Page 20 - FF2018
P. 20
Page 18 FALL FFESTIVAL 22018
Church offers shuttle service again this year
One of the most popular attrac- to support the community service ing the event.
tions at the Plymouth Fall Festival projects of the clubs like Special “Many of the folks we shuttle are
year will operate every 20 minutes or Olympics, Lions, Rotary and Civitans. families who return every year once
so from the time the event opens on Without the volunteers' efforts to con- they discover how easy and conven-
Friday until after it closes on Sunday. trol the parking flow in the lots, park- ient the service is,” Hooper said in an
More than 1,000 visitors to the ing in the public lots could experi- earlier interview.
event have discovered the convenient ence serious traffic jams and even He added that many of the volun-
parking and shuttle service offered by fender benders. The popularity of teers at various booths and events of
Praise Baptist Church, which pro- that paid parking is one of the moti- the civic groups park at the church
vides free parking at the church, vating factors in the shuttles offered and use the shuttle service.
located at 45000 North Territorial by the church. The shuttle picks passengers up at
Road, about a quarter mile west of Parking at the church is free, as are the church and transports them to the
Sheldon Road. From there, visitors to the shuttles, and there is no waiting in drop-off location, adjacent to
the festival can ride in a comfortable line or concern about heavy traffic Plymouth City Hall downtown.
shuttle which will transport them getting in or out of the lots. Passengers enter and exit right on
right to the center of the action with- Last year, James Hooper, the chair- Main Street.
out having to start their visit with the person of the missions and outreach The shuttles pick-up about every
stress of trying to find a parking place at Praise Baptist Church said that the 20-minutes or so and there is rarely, if
downtown. shuttle service has been without any ever, a wait for service. They will
Most of the public parking lots in untoward incidents during the past operate for a half hour before the fes-
the community will be manned by five years the church has offered the tival opens and for a half hour after
various service clubs who will charge service. This is the seventh year the closing time each day during the
$5 or so to park. Those funds are used church has provided the service dur- weekend.