Page 14 - FF2021
P. 14

Page 14

       Welcome and goodbye

       Fall Festival president will move on after 2021 event

         This will be the last year that Eric  Joy said he is most proud of leaving  This year, Joy
       Joy is president of the Fall Festival.  the festival in much better financial  said, his main
         Joy, 46, has helmed the festival for 12  condition than when he took over. He  focus is on safety
       years and has enjoyed every minute of  looks at the biggest challenge facing his  for those attend-
       it, he said, “but it is time for somebody  successor as the same that he faced  ing and the event
       new to take over.”                 every year: the weather.            will feature hand
         Joy said he is hoping a volunteer  “It can't be too hot, too cold or rain,”  sanitizers and
       with some new ideas takes the reins  he said. “It is just that unknown factor  other precau-
       next year for the event which has been  that determines the success or failure  tions.
       such a huge part of his life.      of the event and the vendors. You have  “Safety is defi-      Eric Joy
         “I'm just downsizing. At one time I  to have that perfect balance.”  nitely a concern. The vendors are all
       was the head of three groups, Rotary  Joy said his greatest pleasure came  being very, very careful and we are
       Club president; president of the Fall  from working with all the community  watching the Delta variant very closely,”
       Festival and president of the Michigan  groups.                        he said. “We will be very sure people
       Nursery and Landscape Association.”  “I really find it fun,” he said.  are safe this weekend.”
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