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December 31, 2020                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                INKSTER - NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND
                                INKSTER - NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND

        Governor names local attorney to Civil Rights Commission

           Richard    Corriveau    of                             ”                                 Section 29, the State Constitution
        Northville has been appointed to          Corriveau was appointed to represent              directs the Commission to inves-
        the Michigan Civil Rights                                                                   tigate alleged discrimination
        Commission, by Gov. Gretchen               democrats for a term commencing                  against any person because of
        Whitmer.                                Jan. 1, 2021 and expiring Dec. 31, 2024.            religion, race, color or national
           Corriveau is a trial attorney                                                            origin, and to "secure the equal
        and the president of Richard J.                                                             protection of such civil rights
        Corriveau Law, P.C.                                                                         without such discrimination."
           He is a veteran of the United  the University of Detroit Law  sion was Anupama Kosaraju, of  Public Acts 453 and 220 of
        States military and previously  School.                       Franklin and Gloria E. Lara, of  1976 and subsequent amend-
        worked as a public school        Corriveau was appointed to   Grand Rapids.                 ments have added sex, age, mari-
        teacher and an adjunct professor.  represent democrats for a term  The Michigan Civil Rights  tal status, height, weight, arrest
        He holds a bachelor of arts    commencing Jan. 1, 2021 and    Commission was created by the  record, and physical and mental
        degree in English from Michigan  expiring Dec. 31, 2024.      Michigan Constitution of 1963 to  disabilities to the original four
        State University, a master of arts  He succeeds Jeffrey Sakwa  carry out the guarantees against  protected categories.
        in education and psychology    whose term expires December    discrimination articulated in    The appointments are subject
        from the University of Michigan,  31, 2020.                   Article I, Section 2.         to the advice and consent of the
        and a Juris Doctor degree from   Also appointed to the commis-   As further stated in Article V,  Senate.                               Richard Corriveau
        Westland Finance Department now open for bill payments

           The City of Westland                                                                     (including trash collection).   ponements, visit
        Finance Department has                                    ”                                    The Jefferson Barns
        reopened to the public for tax                   Finance staff members                      Community Vitality Center,       Residents are encouraged
        and water bill payment servic-                   will be available during                   the Friendship Senior Center   to utilize the city online servic-
        es. Finance staff members will                                                              and the Mike Modano Ice        es at
        be available during normal                      normal hours of operation                   Arena remain closed to the     during this time as well as the
        hours of operation to process                to process in-person payments.                 public.                        drop boxes located in front of
        in-person payments.                                                                            The Westland Public         city hall to drop off payments
           Other city hall business will                                                            Library will remain open with  and paperwork which will
        be permitted by appointment    ning offices.                             limited capacity and the 18th  continue to be checked daily.
        only.                            Residents can locate con-      Essential government serv-  District Court will remain       Public meetings, including
           This includes the assessing,  tact information to schedule  ices that continue unaffected  open. For the most current   meetings of the Westland City
        building, clerk, housing and   an appointment with specific   include public safety, utilities,  information and updates on  Council will be conducted vir-
        Westland CARES and plan-       departments  www.cityofwest-   animal control and sanitation  other city closures and post-  tually, officials said.
        State and local Inkster leaders provide coats for children and seniors

           State Rep. Jewell Jones (D-  ing to give back to the communi-  Giveaway because I truly believe  Harrington. “God blessed me  who may be going through
        Inkster) partnered with local  ty that raised you. But what   in the spirit of 'Paying It   with the opportunity to give back  unique challenges of their own,”
        leaders to provide winter coats  makes this so sweet is that we've  Forward'. As a leader in the com-  to the community after a long  said Davis Jr. “My goal is to make
        for children and seniors in need  opened up the borders to wel-  munity, I feel an obligation to  journey, which included a  a difference in a child's life, and
        last week. He was joined by    come youth and seniors from any  inspire others especially young  wrongful conviction. I want to  if simply providing them with a
        Inkster Mayor Patrick Wimberly,  community. This is what it   people by setting a positive  help give people opportunities  coat gives them one less thing
        Justice Group CEO Kevin        means to give back.”           example. It is truly a blessing to  that I didn't have, and the feeling  that they have to worry about,
        Harrington, and                  “The COVID-19 pandemic       reach a point where you can give  of helping someone improve  I'm willing to stand up and do my
           Adam Davis Jr.              presents unique challenges to all  back and make a difference in  their situation brings a special  part for the community.”
           “I commend Brothers Kevin   of us and we must make sacri-  other peoples' lives.”        type of joy.”                    During this event at the
        Harrington and Adam Davis, as  fices and contribute to others   “It's just truly a blessing for  “I was born and raised in the  Inkster Recreational Complex,
        well as the many sponsors for  whenever we can,” said         the community to come together  Inkster area, and after my father  Jones and his partners were able
        bringing this to my hometown,”  Wimberly. “It warms my heart to  to make sure people can receive  was murdered 33 years ago, I  to provide thousands of children
        said Jones. “It's a beautiful feel-  sponsor the Inkster Coat  the help that they need,” said  was inspired to help children  and seniors with coats.
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