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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           January 4, 2024

                                                NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND
                                                NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND

        School board members reject proposed layoffs

           Members of the Wayne        district was operating with a  employment contracts. Parents  the proposal.                 said.
        Westland Board of Education    strong positive balance rather  also protested any layoffs of   Dignan cautioned the board    Dignan and district adminis-
        unanimously         rejected   than the huge deficit. The     staff during a Dec. 18 meeting of  members that payroll is one of  trators have not confirmed the
        Superintendent of Schools John  deficit was discovered during a  the board members. Jobs sug-  the largest costs in the district  $17 million deficit but note that
        Dignan's suggested staffing cuts  routine audit of district   gested for layoff included    and said he believed the district  cost cutting will be necessary to
        during their Dec. 21 meeting.  finances.                      administrative positions and  could save money with some     put the district on a sound
           The staffing cuts and layoffs  The rumored layoffs were    roles such as social workers,  staffing adjustments. Dignan  financial footing.
        were proposed in response to   criticized and protested on    student monitors and custodi-  already reassigned and reclassi-  He has repeatedly said mem-
        the abrupt discovery of a $17  social media and several union  ans, according to the board  fied several employees in an   bers of the community will have
        million deficit in the school dis-  leaders suggested the move  members' meeting packets.   attempt to cut costs. That     input into those cost cutting
        trict budget. Board members    would be an unfair labor prac-   Applause from the audience  realignment could result in    measures at focus groups and
        and administrators believed the  tice in violation of current  followed the board rejection of  some grant funding, officials  school board meetings.
        Free waste drop off

        center is now open

           Residents of Northville     may only come from residential
        Township and the City of       sources rather than businesses,
        Northville now have access to a  organizations or government
        free     new     Household     entities.
        Hazardous Waste drop-off cen-    The HHW Center is one of
        ter, which opened Oct. 3.      the improvements Arbor Hills
           Operated by Washtenaw       Landfill in Salem Township
        County in collaboration with   agreed to make as part of a law-
        GFL Environmental, the facili-  suit settlement with the
        ty is located in the Arbor Hills  Michigan Department of
        complex at 10843 W. Five Mile  Environment, Great Lakes and
        Road, just west of Napier Road.   Energy (EGLE).
           The 2,400-square-foot HHW     This facility will be available
        Center is open for residents by  for free for 10 years to residents
        appointment only Tuesday-      of Northville Township and the
        Friday.                        City of Northville. Arbor Hills,
           To make an appointment or   now     owned     by   GFL       Season of giving
        find a list of acceptable materi-  Environmental, constructed   Northville Township Police officers collected toys to be distributed to deserving children and fami-
        als,                    visit  the facility and is paying       lies during the holiday season. Officers agreed it has been a "heartwarming experience."  Officers          Washtenaw County $75,000         posted a thank you to everyone who donated and to the township hall staff members who helped
           The hazardous materials     annually for staffing.           make the initiative such a success. The Northville Shop with a Cop event took place last week,
                                                                        along with the personal delivery of the toys and gifts to homes in the community.

                                                                      Police patrols increased at old hospital

                                                                        Anyone contemplating a visit  Police Department has signifi-  and vandalism.
                                                                      to the deteriorating and aban-  cantly increased patrols near the  Police officials cautioned that
                                                                      doned state psychiatric hospital  property in an effort to ensure  trespassers will be ticketed and
                                                                      on Seven Mile Road in Northville  the safety of those attempting to  that the area does include multi-
                                                                      has been warned that visiting the  visit the site, officials said.   ple hazards.
                                                                      site could well result in an expen-  The township recently     “Let's all work together to
                                                                      sive citation for trespassing.  installed a 24-hour security sys-  keep our neighborhood secure
                                                                        The Northville Township     tem to help prevent trespassing  and peaceful,” officials said.
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