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Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M.
Good Morning, Plymouth! port from us. And when it
comes to polio, we aren't just
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M. working to contain it; we're
This year our “breakfast club” is celebrating its 21st year working to end it.”
of having fun and fellowship every Tuesday morning, build- Our club has built two
ing great and lasting friendships and all the while, Making a schools in northern Ghana, in
Difference in our local community and in the world at large. partnership with many clubs
We call ourselves “A little but mighty Club”...because we in our District 6400 AND in
are. At 19 members strong, we already exemplify many of partnership with Rotary clubs
the very things that Rotary worldwide is striving to become. in Accra and Guo, Ghana.
In his address to the 2017 Rotary International Assembly, We have partnered with the
current RI President Ian H.S. Riseley of Australia set forth government of Ghana for the Judy M. Wernette
three strategic priorities for Rotary during the 2017-18 long-term sustainability of
Rotary year: these schools.
- to support and strengthen our clubs Our third priority is enhancing the public image and
- to focus and increase our humanitarian service awareness of Rotary.
- to enhance Rotary's public image and awareness This Possibilities magazine you are reading is our 15th
To strengthen our clubs, President Riseley has asked annual publication. We distribute this magazine by first
Rotary Clubs in general “ address two things: gender class mail to 10,000 households and businesses in the
balance in our membership and the average age of Plymouth community. Our objective is to get our Rotary
Rotarians.” message out to our neighbors and to invite you to join us in
Riseley stated that “... in the 28 years since Rotary voted Rotary: Making A Difference.
to admit women to membership, the percentage of women Discover for yourself who we are and what we are all
in our clubs is only just over 20 percent -- up from 13 per- about. We meet every Tuesday morning from 7A.M. to
cent 10 years ago. At that rate, it will take us another three 8:15A.M. at PARC, Door 16. Be our guest for a Jeff Zak
decades to get to where we should be: gender parity, with catered breakfast. No reservations needed. We'd love to
as many women members in Rotary clubs as men. Three meet you.
decades is far too long to wait to achieve a Rotary that
reflects the world in which we live. We need to make it a Judy M. Wernette
priority now.” President 2017-2018
From Day 1, our Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M. has Rotary Club of Plymouth A.M.
strived for, achieved and maintained gender parity! Of our
19 active members, our current roster boasts 10 women Please support our sponsors. Thanks to them, we are
and 9 men. Rotary: Making a Difference!
Regarding average age, President Riseley reminds us
“...that Paul Harris was only 36 years of age when he called
that first Rotary meeting together in Chicago in 1905. Rotary Serving Humanity
Today, only 5 percent of our reported membership of 1.2 If any story in this magazine piqued your curiosity or
million is under the age of 40.” touched your heart and you would like to do some-
Our Club members range in age from mid-20s to mid- thing about it, please let us know!
70s. Our average age is in the mid-50s. Statistically, this is
way better than most Rotary Clubs. While we welcome You can help us help others by making a contribution
service minded people of all ages, we find that our early through our non-profit 501(c)3 Foundation.
morning meeting is ideal for younger folks who live in ROTARY CLUB OF PLYMOUTH A.M. FOUNDATION
Plymouth and work out of town and for busy folks who can't
take time away from their work day to attend a more tradi- For your convenience, you may contribute by con-
tional noon hour meeting. tacting us online at
About our second strategic priority, President Riseley Click on Rotary AM Foundation and click on Donate.
says “We have six areas of focus in Rotary. In all of them,
one essential element is sustainability. We don't dig wells If you would like to contact us, send an email to
and walk away. We make sure communities can maintain Kate Rosevear, Foundation Treasurer, at
and repair those wells. If we build a clinic, we make sure
that clinic has a way to keep running, without ongoing sup-