Page 24 - FF2022
P. 24

Page 24

       Pets from page 23                                                      stage just before the walk or during the
                                                                              show.  In addition to the pet entry fee,
       and even bugs have taken the stage to                                  there is a $1 per person entry fee, she
       win approval from the judges. This                                     added.
       year, as usual, Pam Batcho, will be                                      Another added attraction at the
       among the judges, assisted by Jill                                     show this year will be representatives
       Andra Young whose professional pet                                     from a local animal rescue and foster
       photographs are displayed in homes                                     organization who may bring along
       throughout the area. Batcho has been                                   some adoptable puppies. Batcho said
       judging the pet show for about five                                    rescue staff members were somewhat
       years she said, and Young even longer.                                 unsure of bringing the puppies as
         Batcho said that this year, in addi-                                 transporting them is sometimes fright-
       tion to all the usual and expected con-                                ening for the animals. “We're hopeful,
       tests at the pet show, the Optimists are                               though,” she said.
       also sponsoring a Pooch Parade, a one-                                   Pets can be entered in any category
       mile walk beginning at about 11 a.m.                                   at any time during the Saturday morn-
       following the on stage competition. She  mental health service dedicated to  ing show and there is no entry fee. Pet
       said every pooch will receive a special  prevention of suicide among young  parents of all ages are encouraged to
       bandana and the $10 per pooch entry  people. She said participants can reg-  bring their “best friends” no matter
       fee will go to a youth and teen group  ister the day of the event next to the  what species or size they may be.
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