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lars that most visitors would never began playing t-ball. She began rep-
consider. “We have to figure out resenting the group with the Fall
things like how to get the electrical Festival about 6 years ago as a volun-
wiring complete for the craft booths, teer with the Bingo fundraiser. She
where to put the car show, make sure will be on hand at the Gathering
we have the bingo license and any again this year from 6 until 9 p.m.
number of other details,” she said. It calling numbers and has elicited her
is time consuming for everyone husband's help, too. “It's all hands on
involved, she agreed, but noted that deck for the games,” she said, noting
all the committee members volun- that the bingo games are the second
teer their time to help the communi- largest fundraiser for Little League
ty. each year.
This year, Gerber, said, they are “I don't think most people who
“maxed out” at the craft show with come to the festival realize that every
vendors where there will be more dime they spend is affiliated with a
booths than ever, she said. “We have non-profit organization and goes
a lot more non-profit participation.” Andrea Gerber right back into the community,” she
Gerber and her husband, Randy, said. “That's what makes this event
have lived in Plymouth since 2009. Little League group when their sons, so unique. Everyone involved is tied
They both became involved with the Luke, now 14, and Kyle, now 11, to a non-profit,” Gerber concluded.