Page 14 - CNLF2024
P. 14


       Staying safe

       Liberty Festival features safety measures, procedures

         While Canton Township Public     wristband at each of the Canton     member as soon as possible.
       Safety officials look forward to the  Leisure Services information booths  Once again parents and guests are
       Liberty Festival each year, their top  located throughout the festival area.  encouraged to use the loop at the
       priority is ensuring the safety of visi-  Staff members will write parents'  Canton Public Library located at 1200
       tors at the event.                 and/or guardians' phone numbers on  S. Canton Center Road for visitor drop-
         To help protect the public, special  the inside of the band, which they will  off and pickup. This will alleviate any
       safety measures will be in place   then retrieve if approached by a child  crowded traffic line ups or delays.
       throughout the event, officials said.  separated from their party. Lost chil-  Officials have requested that pets,
         In the case of a weather emergency,  dren can be quickly reunited with their  roller-blades, or skateboards avoid the
       festival-goers should seek shelter in  families using this system, officials  festival and not enter the park during
       the nearby Canton Administration   said.                               the event. Free bike corrals will be
       Building, or Summit on the Park. Both  Any  medical  issues  should  be  located at main festival entry points
       facilities have been designated safe  referred to the first aid station, located  and can be used at no charge.
       spaces for seeking shelter from weath-  next to the Canton Public Safety  Officials reminded parents that they
       er emergencies.                    mobile command unit. If assistance is  are responsible for the direct supervi-
         Parents can obtain a free lost child  needed, notify a Liberty Fest staff  sion of their children at all times.
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