Page 24 - FF2018
P. 24
Page 22 FALL FFESTIVAL 22018
Pet Show from page 20
human variety. One year we had a
child that wanted to register her little
brother and one that wanted to enter
a stuffed animal. Cute, but not eligi-
ble,” she said.
Optimist International is a world-
wide volunteer organization of more
than 2,500 local clubs whose members
work to “make the future brighter by
bringing out the best in children, in
their communities, and in them-
selves,” Roebuck said. Information is
available at
The Plymouth Optimist Club, char-
tered in 1949, has partnered with
numerous local service organizations
to promote programs to enhance the the Plymouth Fall Festival is the and the community that enhance
community and support local youth. longest running event the club spon- learning, develop leadership and pro-
In the 1950s, the Plymouth Rotary and sors. mote positive citizenship.
Plymouth Optimists came together to In 2013, interest from Canton The club meets twice monthly to
support the Plymouth Community Township residents led to developing plan and organize community events.
Fall Festival for all to enjoy, Batcho the combined Plymouth-Canton For information about programs or
said. Optimist Club. Together the Optimists membership, contact Batcho at ply-
The Pet Show and Contest during deliver programs within local schools