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December 17, 2020                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Canton board of trustees approves pay raises

                          Julie Brown    Trustee Steven Sneideman                                                                  right where we started for state-
                        Special Writer  noted the new board members                              ”                                 shared revenue” in the general
                                       had been elected Nov. 3 and                The township supervisor, treasurer               fund. A Drug Enforcement Fund
           Members of the Canton       their predecessors had turned          and clerk hold full-time salaried positions,         for which the township has been
        Board of Trustees unanimously  down raises “for essentially five                                                           a fiduciary is “a bookkeeping
        approved a 2.5 percent raise for  years. I'm comfortable with it at   and will receive the 2.5 percent pay hike.           item” in its handling, Trumbull
        merit non-union full-time      this time,” he said, and also with                                                          said, and a western Wayne con-
        employees, along with elected  a match for other employee                                                                  sortium with other municipali-
        township officials, at their Dec.  units.                     officials. The vote was unani-  said Director of Fire Services  ties on criminal matters “ended
        7 meeting.                       Trustee Sommer Foster        mous, with Trustee Kate       Christopher Stoecklein.        and there was money left over.”
           The township supervisor,    noted the four part-time       Borninski absent due to her      That date doesn't include     Some of that was returned to
        treasurer and clerk hold full-  trustees receive only nominal  final Plymouth-Canton school  tearing down of the old station,  consortium members, Trumbull
        time salaried positions, and will  pay.                       board meeting.                Stoecklein added.              said, with the state involved now
        receive the 2.5 percent pay hike.  “It becomes quite a jump,”   Canton trustees, in other      Finance and Budget Director  in dissolution.
           Supervisor Anne Marie       especially for full-time elected  business, OK'd 6-0 use of $56,000  Wendy Trumbull outlined sever-  Trustees also awarded
        Graham-Hudak, Clerk Michael    officials, Foster said.        at various vendors to furnish the  al changes to the 2020 budget  $41,900 to Wade Trim Associates
        Siegrist, and Treasurer Dian     Early in 2020, former Canton  new Fire Station No. 2.      that were unanimously OK'd.    for work at the Administration
        Slavens were among the “yes”   Supervisor Pat Williams began     “This is the exciting part.  The township will spend more  Complex/Heritage Park site.A
        votes on the first raises for elect-  to study pay for elected officials,  The station's coming along great  on external legal affairs.  10 percent contingency was
        ed officials in several years.  due to forgoing of raises by the  and should open this January,”  “We're actually ending up  included in that vote.

           Serial burglar to                                          Police seek suspect in shooting

           serve probation                                            are continuing their search for a
                                                                        Canton police investigators
                                                                      woman who shot an employee
                                                                      during a robbery earlier this
             David Edward Miller will                                 month.
           serve three years probation                                  Canton police investigators
           and pay a $1,000 fine after                                are asking the public for assis-
           pleading guilty to several                                 tance with identifying the female
           break-ins    in   Canton                                   suspect who shot the employee
           Township.                                                  of ADAM (Alcohol Drug
             Miller, 58, of Clinton                                   Administrative Monitoring) dur-
           Township, faced a maximum                                  ing a robbery which took place at
           of 40 years in prison for the                              about 7 p.m. Nov. 16.
           four break-ins, a charge of                                  According to police reports,
           larceny along with a habitual                              the female suspect entered the
           offender charge.                                           business at 5820 North Lilley
             Miller entered a guilty                                  Road carrying a handgun and
           plea to breaking and enter-                                demanding cash from employ-
           ing two BIGGBY Coffee loca-                                ees. During the incident, the sus-
           tions, a Subway sandwich                                   pect discharged the handgun she
           shop and a local tanning                                   was brandishing, striking one vic-
           salon in August.  Each of the       David Edward Miller    tim. Canton first responders sub-
           felony charges carried a                                   sequently transported the
           maximum 10-year sentence.   records, Miller was released   injured individual to a local hos-
           As a habitual offender, he  from prison in March where     pital for treatment of a non-life
           faced the possibility of life in  he had been serving terms  threatening injury.         described as having dark skin, in  Anyone who may recognize
           prison.                     for charges including break-     Witnesses told police the sus-  her 20s to 30s, wearing a gray  the woman is asked to contact
             According to state prison  ing and entering.             pect fled the scene with an undis-  hooded sweatshirt and a red  the Canton Police Department at
                                                                      closed amount of cash. She is  mask.                         (734) 394-5400.
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