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Making a difference for youngsters in                 “Statistically, 32% of kids will
         need of a home right here at home...               wait 3 years before becoming
                                                            adopted; 15,000 children will
         Recently, we became acquainted with Annette        wait 5 or more years to be
       Honstain, founder and CEO of Our Child's Advocate - a  adopted;  24,000 young people
       foster care support service agency located in Canton,  will age out of the foster care
       Michigan. OCA serves children in the Foster Care System  system annually without ever
       through adoption assistance, care-giver and foster family  finding their 'Forever Family'.”
       training and support and by providing  independent living  Our club has dedicated sup-
       services for those who have aged-out of the system.   port to Our Child's Advocate.
         We were moved by Annette's own story: raised in the  This year we partnered with the
       system from early childhood and never finding a “forever  Michigan Philharmonic to invite
       home”;  aging out of the system at 18; learning to navi-  foster care children and fami-  Annette Honstain
       gate the adult world alone; and putting herself through  lies to orchestra concerts plus
       college and law school. Annette understands first hand  we held a “super-hero” socks and underwear drive for the
       where the problems are for many children in the system  kids. At Christmas our club “adopted” 32 of the children
       and is determined to find ways to support them.      in the foster care program, making sure all had presents
         According to Annette, “The U.S. foster care system  under the tree.
       was designed to temporarily protect and nurture children  To learn more about Our Child's Advocate, please visit
       whose parents are unable or unwilling to care for them, and find  ways in which you
       until those parents become stronger, healthier and are in  too can support their important work for children in our
       a position to provide a safe and loving home for their chil-  community.
       dren.  Sadly, too many children end up spending years in
       'the system', and moving to and from foster homes, shel-
       ters, and residential programs and from one school dis-
       trict to another. Many never feel stable or connected,
       lacking the family and community ties that are so critical
       to young adults.

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