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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 30, 2021



        Veterans honored during

        national wreath program

           Romulus         Memorial    wreaths on headstones across
        Cemetery was one of more than  the country.
        3,136 sites to honor veterans      At Arlington National
        with memorial flags during the  Cemetery specifically, the
        holiday season.                Wreaths Across America pro-
           Members of the Romulus      gram saw 66 tractor trailers
        Veteran of Foreign Wars (VFW)  deliver 250,000 wreaths placed
        9568 marked the graves of fallen  by nearly 38,000 volunteers. This
        servicemen and women on        was the 30th year that veterans'
        Saturday, Dec. 18 as part of the  wreaths have been placed there,
        national Wreaths Across        a tradition started by Maine
        America. Volunteers and specta-  wreathmaker Morrill Worcester  Members of the Romulus VFW and Mayor Bob McCraight participate in the national Wreaths Across
        tors laid wreaths on the graves  as a gift of thanks. Morrill once  America program at Romulus cemetery.
        of fallen heroes.              again made the trek to Arlington
           National Wreaths Across     this year to place wreaths as he  chord like it has and make such  a small gesture of gratitude for  military, and their families.
        America Day remembered         has each December since 1992.   an impact. Me and my family  the freedoms Americans enjoy.  When each wreath is placed the
        national heroes as each veter-   “When I brought down those   continued to be humbled by the  For centuries, fresh evergreens  servicemember's name is said
        an's name was said aloud and   5,000 wreaths that first year, I  support this program receives  have been used as a symbol of  out loud, ensuring their memory
        more than 525 truckloads of    just thought it was a way for me  across the country.”       honor and have served as a liv-  lives on.
        wreaths were delivered across  to say thank you, for what we     Each live, balsam wreath   ing tribute renewed annually.     For more information, visit
        the country. More than 2 million  have in this country,” said  was a gift of respect and appre-  Wreaths Across America
        volunteers, a third of whom    Worcester, founder of Wreaths  ciation, sponsored by an individ-  believes the tradition repre-  Next year's National Wreaths
        were children, helped placed   Across America. “I could have  ual or organization and placed  sents a living memorial that  Across America Day will take
        more than 2.4 million veterans'  never imagined it would strike a  on a headstone by volunteers as  honors veterans, active-duty  place on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2022.

        Lawsuit                                ed in an effort to “comply with all board  financial operations, and that he offered  site claims that Edmondson “did not
                                                                                                                           provide any meaningful or concrete
                                                                                     no plan to fill the interim finance direc-
                                               motions” and has violated the Open
                                               Meetings Act by failing to provide the  tor position.                       plan” to address the problems in the dis-
        FROM PAGE 1                            minutes to the public in a timely man-  Hampton, and many residents, have   trict business and financial operations,
                                               ner.                                  publicly criticized the board for hiring  and that he offered no plan to fill the
           Edmondson claims that during his 6-   Pyles said Edmondson was placed on  an interim superintendent at a higher  interim finance director position.
        week absence recovering from heart     leave in an effort to enable an independ-  daily rate of pay during what they  Despite numerous efforts of three
        surgery, the board members hired Dixon  ent investigation into “the serious dys-  describe as a “private meeting” before  school board members to reinstate
        Public Consulting to investigate district  functional operation of the District's  the vote to suspend Edmondson took  Edmondson, the proposal has met with
        finances. Shortly after his return to  Business Office” and said those prob-  place. Edmondson, in his lawsuit, claims  adamant resistance from the four mem-
        work, he claims, the board members     lems “were not being addressed by the  that the interim superintendent is less  bers who present a united front in refus-
        voted to place a formal letter of repri-  superintendent.”                   qualified while being paid at a higher  ing to consider a motion to reinstate
        mand into his employee file accusing     She also claimed in a posting on the  rate and suggests the pay rate is based  him. A recent board meeting failed to
        him of failing to provide a key fob to  district website that an auditor found  on race. Edmonson is Black while the  proceed as members could not agree to
        Dixon employees or perform back-       “14 serious Business/Financial Office  interim superintendent is White.     accept the agenda as presented.
        ground checks on them and that he      problems” last year of which “12 of those  As a result of the school board mem-  Residents continue to vigorously protest
        engaged in “defiant behavior” toward   14 problems remain unresolved going   bers conduct, he has “suffered signifi-  and criticize board actions at meetings.
        Pyles, among multiple other charges.   into this year's audit.” She said that  cant reputational harm within the close-  Edmondson is seeking compensatory
           Edmondson alleges that Evitts, as the  Edmondson “did not provide any mean-  knit community of Michigan educators,”  and exemplary damages; attorney fees,
        secretary of the board, did not provide  ingful or concrete plan” to address the  the suit alleges.                costs and interest; and “other relief as
        minutes of several meetings he request-  problems in the district's business and  The statement from the district web-  this Court deems just and proper.”
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