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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 17, 2020

                                     INKSTER - ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                      INKSTER - ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        City holiday tree lighting goes virtual in 2020

           The official Christmas tree in  by Superintendent of Romulus                                                            received the key to the city and
        the City of Romulus has been   Community Schools Dr. Benjamin                            ”                                 was on schedule for deliveries in
        turned on by Santa himself.    Edmondson and Gretchen                        Voting for the best decorated                 Romulus.
           While the tree lighting and  Notaro, principal at Romulus                                                                 The city is also celebrating the
        Santa welcome to the city was  Elementary School. Two special             homes in the city will be accepted               holidays with Facebook holiday
        much different this year in light of  helpers, Ezabella and Gavin, were        on Facebook until Jan. 3.                   decorating contest.  Voting for the
        the health restrictions posed by  also on hand for the seasonal                                                            best decorated homes in the city
        the COVID-19 pandemic, Santa   event welcoming the holidays to                                                             will be accepted on Facebook
        still managed to arrive and    the community.                 members of the city council and  tion of the event that usually  until Jan. 3. The winners will be
        receive the key to the city from  Burcroff urged residents to  noted that the pandemic had  draws a large live audience from  determined by Facebook votes. To
        Mayor LeRoy Burcroff. He was   enjoy the tree lighting virtually  changed the traditional presenta-  the community. He assured chil-  enter, send a photo of the home to
        joined in the pre-recorded event  during a recent meeting of the  tion, forcing the video presenta-  dren that Santa had officially
        Sumpter officials cancel all meetings until January

           Members of the Sumpter Township     has urged as little public contact as possi-  LaPorte agreed that the board members  that the board members could meet virtu-
        Board of Trustees will not meet until the  ble as the infection rate of the virus con-  should determine which employees will  ally.
        first week of January.                 tinues to spiral. Currently, several area  remain working in township hall and  Trustee Matt Oddy said the state has
           All meetings have been cancelled and  hospitals are nearing capacity and ICU  which will work from home. The board  ruled that all municipal meetings must be
        township hall is closed to the public.  units are becoming scarce, according to  will also determine the schedules of the  virtual. He added that establishing the
        Some township employees are available  Dr. Joneigh S. Khaldun, Chief Medical  employees who will be paid at their full-  Zoom procedure should be referred to the
        to meet with residents by appointment  Executive and Chief Deputy Director for  time rates.                        township technology employee.
        while others are working from home. The  Health for the Michigan Department of  Treasurer Ken Bednark suggested       The board members also approved all
        Senior Center is closed for activities,  Health and Human Services (MDHHS).    keeping township hall open with personal  warrants for payment until Dec. 31. Rush
        although food distribution continues at  Sumpter officials, however, took the  service by appointment or at curbside as  suggested the warrants be mailed to offi-
        the site.                              action at the Nov. 17 meeting prior to the  winter tax season is already under way  cials as they are received for approval.
           The closures are in response to the  latest extension of orders from the health  and bills have been received. Bednark  Notification of the cancellation was
        COVID-19 pandemic and the orders of the  department.  During discussion of the clo-  also suggested the township technology  posted on the township website and on
        Michigan Department of Health which    sures, Trustees Tim Rush and Don      department establish a Zoom account so  the front door at township hall.
        Inkster man arrested in                                                          Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
                                                                                          MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING
                                                                                                                  November 9, 2020

        fatal shooting at Moe's                                                                    VIA ZOOM MEETING/TELECOMMUNICATIONS
                                                                                                         MEETING HELD ELECTRONICALLY

