Page 13 - CNLF2024
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Community Awards which will be Gen. Gordon Granger, freeing the
presented from 6:30 until 7 p.m. slaves of Texas on June 19, 1865
A gospel performance will fol- (known today as Juneteenth)
low featuring a variety of gospel “The people of Texas are
music styles from traditional to informed that, in accordance with
contemporary. Then DJZ Light will a proclamation from the Executive
return to spin more music of the United States, all slaves are
favorites. free. This involves an absolute
From 8 until 10 p.m. Larry Lee equality of personal rights and
and the Back in the Day Band will rights of property between former
take to the stage for one of their masters and slaves, and the con-
well-known high energy perform- nection heretofore existing
ances. between them becomes that
Organizers reminded visitors to between employer and hired labor.
browse and shop at the Black- The freedmen are advised to
owned businesses and vendors fea- remain quietly at their present
tured throughout the celebration. homes and work for wages. They
This event is also presented by are informed that they will not be
WeatherGard, Canton Township allowed to collect at military posts
and the Canton Commission for and that they will not be supported
Culture, Arts and Heritage. in idleness either there or else-
General Order No. 3 from Maj. where.”