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January 4, 2024                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Township fire department accepting applications

           With the new year comes the opportu-
        nity for a new career.
           Currently, Canton Township is accept-
        ing applications from qualified individu-
        als interested in joining the Canton Fire
        Department as a firefighter/medic.
           According to a statement from the pub-
        lic safety department, there are multiple
        immediate vacancies to be filled.
        According to the department, the 2023 pay
        scale range included a starting annual
        wage of  $52,716. That increases, by union
        contract to $63,790 the second year,
        $71,654 the third year of employment,
        $79,512 the fourth year and $87,375 the
        fifth year.
           Applications will be accepted until all
        open positions are filled, officials said.
           A newly hired employee may be eligi-
        ble for an increased wage above the first-
        year level based on previous firefighting
        experience, with a fully paid full-time
           More information about the Canton
        Township Fire Department, including the
        application process is available on the
        Canton Public Safety website at:       available                        at:  application are available.               Canute can help provide information
   More information is available from  regarding the firefighter/medic job posting
        Canton-Firefighter...                  nton/jobs where the complete job descrip-  Amanda Canute in the township  human  or selection process, township officials
           The Canton Township career page is  tion, job posting, hiring process and online  resources department at (734) 394-5118.   said.

        Ford Road reconstruction project set to begin

           Drivers using Ford Road next  186 percent in some areas. While                        ”                                 traffic signals will be added.
        year will find a long-sought con-  officials refused to set an exact        Canton Township officials have                   In addition, continuous ADA-
        struction effort under way in  date for construction to begin,                                                             certified sidewalks will be con-
        response to the exceptional num-  they announced the project                 been seeking a better traffic                 structed on both sides of the
        ber of reported vehicle crashes  would begin “in early 2024.”           solution along Ford Road since 2012 .              road.
        along the highly trafficked road-  “During peak driving times,                                                               Canton Township officials
        way.                           this heavily travelled road regis-                                                          have been seeking a better traffic
           Michigan Department of      ters some 40,000+ vehicles,    crashes at Lilley Road and Ford  traffic will be separated by a  solution along Ford Road since
        Transportation (MDOT) officials  entering and exiting businesses  at 262 percent over average and  boulevard with at least two  2012 when they hosted the first
        revealed the construction time-  along the corridor. All of this  at 186 percent over average at  through lanes in each direction.  public meeting for the communi-
        line of the recently approved  activity creates potential conflict  Ford and Canton Center Road.  The center turn lane will be elim-  ty to make the case for safety
        project which will include the  points that lead to crashes and  The data was prepared by the  inated and crossovers will be  improvements on the road. The
        temporary widening along Ford  significant travel delays,” MDOT  Southeast Michigan Council of  added. There will be no left turns  Traffic and Environmental Study
        Road. Officials said the construc-  officials said in a prepared  Governments (SEMCOG).     allowed off Ford Road when the  highlighted crash data, noise and
        tion was prompted by the num-  announcement of the plan.        State officials said the 2.27  reconstruction is complete.  other factors in the area bor-
        ber of crashes at Ford Road      Data for a three-year period  mile section of Ford Road will be  Rather, several dedicated pas-  dered by Sheldon, Warren, Lotz,
        intersections which exceed the  from July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2019, at  reconstructed and both east-  senger vehicle/truck turnarounds  and Cherry Hill roads, officials
        Michigan average by as much as  several intersections, reported  bound and westbound Ford Road  will be added, officials said, and  said.
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