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January 4, 2024                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE
                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE

        High school to establish new Memorial Wall

           Wayne Memorial High School  lation of the memorial are                                ”                                 wall.”
        may soon include a tribute to  $40,000 and would include con-            The display would include the name,                 Nathan is planning to release
        servicemen and women who       struction, artwork, plaques, an                                                             a brief video about the project in
        have graduated from the school.  interactive display, a software         rank and brief information about the              the upcoming weeks, according
           Currently, donations are being  data package for digital storage  serviceman or woman who served in the U.S. military.  to the social media post
        sought to build a memorial wall  and website viewing. The project                                                          announcing the fund drive. All
        to be prominently displayed at  would also include the develop-                                                            donations to the Wall of Honor
        the entrance to the school. The  ment of educational materials                                                             project are deductible, accord-
        display would include the name,  and contributions to support  Wayne Westland Community     posting. Supporters said details  ing to organizers.
        rank and brief information about  local veterans.             Schools, has spearheaded this  of the project have been thor-  To contribute, include class
        the serviceman or woman who      Dr. Adrienne J. Nathan,      initiative and is seeking assis-  oughly considered and that they  year information in the “note”
        served in the U.S. military.   Director    of   Community     tance to secure the necessary  are “enthusiastic about the   section when donating at:
           Estimated costs for the instal-  Partnerships and Outreach at  funds, according to a Facebook  potential impact of the memorial

        Group looks toward progress

        at Malcolm X home in Inkster

           A decades-long effort to save a histori-  other items belonging the Malcolm X can
        cal site in Inkster may see significant  be seen. Sims said one of the group, Chris
        progress this year.                    Webber, owns the suit Malcolm X was
           Aaron Sims, one of the driving forces  wearing when he was shot, and the group
        behind the move to save and refurbish an  hopes to have that as one of the exhibits,
        Inkster home briefly occupied by       according to Dawom Lynn, another mem-
        Malcolm X, said he is hoping for more  ber of the group determined to complete
        progress in the restoration this year.  the restoration.
        Sims, along with a dedicated cadre of vol-  Sims said he is hoping the home and
        unteers, has been working for more than  property on the street will become a  According to city and historic records, Malcolm X lived in the home with his brother and
        a decade to acquire the Williams Street  reminder of the significance of Inkster  his brother's family from 1952 until 1953,
        home and property.                     and the area in the Civil Rights move-
           According to city and historic records,  ment.                            plans includes having volunteers and  this year and have the work complete by
        Malcolm X lived in the home with his      To date, the driveway at the old home  members of the public sign the interior  this summer.
        brother and his brother's family from 1952  has been repaved, a new porch and side-  framework of the walls before they are  Lynn said the group is hoping to turn
        until 1953, during his civil right efforts in  walk added and electrical repairs com-  finished.                   the home into a reminder of the history of
        Detroit. Sims and the other members of  pleted. The men have plans to restore the  Sims said he is hoping for more  the nation. He added that the home is
        the group hope to turn the house into a  entire home, including the upstairs bed-  progress on the effort to preserve part of  something “that shouldn't have been left
        historic landmark and a museum where   room where Malcolm X slept. One of their  the history of the Civil Rights movement  out of history.”

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