Page 4 - FF2021
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to local projects and public services in
the community. The Rotary Club is also
very involved in funding local literacy
projects and this year provided a great
deal of funding to help offset the
impact of COVID on community servic-
“Our biggest impact is the funding
of education for students to attend col-
lege and vocational schools,” Bunt
said. “That takes a huge chunk of the
money.” Rotary Club members put in a full morning of painstaking work to clean and
Every chicken barbeque chairman sanitize the grills used for the Sunday Chicken Barbeque.
agrees that the event could not happen chairman; Gary Stolz, director of pur- tions support and Kent Early, the past
without the work of the teens and their chasing; Andy Savage, director of tick- chairman and committee advisor
advisors from local schools. This year, ets; Eric Kostoff, director of opera- Volunteer students from the high
members of the Rotary Club Barbecue tions; Danny Hyman, director of volun- school athletic teams and various clubs
Committee include Bunt who is the teers; Jason Zarate, director of opera- actively participate in the preparation