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December 30, 2021                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                           CANTON - WAYNE
                                                            CANTON - WAYNE

        Canton Municipal Services receives re-accreditation

           The   Canton    Township    public works agency, its pro-                                                               township department Director
        Municipal Services Department  grams and employees, according                            ”                                 Jade Smith “The awarding of the
        recently received full accredita-  to a spokesman. Accreditation is            We are extremely proud                      APWA Accreditation reflects the
        tion by the American Public    designed to assist the agency in                                                            dedication from all the staff
        Works Association (APWA) for   continuous improvement of                         to receive this honor.                    towards continues improvement
        the second time. This accredita-  operations and management,                                                               and excellence. We are extreme-
        tion formally verifies and recog-  and in providing a valid and                                                            ly proud to receive this honor.
        nizes that the agency is in full  objective evaluation of agency  required to demonstrate continu-  pliance with newly identified  The heroes of this prestigious
        compliance with the recom-     programs as a service to the pub-  ing  compliance.  Canton  practices.                     APWA award are the public
        mended management practices    lic and the profession.        Municipal Services received ini-  “The continuation of accredi-  works staff whose mission is to
        set forth in the APWA Public     Open to all governmental     tial accreditation in 2017 and  tation for the township of Canton  provide services and programs
        Works Management Practices     agencies with responsibilities for  applied for reaccreditation in  Municipal Services Department  that contribute to making Canton
        Manual.                        public works functions, initial  2021. The re-accreditation  indicates staff from have met all  a great place to live and work.”.
           The purpose of accreditation  accreditation from APWA is for a  process builds on the original  applicable accreditation docu-  For more information about
        is to promote excellence in the  four-year period, during which  accreditation, encouraging con-  mentation and practices over  Canton municipal services, call
        operation and management of a  time semi-annual updates are   tinuous improvement and com-  time,” noted a statement from  (734) 394-5160.

                                                                        25 and out

                                                                        Wayne Fire Department
                                                                        Captain Andrew Stager
                                                                        marked his last day on the
                                                                        job last week, retiring after
                                                                        25 years of service to the
                                                                        community. In a prepared
                                                                        statement, department offi-
                                                                        cials praised Stager's work
                                                                        ethic and performance. “We
                                                                        are honored to have had
                                                                        you a part of our depart-
                                                                        ment. Thank you for all your
                                                                        hard work and dedication.
                                                                        We wish you the best of
                                                                        luck,” his coworkers and
                                                                        department leaders said.

        Local students awarded nominations to military colleges

           Congresswoman       Haley   these 22 incredible students for  first obtain a nomination from a  Northville, University of Detroit  School; Kaia Counts, Northville,
        Stevens has nominated 22       appointment to our nation's    nominating source - most com-  Jesuit High School and Abigail  Northville High School; Haesol
        Michigan students for place-   service academies,” said       monly through their Members   Tracey, Northville, Livingston  Park, Northville, Northville
        ment at the United States      Congresswoman       Stevens.   of Congress. Now that these stu-  Classical Academy.         High School; Connor Sugrue,
        Military Academy at West Point,  “Serving our country is the  dents have been nominated,       Joshua Brauchler from       Canton, Salem High School and
        NY, the United States Naval    most honorable act that        they must await acceptance of  Canton Township who attends   Abigail Tracey, Northville,
        Academy in Annapolis, MD, the  Americans can commit; I am so  admission by the academy to   Salem High Schools was nomi-   Livingston Classical Academy.
        United States Air Force        inspired by these students'    which they have applied.      nated for the United States      Nominated for the United
        Academy in Colorado Springs,   desire to serve, and I am so     Local students nominated to  Merchant Marine Academy.      States Naval Academy were
        CO and the United States       proud to be their representative  the United States Air Force   Students nominated to the   Ziming Huang, Plymouth,
        Merchant Marine Academy in     in Congress. I'm rooting for   Academy were: William         United States Military Academy  Salem High School; Thomas
        Kings Point, NY.  Nominations  them throughout the rest of the  Cameron, Northville, Northville  included Rahul Barpanda,  Leeds, Northville, University of
        included students from Canton,  application process!”         High School; Kaia Counts,     Northville, Detroit Country Day  Detroit Jesuit High School and
        Northville and Plymouth.         Students seeking an appoint-  Northville, Northville High  High School; William Cameron,  Annika Zaar, Northville,
           “I am excited to nominate   ment to a service academy must  School;  Thomas     Leeds,   Northville, Northville High    Northville High School.
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