                                                                                         Led by Councilman Wadsworth
           Police have arrested a suspect in the  Mallory has also been charged with pos-  Pledge of Allegiance
        Nov. 13 fatal shooting at Moe's Fish and  session of a firearm by a felon, carrying a  Roll Call
                                                                                         Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb,
        Chicken in Inkster.                    concealed weapon and two counts of        Virginia Williams
           Police said that Marvin Maurice     felony firearm, according to the office of  Absent / Excused:
        Mallory, 28, of Inkster, has been charged  Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.   Administrative Officials in Attendance:
        with first-degree murder in the death of  Mallory was arraigned on the charges   LeRoy Burcroff, Mayor Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk Stacy Paige, Treasurer
        Inkster resident Tyron Larkins, also 28,  in 22nd District Court on Dec. 5. He was  Administrative Staff in Attendance:
        who was shot while inside the Middlebelt  not allowed bail and remains lodged in  D'Sjonaun Hockenhull - Deputy Clerk; Julie Wojtylko - Chief of Staff; Stephen Hitchcock - City Attorney;
                                                                                         Roberto Scappaticci - DPW Director; Stephen Dudek - Technology Director
        Road restaurant.                       the Wayne County Jail.                 1. Agenda
           According to police, Mallory entered  The Michigan State Police and Inkster  A. Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to approve the agenda as amended
        the restaurant and shot Larkins in the  Police Department worked with members    Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                                                                         Nays - None
        face at close range while he was speaking  of the Homicide Task Force to identify  Motion Carried Unanimously
        to a woman in the establishment.       and charge Mallory, according to a news  2. Minutes
           In addition to first-degree murder,  release.                              A. Res. #20-295 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to approve the minutes from the
                                                                                         regular meeting held on November 5, 2020
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                                                                         Nays - None
                                                                                         Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      3. Petitioner
                                                                                         No petitions/petitioners at this time
                                                                                      4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
                                                                                      A. Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Kathy Abdo to accept the Chairperson's Report
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva
                                                                                         Webb, Virginia Williams
                                                                                         Nays - None
                                                                                         Motion Carried Unanimously.
                                                                                      5. Mayor's Report - LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
                                                                                      A. City Attorney Stephen Hitchcock spoke briefly on the discussions had during the earlier special
                                                                                         meeting - closed session(s)
                                                                                      Res. #20-296 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to concur with the administration and
                                                                                         consent to piggyback on the MiDeal Contract #07B7700181 for the purchase of one (1) 2021 Ford
                                                                                         Explorer with options and the upfitting of lights and sirens for a total costs of $31,539.00 from Gorno Ford.
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                               Nays - None
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL                                  Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      B. Res. #20-297 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the administration
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed  and adopt the resolution and guidelines for the City of Romulus Road System Asset Management
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, January 7, 2021 for the following:  Plan and Analysis.
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams Nays - None
                                  SUMMIT LOCKER REPLACEMENT
                                                                                         Motion Carried Unanimously
         Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at  C. Res. #20-298 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the administration and or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a  authorize Mayor and Clerk to enter into the amended cell tower lease agreement for tower located at parcel
         sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-  # 80-142-99-004-700
         posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on  Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb
         the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.  Nays - Abdo
                                                                                         Abstain - Williams
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
                                                                                         Motion Carried
                                                                                         Res. #20-299 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to concur with the administration and
         Publish 12/17/2020                                           CN2145 - 121720  2.5 x 2.069
                                                                                         authorize Mayor and Clerk to enter into the amended cell tower lease agreement for tower located at parcel
                                                                                         # 80-079-99-0017-002
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb,
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                               Nays - Abdo
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL                                  Abstain - Williams
                                                                                         Motion Carried
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed  6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, January 7, 2021 for the following:
                                                                                      A. Res. #20-300 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to amend the minutes from September8
                    FELLOWS CREEK GOLF CLUB EXTERIOR SIDING REPAIR/REPLACEMENT           & September 28 Closed Session - Special Meetings
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
         Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at  Nays - None or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a  Motion Carried Unanimously
         sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-  The clerk took a moment to give a special thanks to Stephen Dudek, Technology Director, for his tireless
         posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on  efforts on Election Day, making sure that results were transmitted to the Wayne County.
         the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                                                                      7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer
                                                                                         Treasurer Paige informed residents that her department is currently preparing the winter tax bills. Residents
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
                                                                                         should expect those bills to be mailed on 12/1/2020.
         Publish 12/17/2020                                           CN2146 - 121720  2.5 x 2.069  8. Public Comment - Citizens are to limit their comments to three (3) minutes. All citizens wishing to speak
                                                                                         willbe heard.
                                                                                         No comments from the public
                                                                                      9. Unfinished Business
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                               No unfinished business to discuss
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
                                                                                      10. New Business
                                                                                         No new business to discuss
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, January 7, 2021 for the following:  11. Warrant
                                                                                      A. Res. #20-301 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve Warrant #:20-21 Checks pre-
                                   SUMMIT DOOR REPLACEMENT                               sented in the amount of $1,032,947.07
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb
         Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at  Nays - Williams or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a  Motion Carried
         sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-  B. Res. #20-302 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve Warrant #: 20-21E Checks pre-
         posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on
         the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.  sented in the amount of $34, 428.00
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK                              Nays - None
                                                                                         Motion Carried Unanimously
         Publish 12/17/2020                                           CN2147 - 121720  2.5 x 2.069  12. Communication
                                                                                         Councilwoman Talley thanked Attorney Hitchcock for his summary of the closed session discussion. She
                                                                                         spoke on her absence at the property disposition meeting on 7/23/18. Councilwoman Roscoe reminded resi-
                                                                                         dents that there will be no Planning Commission meeting on Monday 11/16/20. She also thanked all veter-
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                               ans serving the community or have served the community in some capacity. She gave drop-off locations
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
                                                                                         (Veteran's Post and Walter's Bar & Grill) for the Toys for Tots drive. Toys are being collected by veterans
                                                                                         in the community until 12/10/20. Councilwoman Williams reminded residents that Forgotten Harvest will
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, January 7, 2021 for the following:  be at the High School from 12pm - 3pm.
                                                                                      13. Adjournment
                            SUMMIT INDOOR TRACK SURFACE REPLACEMENT                      Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm
                                                                                         Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
         Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at  Nays - None or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a  Motion Carried Unanimously
         sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-  I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
         posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on
         the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.  copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on November 9, 2020.
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
         Publish 12/17/2020                                           CN2148 - 121720  2.5 x 2.069  Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk City of Romulus, Michigan  RM0543 - 121720  2.5 x 14.414
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