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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 31, 2020

                                                        PLYMOUTH - WAYNE
                                                        PLYMOUTH - WAYNE

        Time travel

        Museum ‘Christmas with the First Ladies’ exhibit continues until Jan. 10

                                  Julie Brown    Vignettes in the exhibit represent first
                                Special Writer  ladies in The White House through the
                                               years. Green noted it's being an election
           Christmas with the First Ladies at  year contributed to the exhibit choice.
        The White House is a popular exhibit   The museum will close to the public Jan.
        now on display at the Plymouth         10 until Jan. 27 when the next exhibit
        Historical Museum, 155 S. Main St. in  opens.
        downtown Plymouth.                       That “First Ladies, Fashion Setters”
           The exhibit, which continues until  exhibit will be open through June 13.
        Jan. 10, goes “right back to Martha, the  This exhibit will feature the dresses of
        very first,” museum Marketing Director  the first ladies and their impact and
        Rennae Green said of Martha Custis     influence in fashion.
        Washington. “We do go all the way back   “Despite all the circumstances going
        so it's quite a span.”                 on at the moment it's been pretty good,”
           Some 20 costumed mannequins are     Green said of attendance. In past years,
        featured, with many dresses from the   the exhibit based on Red Ryder BB guns
        collection of archivist Pam Yockey, also a  and “A Christmas Story,” the related
        seamstress. The Hillary Clinton,       movie, drew crowds.
        Michelle Obama and Melania Trump         “People are looking to do something
        years are covered.                     festive,” Green said.
           The Plymouth Historical Museum is     The museum gift shop has books on
        open to the public from 1-4 p.m.       the first ladies as well as ornaments
        Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and        through The White House Historical
        Sunday. More information is available at  Association. “They're like felt, nicely or (734) 455-8940.  done,” she said of the ornaments.

           Area mourns death of former                                                               Attempted theft of ATM

           Northside Hardware owner                                                                  machine is investigated

                                                                                                       The investigation into the
                                                                                                                                   knocked over and had chains
             Philip Kaplan, the long-time  and Janet.                                                attempted theft of a Chase Bank  removed.  The machine had been
           owner of Northside Hardware    The couple traveled exten-                                 ATM machine in Plymouth is    attached and may have been
           in Wayne, died Dec. 21.      sively to all of the continents                              under  way, according to officials.  dragged.
             Mr. Kaplan and his brother,  and Mr. Kaplan was always very                               Police were dispatched to the  The machine, however, had
           Sidney, acquired Northside   curious and interested in every-                             Ann Arbor Road location just west  apparently not been broken into
           Hardware in 1955 and grew the  one he knew and met. He was                                of Main Street at about 4 a.m. Dec.  and the mechanism appeared
           business into one of the most  well known for his sense of                                20 in response to a mechanical  intact.
           successful independent hard-  humor and many would often                                  alarm, according to police reports.  Officers observed a suspect
           ware stores in the country. He  seek him out for the latest joke.                         Responding officers discovered  running from a vehicle near the
           continued to work until almost  In addition to his wife, Mr.                              an ATM machine in the drive-  Harvey Street entrance to the
           his 90th birthday and developed  Kaplan is survived by his son,                           through lane which ad been dis-  bank and later discovered that
           numerous special friendships  Gary (Wendy); his daughter,                                 lodged from the cement and    vehicle had been reported stolen.
           that endured over his entire life.  Janet (Howard); two grandchil-
             Mr. Kaplan was born July 5,  dren, Erin Zeitler (Daniel) and                            State opens some venues
           1925, the fifth and youngest  Zachary Kaplan, and two great-            Philip Kaplan
           child of Isaac and Fanny     grandchildren, Riley and       Contributions in his memory     The Michigan Department of  indoor entertainment venues.
           Kaplan. On Aug 13, 1943 he and  Mason.                   can be made to Detroit Institute  Health and Human Services    Casinos, bowling centers and
           the love of his life, Diane Pritz,  He is also survived by sever-  of Arts, Birmingham Temple, or  (MDHHS) updated its epidemic  movie theatres will be allowed to
           went on their first date and an  al nieces, nephews, great-nieces  Virginia Mason Medical Center  order recently to allow indoor  reopen with total capacity
           enduring love affair, partner-  and -nephews along with many  in Seattle, Washington.     activities where Michiganders  capped at 100; food and drink
           ship and friendship resulted in  friends especially in Seattle,  Final arrangements were  can remain masked, as this has  concessions closed; and social
           73 years of marriage. They had  North Carolina, New York area  entrusted to The Ira Kaufman  been scientifically shown to slow  distancing requirements in
           three children, Gary, Robert  and the Detroit area.      Chapel.                          the virus. This includes in-per-  place. The new order will last
                                                                                                     son learning at high schools and  until Friday, Jan. 15.


