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Legislator will face trial on felony offenses
Despite his efforts to have the twice the legal limit in Michigan.
charges dismissed, State Rep. ” Hatty did not agree with
Jewell Jones, D-Inkster will face Hatty did not agree with Nolen's argument Nolen's argument and ruled that
trial on multiple felony and mis- the “detention of the defendant
demeanor charges following a and ruled that the “detention of the is permissible. It is a lawful
court hearing last week. defendant is permissible. It is a lawful arrest.” arrest.” Hatty also ruled against
Livingston County Circuit Nolen's argument that the war-
Court Judge Michael Hatty dis- rant for the blood test was flawed
agreed with arguments from and determined that the weapon-
Jones' attorney, former Inkster who complained of the black the charges “fruit of the poison- possession charge was also valid.
Mayor Byron Nolen, and found Tahoe being driven erratically on ous tree.” Officers observed a loaded hand-
the charges from an April 6 Interstate 96 near Fowlerville. Troopers testified that Jones gun on the front console of the
arrest valid. Jones is being According to police reports, refused to provide identification vehicle at the time of the incident
charged for resisting and Jones refused to provide identifi- seven times and attempted to and Nolen argued that Jones was
obstructing a police officer, oper- cation to officers and threatened leave the scene before he was 50 feet from the vehicle at the
ating a motor vehicle with a high “to call Gretchen” and warned placed under arrest. Nolen time of the arrest. Hatty ruled
blood alcohol content, operating the Troopers that he was in con- argued that Jones was arrested that the gun was in plain view
a motor vehicle while intoxicat- trol of their budget. Reports stat- simply for refusing to answer the and the charges would remain. State Rep. Jewell Jones
ed, possession of a weapon while ed that Jones became increasing- officer's questions and without Jones was stripped of his com-
under the influence of alcohol ly agitated and aggressive and justification. Jones also refused a mittee assignments in September Auxiliary Police and asked to
and reckless driving. officers used a Taser and pepper blood draw when taken to the after attempting to sneak a hand- surrender all police equipment.
Jones and a female compan- spray to control him at the scene. Livingston County Jail delaying cuff key into jail where he was He was released on bond last
ion were found outside a vehicle Nolen argued during the court the process for three hours while remanded by the court after com- month after 60 days in jail to the
in a ditch on that date by hearing last Friday that charges police secured a warrant for the mitting his third bond violation custody of a long-time family
Michigan State Troopers called should be dropped because the procedure. At that time, his blood on the April charges. He was also friend who operates a rehabilita-
to the scene by multiple drivers arrest was unlawful, thus making alcohol level was .17, more than suspended from the Inkster tion facility.
Donors needed during
critical blood shortage
In response to a predicted spike in flu complete the pre-donation reading and
cases this year, The American Red Cross health history questionnaire online, on
has issued a plea for those who are eligi- the day of donation, from a mobile device
ble to donate blood or platelets. Officials or computer. To complete a RapidPass®,
from the Red Cross have confirmed that follow the instructions at
there is an ongoing emergency blood or use the
shortage, and donors are urged to give Red Cross Blood Donor App.
now to combat the lowest blood supply To donate blood, individuals need to
levels at this time of year in more than a bring a blood donor card or driver's
decade. license or two other forms of identifica-
According to the Center For Disease tion that are required at check-in. Strong student
Control (CDC), flu cases reached an all- Individuals who are 17 years of age in
time low last year due to masking, physi- most states (16 with parental consent The Wayne Police Department officially welcomed new Ofc. Scott Bouchie who
cal distancing and shutdowns across the where allowed by state law), weigh at took his official oath of office during the regular meeting of the city council last
country. When seasonal illness increases, least 110 pounds and are in generally week. Bouchie will fill a vacant and previously budgeted position, officials said.
the number of healthy blood donors tends good health may be eligible to donate Police Chief Ryan Strong met Bouchie when the new officer was enrolled in a
to decrease, health officials said. Paired blood. High school students and other criminal justice class that Strong teaches at Ferris State University School of
with the oncoming winter weather, busy donors 18 years of age and younger also Criminal Justice. Strong said he was impressed with Bouchie's professionalism,
integrity, and down to earth communication style, and encouraged Bouchie to
holiday schedules and COVID-19 con- must meet certain height and weight apply to the Wayne department.
cerns, the already-struggling blood supply requirements.
could be further impacted throughout At a time when health information has
winter. never been more important, the Red
There is no blood donation waiting Cross is screening all blood, platelet and
period for those who have received a flu plasma donations from self-identified
shot or a Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson & African American donors for the sickle
Johnson COVID-19 vaccine or booster, so cell trait. This additional screening will
long as they are symptom-free. Red Cross provide Black donors with an additional
officials are urging potential donors to health insight and help the Red Cross
schedule an appointment by using the identify compatible blood types more
Red Cross Blood Donor app, visiting quickly to help patients with sickle cell or calling 1-800-RED disease who require trait-negative blood.
CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Blood transfusion is an essential treat-
Each Red Cross blood drive and dona- ment for those with sickle cell disease,
tion center follows the highest standards and blood donations from individuals of
of safety and infection control, and addi- the same race, ethnicity and blood type
tional precautions - including face masks have a unique ability to help patients
for donors and staff, regardless of vaccina- fighting sickle cell disease.
tion status - have been implemented to Donors can expect to receive sickle
help protect the health of all those in cell trait screening results, if applicable,
attendance, officials said. Donors are within one to two weeks through the Red
asked to schedule an appointment prior Cross Blood Donor App and the online
to arriving at the drive. donor portal at
Donors can also save up to 15 minutes For more information, visit
at the blood drive by completing a or, or
RapidPass®. With RapidPass®, donors visit Twitter at @RedCross.
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