Page 11 - rotary2018
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Making A difference in the                   Each guest received a gift and a few went home with the
               lives of our local Seniors...                centerpieces.
                                                              Mark your calendars now and plan to join us for our
         Since our club’s founding in 1997, the Rotary Club of  2018 Senior Dinner on Sunday, December 16th from 3-
       Plymouth A.M. has hosted an annual Christmas party for  5pm at the Plymouth Cultural Center on Farmer Street.
       the senior residents of the Plymouth community.        This event is FREE to all Plymouth City and Twp. resi-
       Because the dinner is held in early December, we count  dents over the age of 65, especially those who might not
       on it being cold.  For the past two winters, it has been  otherwise enjoy a family Christmas celebration.  The
       cold and miserable.                                  experience is PRICELESS.  Tickets are required.  For
         This past December 9th, once again, Mother Nature  information or tickets,  please contact Rotarian Mary
       did not fail us. As we were preparing for our 20th Annual  Wolfe at 734-787-7092 or Mary@TheWolfeAdvantage.
       Dinner, it began to snow...and snow...and snow.  After a  com.
       blizzard and a near shut-out in 2016, this year we were
       better prepared.  We had advertised that we would serve
       dinner regardless of weather and that we would provide
       rides for those who needed them. And so we did. The
       weather did not hold back the nearly 100 brave souls who
       attended our fine and festive gathering. Guests feasted
       on a meal catered by Jeff Zak: chicken with all the tradi-
       tional holiday trimmings and  plenty of Christmas cheer,
       companionship and the great talents of our master of cer-
       emonies, Geff Phillips.
         The afternoon's entertainment included serenading by
       the East Middle School Singers, delightful hosting by the
       Junior Honor Society members from West Middle School
       and the Rotary Interact members from the PCEP high
       schools, a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus, and a rousing
       sing-along with a terrific  Barry Manilow impersonator.   "Barry Manilow" entertaining at our Senior Dinner

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