Page 9 - FF2021
P. 9
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Flipping fantastic
Kiwanis Club members serving breakfast on Saturday
While about 3,000 of area residents fundraisers the local Kiwanis and have their fill of the same pancake
missed the once-a-year Kiwanis pan- Foundation organizes, funding was recipe and mix they have been using
cakes at the Fall Festival last year, even limited this year, noted Kiwanis Club for decades.
more community groups missed the of Colonial Plymouth President Jack The grills are all manned by
help and contributions the event usual- Schwartz. Kiwanis volunteers, while the huge
ly funds. “The Foundation is a 501c3 which tables, with a fresh, disposable place-
The 3,000 or so plates of pancakes limits their donations,” Schwartz said. mat for each diner, along with dispos-
and sausage hot off the griddle usually Without the pancake breakfast, or the able, sanitary tableware, sometimes
provides funding for high school schol- golf outing last year, that entity simply enlist the aid of volunteers from fami-
arships, contributions to First Step, did not have the funding to make their lies or from groups the Foundation
Kids Against Hunger, donations to C. S. usual contributions.” aids.
Mott Children’s Hospital and support This year, however, they are back The price for the meal, $7 in
for the local Salvation Army. with all safety precautions in place to advance and $8 on Saturday, remains
Without the funding from the pan- ensure that all who visit the gathering
cake dinner, one of the largest annual early Saturday morning will be safe See Pancakes, page 10