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              Haywood of Benton Harbor                        – WESTLAND –      2007 CHEVROLET        1FTRW07L41KE29959     EXPERIENCE,   EXCEL-
                              and Alice and Jeff Jones of                  TV, DRESSER, HEATER  2G1WU58R479151060     2008 SUZUKI           LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN
                              Lansing;  step-brothers,                                          2007 FORD             JS2YB417985103311     ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-
                              Tyrone Hampton and Steve  FIVE STAR STORE IT  SWINDLEHURST, JOHN  1ZVFT80N375231691     1983 KAWASAKI         CATED ROUTES ROMEO
                              Hampton, both of Benton  5235 MERRIMAN RD       – WESTLAND –      2008 FORD             JKAKZDN12DA008408     AND WAYNE DISPATCH,
                              Harbor; grandson, Kendle  WESTLAND, MI  48186  TOOL BOX, COOLERS,  3FAHP07Z18R166399    2004 MERCURY          CALL KIRT 586-752-4529
                              Parks of Durham, NC;       734-721-4670      FISHING POLES, MICRO,  1994 FORD           4M2DU86KX4UJ15145     EXT 1032
                              niece,   Brea   Marie                            SAW LADDER       1FTCR14U0RPC46265     2004 CHRYSLER
                              Humphrey of Snellville, GA;  THE FOLLOWING WILL                   2013 CHRYSLER         2C3HD36M54H655666     Miscellaneous
                              nephew,      Nicholas   BE UP FOR AUCTION    THORNTON, CHARLES    1C3CCBBB4DN601441     2000 DODGE            DENTAL INSURANCE from
                              Benjamin Humphrey of     ONLINE STARTING         – DETROIT –      2013 FORD             1B3ES46CXYD623513     Physicians    Mutual
                              Snellville,  GA;  cousin,  JANUARY 8, 2021   FRIDGE, HOUSEHOLD    3FA6P0H74DR114148     2003 DODGE            Insurance   Company.
                              Gregory  and   Sylvia      AT 12:00 P.M.    GOODS, COUCH, BOXES   2014 CHEVROLET        2D6WB11Y03K519710     Coverage for 350 plus pro-
                              Hughey, Jr. of Las Vegas,    GO TO                                1G11B5SLXEF255237     2002 GMC              cedures. Real dental insur-
                              NV; ex-wife, Leigh Truss of  STORAGEAUCTIONS.COM                  2005 FORD             1GKEL19X22B503978     ance - NOT just a discount
                              Decatur, GA; special friend,                   THE FOLLOWING      1FAFP251X5G180045     1997 FORD             plan. Do not wait! Call now!
                              Paul Alexander of Dallas,  BARKER, MICHAEL   VEHICLES HAVE BEEN   2008 PONTIAC          1FDKE37L5VHA39957     Get your FREE Dental
                              TX; "Nate's Peeps", James   – WAYNE –        DEEMED ABANDONED     2CKDL33F656053047     2013 DODGE            Information Kit with all the
                              Essary, Michael Hurley,  BIKES, DRESSER,      AND WILL BE SOLD    1997 GMC              1C3CDZCB9DN709459     details!  1-855-524-0779
              Humphrey,       Carl Wilkinson, Drew Bretz,  COUCH, LAWNMOWER  AT PUBLIC AUCTION:  1GTEC14M4VE515772    2005 DODGE  
          Nathaniel Edward III   Emmett  Massie  and                           J&M TOWING       2008 HYUNDAI          1D4GP24R05B234779     press #6258
        Nathaniel Edward (Nate)  Charles Bohannon, all of  CHAFFIN, SUSAN    8964 INKSTER RD.   5NPEU46CX8H321738     1994 MERCURY
