton should contact the office of Barb Brouillette, Human
         Resources Supervisor, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI  48188, (734) 394-5260 as soon
         as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.
         The ADA does not require the Charter Township of Canton to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its
         programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
         Complaints that a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton is not accessible to persons with disabilities
         should be directed to Barb Brouillette, Human Resources Supervisor, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
         Canton, MI  48188, (734) 394-5260.
         The Charter Township of Canton will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individu-
         als with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy, such as retriev-
         ing items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs.
         Publish: 01/06/22                                             CN2330 - 010621  2.5 x 4.72
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