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January 6, 2022                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Northville officials mark year-long progress

           In a recent report to resi-  bers of the Northville City
        dents, Northville city officials  Council on ways to enhance
        detailed the improvements      Ford Field and the Rouge river
        made in the community during   and tributaries, and presented
        2021.                          plans for a new home for the
           “From new roads and water   Farmers' Market.
        mains to LED lighting and        Progress on development at
        expanded EV charging stations,  Northville Downs included the
        there were impressive improve-  presentation of a revised con-
        ments made to the city infra-  cept plan by Hunter Pasteur
        structure in 2021. Pair that with  Homes. The new plan, presented
        operational advances - such as a  to members of the planning com-
        tree inventory, resetting water  mission, features parks, a day-
        rates with GLWA for cost savings,  lighted river, and fewer housing
        and a crime dashboard for      units than the original site plan.
        greater police transparency -  A preliminary site plan - with
        and you can see that this city of  revisions based on input from  Randolph Drain.           ally, will be shared with the LED  Department staff moved into
        6,000 residents is riding a wave  the planning commissioners, city  An old, one-story building was  installer, nonprofit Energy  renovated offices and communi-
        of progress,” the published    officials, residents and others -  removed from the corner of  Reduction Coalition, of Ann  ty space at Hillside Middle
        report state.                  was submitted to the city in mid-  Dunlap and Center to make way  Arbor.                    School, which finished years-
           City officials finalized and  December and will be on the  for the new two-story, luxury    While COVID-19 forced       long renovations. The new
        adopted the Historic District  meeting agenda early this year.  condominium building with a  access to city hall to an appoint-  Hillside Recreation Center
        Study Report and the Master      In addition, planning commis-  first-floor restaurant. The adja-  ment only status as staff mem-  includes a newly-finished gym
        Plan update to three subareas.  sioners conditionally approved  cent Tuscan Café moved into a  bers worked from home, 3,100  floor; new bathrooms near the
        The first report added Ford    the final site plan for the con-  new building next to the Marquis  vaccines were administered to  gym; spacious, well-lit offices; a
        Field to the Northville Historic  struction of a new three-story  Theater on Main, opening anoth-  city and township residents dur-  large activity room; a large park-
        District, which reflects the her-  building at 456 E. Cady with 79  er commercial space on North  ing a vaccination clinic at  ing lot and updated landscaping.
        itage of the site as a public gath-  apartments and a first-floor com-  Center, officials said.   Schoolcraft College.       In addition, Downtown
        ering space. The second report -  mercial section anchored by a  In November, developers       Officials, including new coun-  Development Authority officials
        the updated Master Plan - guides  specialty market. The first steps  Andrew Daily, of Northville, and  cil members Andrew Krenz and  contracted with a Detroit firm to
        development and redevelop-     will include the demolition of  Alex de Parry, of Ann Arbor  John Carter along with Mayor   bring 10 new electric vehicle
        ment of new housing, commer-   existing buildings and environ-  Builders, marked the start of  Pro tem  Barbara Moroski-   charging stations to the city at
        cial properties and public     mental clean-up.               construction of The Delano - six  Browne approved an updated  three locations.
        places, while retaining the his-  Residents have already begun  luxury condominiums and first-  code of ordinances for construc-  Officials said that downtown
        toric character of the city. It  moving into the luxury North 320  floor retail at 106 East Cady.               tion sites. Mayor Brian Turnbull,  streets that are part of the social
        addresses city life such as densi-  condos with front doors facing  Other changes in 2021 includ-  who was unopposed for his sec-  district will remain closed to
        ty, parking, and green space, and  North Center. Eight units of the  ed the installation of 270 LED  ond term, said the construction  traffic until Nov. 7, this year to
        works in tandem with city ordi-  first building have been complet-  light fixtures at the water tower,  sites will be monitored regularly  study the second-year impact on
        nances, according to the report.  ed while work remains to be  Northville Yards, and parking  aby staff from the building  businesses, residents and others
           Three task forces submitted  done on the sidewalk. A second  lots and structures. The cost sav-  department.            as the effects of COVID-19 fluctu-
        comprehensive reports to mem-  eight-unit building faces the  ings, estimated at $34,000 annu-  Parks  and   Recreation    ates.
        Civilian Life Saving Award presented by township

           Northville Township Fire    Maybury State Park when she    defibrillated the patient using the  his condition and eight days later  three times the rest of the state
        Chief Brent Siegel honored     witnessed another runner col-  AED in the patrol vehicle. When  the patient, Daniel Prather, per-  and country.
        Heather Brown with a Civilian  lapse in front of her. Brown, an  township paramedics arrived on  sonally returned the chief's call.  Siegel presented Brown with
        Life Saving Award at the regular  oncology nurse with Michigan  the scene, they continued patient  Siegal commented that com-  the award commenting that she
        meeting of the board of trustees  Medicine, determined the man  care while transporting him to  munity heroes, in collaboration  had saved a complete stranger's
        last month.                    was in cardiac arrest and while  Ascension Providence Park in  with the Northville Township  life and without her immediate
           Brown was honored for her   another runner dialed 911, began  Novi.                      Public Safety team, are the rea-  action, the outcome for the
        life-saving actions while partici-  CPR.  Northville Township Police  Siegel called the patient's fam-  son Northville Township has a  patient might have been substan-
        pating in a race recently at   arrived on the scene and officers  ily the following day to determine  cardiac arrest survival rate that is  tially different.
        Garden Club meetings set

           Members of the Country Garden Club  and many flowering plant beds. It features
        of Northville will resume meetings begin-  the longest canopy walk in the country.
        ning at 11 a.m. at Plymouth First United  The church is located at 45201 N.
        Methodist Church.                      Territorial Road in Plymouth.
           Speakers begin at 11:30 a.m. following a  The Country Garden Club of Northville
        short business meeting and refreshments.  is a non-profit organization founded in
           The next meeting is set for March 2. 5  1977 and members are dedicated to com-
        with speaker Carolyn Paten who will dis-  munity improvement through service, con-
        cuss Dow Gardens, a 110- acre botanical  servation and education.
        garden founded in 1899 in Midland, which  For more information, contact the
        features nature trails, a children’s garden,  group at
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