        Humphrey, III, 50, of  Dallas, TX, and numerous   – WAYNE –         ROMULUS, MI. 48174  2007 FORD             4M2DV11W7RDJ00429     GENERAC      Standby
        Snellville, GA, passed away  other family members and  STORAGE CABINETS,  1.8.21 @ 1:00 PM   1FAHP34N57W167263  2001 HONDA          Generators provide backup
        on Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020.    a host of friends.    LAMP, HOUSEHOLD                      2002 DODGE            1HGES16541L077982     power during utility power
        Mr. Humphrey was a    Funeral  Services  took       ITEMS         1978 PINES            2B7KB31Y52K137753     2008 FORD
        United States Army Veteran  place Dec. 30,at the                  1PNV532B3WH2070186    2000 FORD             1FMCU04118KA21360     outages, so your home and
        and worked for AT&T.  He  Snellville Chapel of Tim  CUTLIP, KRISTON   2001 DODGE        1FTRX08W7YKA41169     1995 SATURN           family stay safe and com-
        was preceded in death by  Stewart Funeral Home with  – WESTLAND –   1B7MC33651J563034   2007 SATURN           1G8ZK5273SZ247787     fortable. Prepare now. Free
        his  father,  Nathaniel  Duane Thomas officiating.    WASHER, DRYER,   1996 LINCOLN     5GZCZ33Z27S869243     2006 FORD             7-year extended warranty
        Edward Humphrey, II.   Final arrangements were   HEADBOARD        1LNLM82W2TY730530     2003 CHEVROLET        1FAHP25126G163525     ($695 value!). Request a
        Among his survivors are his  entrusted to the Tim                 2004 KIA              1GNFK16Z53J290998     2010 FORD             free quote today! Call for
        ex-wife and mother of his  Stewart Funeral Home,  DEAL, DYWAYNE   KNDJC733045284054     2003 FREIGHTLINER     1FAHP3FN2AW165748     additional terms and condi-
        child, Victoria Whitley of  2246 Wisteria Dr., Snellville,  – FLINT –   2002 CHEVROLET   1FUJA6CG23LL11857    2005 CHEVROLET        tions. 1-877-378-0097
        New Windsor, NY; daugh-  GA 30078. (770) 979-5010.  COMPRESSOR, WELDER,  2GCEK19T521127613   2006 VOLVO       1GNDT13SX52340738
        ter,  Jessica  Monique  Leave online condolences  COOLER, TOOLS,   2005 CHEVROLET       YV4CZ592061308225
        Humphrey of Durham, NC;  at  SECTIONAL COUCH SET,  1G1ZT54835F148863  2002 BUICK
        mother, Millicent Humphrey  <  ENGINE STAND  2005 CHEVROLET     3G5DA03E02S515525                              Call 734-467-1900
        of Romulus; step-mother,  />.                                     1GNET16S456102179     2007 DODGE
        Ann Humphrey of Benton                         FRENCH, WENDY      2010 DODGE            1B3HB48B67D117645                                  to place
        Harbor; brother and sister-                      – ROMULUS –      3D4PG5FV3AT115533     2005 CHEVROLET
        in-law, Brian and Althea  Call 734-467-1900   GUITAR CASE, MICRO,  2004 PONTIAC         1GNDT13SX52386733                              your classified ad
        Humphrey of Snellville, GA;  to place your     TOOL BOX, BAGS     1G2NW12E14M682411     2006 NISSAN           Help Wanted - Truck Driver   or email
        step-sisters  and  their  classified ad or email                  2011 FORD             JN8AZ08W76W544105     CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,
        spouses, Anita and Marvin  ROBINSON, STEVIE   1FAHP3FN4BW188305  2001 FORD             3  MONTHS   MINIMUM
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