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January 4 – 10, 2024                                    NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 01                                                                                    www

               Vol. 139, No. 01
             A Sumpter Township man
          will spend 3 to 20 years in
          prison for his part in a failed
          attempt to kidnap Gov.
          Gretchen Whitmer.
                          See page 4.

                                       Wayne council members choose new city manager

                Vol. 77, No. 01           Wayne City Council members    “I want the council to be  in August to take a city manager
             Currently, Canton Town-   have chosen Diane Webb as the  working with the city manager.  job near Grand Rapids.
          ship is accepting applica-   new city manager.             Our job is to make you success-  Nocerini is a named defendant
          tions from qualified individ-   Webb was selected by a four  ful and our community success-  in an ongoing federal case
          uals interested in joining the  to three vote of the councilmem-  ful,’ Rhaesa said at the Dec. 19  brought by Mark Blackwell, a
          Canton Fire Department as a  bers with Mayor John Rhaesa,  meeting.                      city critic who claims Nocerini
          firefighter/medic.           Mayor Pro Tem Alfred Brock       Councilmembers expressed   and other city officials violated
                          See page 3.  and Councilman Donald         their gratitude to Wayne Police  his First Amendment rights and
                                       Quarles casting the dissenting  Chief Ryan Strong, who's been  falsely accused him of a misde-
                                       votes.                        interim manager since the     meanor during a police chief
                                          Webb told the councilmem-  abrupt resignation of former city  hiring process in 2019.
                                       bers she was looking forward to  Manager Lisa Nocerini. Strong  Multiple council members
                                       the new position and that she  was one of four final candidates  and city department heads
                Vol. 77, No. 01        planned to meet with each of  under consideration for the job.  openly supported Strong for the
             A decades-long effort to  them.                            “I'm very excited about the  position. He has been serving as
          save a historical site in       Currently, Webb is the town-  opportunity to work with you  interim city manager since
          Inkster may see significant  ship supervisor in Redford    and move this community for-  Nocerini resigned. He has been                 Diane Webb
          progress this year, according  Township. She has served elect-  ward,” Webb said.        with the police department for
          to organizers of the renova-  ed terms on the Garden City City  Final candidates for the job,  more than 20 years.     favor of naming Webb.
          tion project.                Council and the Wayne County  in addition to Webb and Strong,  A motion by Councilman         “I'm excited to see what the
                          See page 5.  Commission.                   were Mohamed Ayoub and Ken    Mathew Mulholland to hire     City of Wayne can do with a city
                                          Despite his negative vote,  Marten.                      Marten failed for lack of a sup-  manager from outside who gives
                                       Rhaesa told Webb he thought      Webb will replace Lisa     port motion during the meeting.   us a breath of fresh air,’’
                                       she would “do great.”         Nocerini, who abruptly resigned  Mulholland then voted in   Mulholland said.
                                       Sweeping victory

                Vol. 24, No. 01
            Anyone contemplating a     6th Annual Curling Royale tournament set for Jan. 20 in Romulus
          visit to the abandoned state
          psychiatric hospital on         One of the 'coolest' events in
          Seven Mile Road in           Romulus will return Jan. 20.
          Northville can expect a cita-   The 6th Annual Curling
          tion for trespassing.        Royale event will begin at 3
                          See page 6.  p.m. at Mary Ann Banks Park
                                       Jan. 20 and team registrations
                                       are now being accepted.
                                          Curling is a sport in which
                                       players slide stones on a sheet
                                       of ice toward a target area
                Vol. 24, No. 01        which is segmented into four
             One of the most highly    concentric circles. The sport,
          anticipated events of the    growing in popularity, is relat-
          year, the 2024 Plymouth Ice  ed to shuffleboard. Two teams,
          Festival, is set to transform  each with four players, take
          downtown Plymouth into a     turns sliding heavy, polished
          winter wonderland.           granite stones, also called
                          See page 2.  rocks, across the ice curling
                                       sheet toward the house, a cir-
                                       cular target marked on the
                                       ice. Each team has eight
                                       stones, with each player slid-
                                       ing two.
                Vol. 139, No. 01          The player can induce a
                                       curved path, described as
             The demolition of the for-                              Previous Curling Royale District R tournaments brought out multiple local teams who swept their way to
          mer RJs Party Store marked   curl, by causing the stone to  victory or had a great time participating in the event.
          the end of more than four    slowly rotate as it slides. The
          years of effort by members of  path of the rock may be fur-  distance. A great deal of strat-  highest score for a game;  trations from four-person
          the Romulus Building and     ther influenced by two sweep-  egy and teamwork go into     points are scored for the     teams. Officials said registra-
          Ordinance department.        ers with brooms or brushes,   choosing the ideal path and   stones resting closest to the  tion is not required, but is rec-
                          See page 4.  who accompany it as it slides  placement of a stone for each  center of the house at the con-  ommended. On site registra-
                                       down the sheet and sweep the  situation, and the skills of the  clusion of each end, which is  tion will begin at 2 p.m. The
                                       ice in front of the stone.    curlers determine the degree  completed when both teams     entry fee is $100 or $25 per
                                       "Sweeping a rock" decreases   to which the stone will       have thrown all of their stones  player. Officials stressed that
                                       the friction, which makes the  achieve the desired result,  once. A game usually consists  all the proceeds from the
                                       stone travel a straighter path  expert players explained. The  of eight or 10 ends.
                                       (with less curl) and a longer  purpose is to accumulate the    Romulus is accepting regis-         See Curling, page 4
                Vol. 77, No. 01
             Wayne Memorial High
          School may soon include a
          tribute to servicemen and
          women who have graduated
          from the school.
                          See page 5.

                Vol. 77, No. 01
             Members of the Wayne
          Westland     Board     of
          Education unanimously
          rejected Superintendent of
          Schools John Dignan's sug-
          gested staffing cuts during
          their Dec. 21 meeting.
                          See page 6.

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