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FALL FFESTIVAL 22018 Page 15
Using their noodle
Morning Rotary Club Spaghetti Dinner funds civic work
Julie Brown
Staff Writer
Kate Rosevear of the Rotary Club
of Plymouth A.M. is proud of fellow
club members who put on the annual
Spaghetti Dinner. This year it will be
from 4-8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, in the
party tent behind E.G. Nick's restau-
rant on Forest Avenue in downtown
"It's a fun event for the community
because it's a party," said Rosevear, a
past club president who owns Travel
Leaders in Plymouth Township, a A trio entertains the dinner crowds at the Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M.
travel agency. "A party atmosphere. It's Spaghetti Dinner where members work to create a party atmosphere for every-
an Italian party." one.
Tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner Mucci's noodles, marinara sauce, port a Child Advocate program for
cost $10 either in advance or during meatballs, a Jimmy John's chocolate youth in foster care.
the dinner, and are available by call- chip cookie, and water. Plastic table Rosevear said the Spaghetti Dinner
ing (734) 455-5810. utensils are provided, and the adult fundraiser has been ongoing for 13-14
Rosevear emphasizes there's now meal also includes a roll. years with much success, more so
drive-thru carryout available. "And Most proceeds support scholar- since the move a few years ago from
we're getting more and more of that ships "for kids who have overcome Kellogg Park where cooking was a
which is good," she said. challenges to graduate from high challenge, to the covered tent behind
There will be both a strolling musi- school," she said. The club, founded in E.G. Nick's. The tent offers a covered
cian and meatball toss for entertain- 1996, also supports the Infant dining area to protect diners from sun
ment. Children age 5 and under Preschool Special Education Program and, worst case scenario, rain.
receive a free kid's meal for each adult of the Plymouth-Canton schools, puts The Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M.
meal purchased. on an annual Senior Dinner for the meets 7-8:15 a.m. each Tuesday at the
The adult meal includes Mama December holidays, and several other Plymouth Arts & Recreation Complex,
Mucci's noodles, marinara sauce, community activities. 650 Church St. New members are wel-
meatballs, salad with dressing, water, With partners, club members are come, and should use the side door off
and a Jimmy John's chocolate chip building their second school in Guo, of the parking lot by other parked
cookie. The kid's meal has Mama Ghana. Closer to home, they also sup- vehicles.