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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 30, 2021

                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER
                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER

        Rush is named as Sumpter deputy supervisor

           Sumpter Township Trustee                                                                 supervisor is in all this. Do you
        Tim Rush has been appointed as                            ”                                 have any duties?” she asked. “If
        interim deputy township super-                  I'm going to do whatever                    we give Tim Rush more duties
        visor by a 5-1 vote of the board                the staff needs me to do.                   and more pay, what do you han-
        members.                                                                                    dle then?”
           Casting the only no vote on                  I know how to organize. \                      Trustee Matt Oddy reminded
        the proposal by Supervisor Tim                                                              Morgan that she was very sup-
        Bowman was Trustee Peggy                                                                    portive when Ken Bednark was
        Morgan. Rush abstained from    another position was within the  employees in the township they  named deputy supervisor by
        the vote approving the new posi-  board members' authority    have “stepped up” in the      Bowman. “You had no problem
        tion which will pay $8,804 annu-  according to the law. He did sug-  absence of a deputy supervisor  when Bednark was named. You
        ally. His appointment will contin-  gest that if Rush were to be  and financial director.   even wanted him to be a full-
        ue only until April 30, 2022. In  assigned other duties, such as  Trustee Don LaPorte attempt-  time deputy supervisor,” he said.
        response to the proposal by    the oversight of the water and  ed to explain that Bowman need-  Rush made no comment dur-
        Bowman during the workshop     building departments, the board  ed help in the office. “He needs  ing the discussion but in a later
        preceding the Dec. 14 electronic  members should articulate that  help. Budget and tax season is  interview, following the vote, he
        meeting, Morgan burst out in   authority in the motion naming  nearly here. When somebody   said that the township employ-
        raucous laughter and briefly left  him to the petition to prevent  asks for help, you give it,” he  ees and officials should be com-
        the meeting to compose herself.   any question arising at a later  said.                    mended for their willingness to
           Upon her return, Rush criti-  date.                          Morgan refuted LaPorte's    help while a full-time deputy
        cized her behavior noting, “The  Morgan repeatedly asked how  comments and said that there  supervisor or township manager
        man (Bowman) is asking for     much Rush would be paid and    are “firms out there who can  was hired.
        help. This is temporary. For you  was informed of the $8,804  help and asserted that a staff   “People have stepped up,” he                    Tim Rush
        to disgrace the board the way  amount but continued to voice  member “takes care of all the  said. “It is phenomenal.” He said
        you just did is despicable,” he  objections to the request. She  documents.” She then ques-  that he spent time at township  for 35 years. He is in his third
        said.                          said that staff members in the  tioned Bowman's capabilities as  hall during the week getting  term on the board of trustees
           “I can't help it. I found it  supervisor's office could handle  supervisor.              informed about the needs of the  and said that he wants only the
        funny,” Morgan responded       the business and that like other  “I don't know where the    staff and getting organized. “I  best for the community. “I plan to
        prompting Bowman to comment,                                                                think I have hit the ground run-  retire here. I'm not going any-
        “I find you funny a lot of times,                         ”                                 ning,” he said. “I'm going to do  where,” he said.
        Peggy, but I try to respect you.”                   This is temporary.                      whatever the staff needs me to   “The clerk's office, Police
           Township attorney Rob Young                For you to disgrace the board                 do. I know how to organize.”   Chief Luke, all of the township
        explained that in a township or                                                                Rush, who has lived in the  employees have really stepped
        municipality of fewer than 40,000          the way you just did is despicable,              township for 32 years, has been a  up to help,” he said. “I'm just try-
        residents, appointing a trustee to                                                          professional security consultant  ing to do the same.”
        Supervisor thanks area donors                                                                  Disposal vouchers are available

           Sumpter Township Supervisor  He said the generosity of the  Martin & Son; Post, Smythe, Lutz
        Tim Bowman recently expressed  donors allowed the township to  & Ziel of Wayne; Red Rooster       The City of Plymouth     izer, lawn chemicals, motor
        his “heartfelt gratitude to all our  continue to provide a holiday  Lounge & Pizzeria; Sumpter  Department of Municipal    oil, gasoline, batteries, fire
        sponsors that donated this year to  treat for Sumpter children.  Township Board of Trustees; The  Services has a limited num-  extinguishers, mercury ther-
        the township, enabling us to     Among the benefactors we     Bake    Shoppe;     Utilities    ber of vouchers for free haz-  mometers, computer CPUs,
        obtain gift cards for the children  wish to acknowledge, Bowman  Management Service; WCA       ardous waste disposal at the  monitors, televisions, cell
        in our community, in lieu of our  said, are: Belleville Central  Assessing; Wolverine Power    Environmental Recycling     phones and more.
        annual Children's Christmas    Business Community; Benito's   Cooperative   and   Zywicki      Group located at 13040        City of Plymouth residents
        party.”                        Five Star Pizza; Carlisle Wortman  Greenhouses.                 Merriman Road in Livonia.   can obtain a voucher at the
           Bowman said it was particular-  Associates, Inc.; CRG Electric;  “A special thanks to Sumpter  Wayne County Household   Municipal Services yard at
        ly overwhelming that during    Davenport Brothers Construction  Township Fire Department (Chief  Hazardous Waste Collections  1231 Goldsmith or call (734)
        these turbulent times the town-  Co.; Fox Auto Parts, Inc.; Friends  Rick Brown, Deputy Chief John  accept: household paints,  453-7737 for more informa-
        ship effort continues to receive  of Michigan Animals Rescue;  Krushlin and Battalion Chief Walt  pharmaceutical waste, fertil-  tion.
        the support from loyal patrons.  Higgerson & Neal Funeral Home;  Thompson,” Bowman concluded.
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