Page 16 - FF2018
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Page 14                                FALL FFESTIVAL 22018

       Veterans from page 13

       14 days and injured by napalm, earning
       a Purple Heart. Spencer was in
       Vietnam for 1966, in service 1965-67.
       Adis was in-country during 1966-67.
         Dignan served 1967-68, in Vietnam
       the last half and first half of those years.
       King and Adis were in the U.S. Air
       Force, the rest Army. “We flew search
       and rescue,” recalled King, showing
       photos of himself. “I'm the only officer
       in the bunch, the token.”
         All five men are current or past VVA
       presidents. King recalls of the 1960s  This wall of photos at the post on Mill Street in Plymouth shows Vietnam War
       and earlier 1970s, “Every night, there  personnel in uniform when they were young servicemen.
       was Vietnam news” on TV.
         King was career Air Force for 22  Forty-eight years we've been married.”  tary budget bill, adding of the post and
       years, in Vietnam 1971-72.         Dignan and his wife have been married  others working to inform veterans of
         Spencer recalls coming home,     45 years, and there's an active Ladies  housing, health care and education
       “When I left Vietnam it was 91 degrees.  Auxiliary at the post on Mill Street.  benefits.
       It was January. It was freaking cold” at  “I got drafted while I was in  “It's starting to gain more ground
       home.                              Vietnam,” said King, who wrote from  every day,” King said. A nearby wall
         Adis adds he's back in sound shape  Saigon he couldn't report to Detroit's  poster lists a Veterans Crisis Line of 1-
       after being sprayed with Agent Orange  Fort Wayne for a physical.      800-273-8255 press 1, a cooperative
       while in Vietnam “thanks to my wife.  King questioned a recent large mili-  effort to address veteran suicides.
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