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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 31, 2020


        Mills                                  that plans for the art center have been
                                                 Khalil Rahal, a Wayne County assistant
        FROM PAGE 1                            executive said possible plans for the
                                               Wilcox site could include various busi-
           The sale of the Wilcox Mill on Wilcox  nesses including a coffee shop, a juice
        Road and the Newburgh Mill on Hines    store and a bicycle shop. He stressed that
        Drive was not without controversy as an  those are all potential plans and are not
        avid group of residents protested the sale  finalized. He noted that Cox would be an
        of county land to private owners.      ideal buyer for the mill considering his
        Commissioners did approve the sale of  experience in restoring other historic
        both sites which were basically aban-  sites in the community. He noted the work
        doned and used for storage. The mills,  Cox and his company had performed on
        designed by noted architect Albert Kahn,  the Phoenix Mill in Northville and noted
        were built by the Ford Motor Co.       that it takes special handling and experi-
           Hoffman said that he and Roko were in  ence in dealing with historic architecture.    Gift of Life
        talks with county officials about other col-  Plans to relocate the Wayne County
        laborative efforts to include public art  Sheriff's Office Mounted Unit from stables
        projects in the area. Roko currently has a  near the Newburgh Mill have been  Local teens support organ transplant efforts
        studio on  Penniman Avenue in downtown  changed, too. An original plan to move the
        Plymouth.                              horses to a site in Westland  near county  Key2Finesse, a student-led nonprofit  has generated more than $130,000 since
           Developer Richard Cox purchased the  park headquarters at Nankin Mills have  organization with members in both  2015 for charitable causes like The Heat
        Phoenix Mill on Northville Road in     been delayed until a new stable can be  Canton and Northville, has generated  and Warmth Fund (THAW), Gleaner's
        Plymouth Township. Cox is planning to  constructed, according to Rahal.      $75,000 for the Gift of Life Foundation  Community Food Bank, Easter Seals, and
        built a banquet center and restaurant at  Newburgh Mill will not be closed until a  through a year-long partnership.  more. Key2Finesse teams up with a differ-
        the site. Cox also has a purchase agree-  new facility to house the horses is com-  The Gift of Life Foundation supports  ent charitable organization each year and
        ment on the Newburgh Mill and is report-  plete, he said. That new area will be in  the Gift of Life Michigan mission of honor-  selected the Gift of Life Foundation in
        edly interested in the Wilcox Mill site now  Hines Park, he added.           ing life through organ and tissue donation.  2020.
                                                                                     The funds will be used to further promote  place virtually on Dec. 13. With help from
                                                                                                                              The Speak the Difference event took
                                                                                     organ and tissue donation education and
        Rivalry                                                ”                     awareness and provide financial support  sponsors like Ally Financial Services, the
                                                                                                                           NVIDIA Foundation and more, students
                                                                                     for transplant recipients and the social
        FROM PAGE 1                                        It's important            workers at Michigan Transplant Centers.  from Troy, Canton, Northville and Novi
                                                                                        “We are so grateful for this collabora-
                                                                                                                           raised $75,000 for Gift of Life - a new
                                                       to remember those             tion,” said Susan Rink, chief of philan-  record for the 5-year-old organization.
           “It's kind of a tradition for a lot of                                    thropy and foundation programs for Gift  “They enjoyed working with Gift of
        folks,” said Buzuvis. “There's still people   who might need help            of Life. “These funds will further our mis-  Life Michigan and they learned a lot,” said
        in need and the money stays local. It's      with the bare essentials,       sion to promote organ and tissue donation  Vidhi Ghosalkar, who brought the Finesse
        important to remember those who                                              education and awareness, while also   Academy to the U.S. in 2002. “I think they
        might need help with the bare essen-           especially this year.         financially supporting transplant recipi-  also learned to be more grateful and value
        tials, especially this year. Not only does                                   ents and the social workers at our    life more.”
        it help during the holidays, it helps all                                    Michigan Transplant Centers.”            A complete list of winners is available
        year.”                                                                          Key2Finesse was founded in 2015 by  at
           The COVID-19 pandemic kept some                                           high school students Esha Ghosalkar and  Dorrie Dils, CEO of Gift of Life
        volunteer bell ringers away this year, but                                   Chintan Maheshwari with the goal of cre-  Michigan, said she was appreciative of the
        other volunteers came to each corps to  gifts.” He and colleagues have been  ating future leaders. It promotes public  collaboration.
        assist with holiday needs. The Wayne-  busy but shared a laugh that Joanna   speaking and other life skills and puts on  “We are truly grateful for the opportu-
        Westland corps on Venoy Road will      Rose, who with her husband was a past  several events every year, including confi-  nity to collaborate with these talented
        open this week 28, and Tuesday and     Wayne-Westland Salvation Army officer,  dence building and public speaking work-  young people,” she said. “This has been a
        Wednesday too, other than New Year's   now appears in that role on Chicago bus  shops and career exploration sympo-  wonderful partnership and we appreciate
        Day, to take donations and assist resi-  stop posters holding a bell aloft while in  siums. Their largest event, the Speak the  all the hard work that went into this event
        dents. To reach the Wayne-Westland     uniform.                              Difference fundraiser, comprises a variety  and for everything they've done for us this
        corps,  call (734) 722-3660 which has 9  “That was so cool. I thought that was  of different competitions including essay  year. We were fortunate to have been
        a.m. to 4 p.m. business hours with a   hilarious,” said Barylski, joking of being  writing, poetry, art, coding, multimedia,  selected from so many worthy causes.”
        noon to 1 p.m. lunch closing.          jealous of her “stardom”.             and public speaking.                     For more information about Gift of Life
           “If it's brought here or sent here it  The Plymouth corps can be reached     Through the Speak the Difference   Michigan or to register as a donor visit
        stays locally,” Barylski said of monetary  at (734) 453-5464 .               fundraiser and other events, Key2Finesse
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