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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 17, 2020


        Holiday stress

        Health professionals urge self-care for mental well-being

                          Julie Brown  Thanksgiving together via Zoom.                              lent, especially for those laid off  good idea, too, he added, although
                        Special Writer   “It was great,” he said of chat-                           from work, with Smith reminding  some channels like FreeForm offer
                                       ting remotely for about an hour                              his worshippers of the true reason  “cheesy” holiday movies.
           Patrick Stropes, a staff member  before dinner. “It was very nice in                     for Christmas: “It's part of our faith,  “If we could see more positivity
        at Growth Works Inc., knows the  these challenging times. Virtually                         a big part of it,” the pastor said of  through our television, that would
        December holidays are different  now is where we're at.”                                    the birth of Jesus.            be helpful,” Stropes said.
        during the current pandemic      He encourages those in recov-                                 Smith sees normal routines like  He appreciates area health sys-
           “People need to reach out when  ery to check the tools online at the                     going to restaurants being restrict-  tems/hospitals for diligent han-
        they need help,” said Stropes, who  Growth Works website of                                 ed as adding to the stress.”We're  dling of the pandemic. “You see a
        handles public relations for, with the agency                             sociable creatures.”           lot of people not wearing masks.
        Growth Works, founded in       also on Facebook.                                               His wife, Jennifer Smith, has set  That also creates anxiety,” said
        Plymouth in 1971. The facility now  The Rev. Bryan Smith, pastor             Patrick Stropes  up a weekly family remote meeting  Stropes, who works remotely and
        offers help for those struggling  for more than 25 years at Geneva                          for her own mom in California,  limits going out and about now.
        with addiction as well as their life  Presbyterian Church of Canton, got  health, and some at Geneva are  with other family members partici-  “People are working from
        choices, including youths under  together with close family and a  grieving loved ones.     pating as well.                home. There's definitely been an
        court referral.                few more for Thanksgiving. “It was  Smith sees benefits to Zoom use  Stropes also appreciates the  uptick in overdoses,” Stropes said.
           “You don't want to just get in  just very simple,” Smith said of the  and phone calls this time of year,  Canton Community Foundation  “That pain comes back again when
        your own head and mull things  stay-at-home Thanksgiving. “We  but adds, “It's not a full substitute  increased social opportunities,  they're not self-medicating.”
        over negatively. It's just really self-  ate and played a couple games  for being with someone.”  especially for senior citizens. He  Online appointments are avail-
        care, and staying connected to peo-  together.”                 The agency works with those in  notes many resources, including  able too through Growth Works,
        ple,” Stropes added.             Smith agrees there's COVID-19  recovery from addiction, and  those for suicide prevention with  which has clinicians for adults
           He defined self-care, as know-  “fatigue,” and hears a lot from his  Smith said recently, “That's not  24/7 phone lines.  based in Canton. The agency has a
        ing what your key stressors are, as  own Sheldon Road congregation of  really coming up in my conversa-  Stropes suggests less use of  building in downtown Plymouth
        well as the optimal ways of coping.  family stress “especially with kids  tions” of holiday drinking excess.  social media, noting the massive  and other regional facilities. The
        Stropes, his two sons, four brothers  not being in school.” Changes in  The men agree financial bur-  negativity during the recent elec-  facility can be reached at (734) 455-
        and others had a festive       routine have impacted mental   dens have are serious and preva-  tion season. Less television is a  4095.
        Area mourns death of Arthur Butler

           Arthur Butler, 72, a retired  After two years at Michigan State  McCall, USAF; son-in-law, Lt. Col  his “his brothers in blue” includ-
        United States Coast Guard      University, Mr. Butler joined the  Jonathan McCall, USAF, and  ing CDR Carl Smith; cadets he
        Commander, died Dec. 17.       Coast Guard and attended the   their children, Duncan Arthur,  adopted including CDR Mike
           Mr. Butler, a former president  academy in Connecticut where  Áine Kay, and Meara Elizabeth;  Raber and his family; exchange
        of the Noon Rotary Club of     he played football.            Megan Marie Butler Schlanser,  student, Staffan, and Amy; and
        Plymouth, a member of the        He and Carolyn Kay Fordham   and her children, Adam Rodney  his adopted daughters; Megan
        board of directors of the      were married in 1972 and their  and Jaclyn Read. Mr. Butler is  Ivey and Kathryn Swan, along
        Plymouth United Way and presi-  world adventures took them from  also survived by his mother, Alice  with a multitude of friends and
        dent of the church council at  Michigan to Italy, Connecticut,  Mae Rankin Butler; brothers,  fellow Rotarians.
        Risen Christ Lutheran Church,  Massachusetts, Ohio, and       Ralph Otis (Elizabeth) Butler IV,  A service celebrating Mr.
        was a practicing attorney who  Maryland. They were the parents  Brinton Butler and George (Teri)  Butler's life took place yesterday
        donated his time to numerous   of two daughters, Kristin and  Butler; sisters Barbara (Jack)  at Risen Christ Lutheran Church.               Arthur Butler
        community organizations for    Megan.                         Lansing, Beverly (Glenn) Davis   Interment will be at Arlington
        more than 30 years.              Mr. Butler retired from the  and Lorraine Pillow;  sisters-in-  National Cemetery in Arlington,  the Plymouth Rotary Foundation
           Mr. Butler was born Dec. 17,  Coast Guard after 20 years and  law Barbara (Pete) Troupos and  VA.                       at P.O. Box 5401 Plymouth, MI
        1943, the third of seven children.  the family returned to Plymouth.  Debra (Daniel) Behmlander; 26  The family suggests donations  48170
        He was an Eagle Scout and grad-  Among Mr. Butler's survivors  beloved nieces and nephews and  to the National Coast Guard   Final arrangements were
        uated from Marysville High     is his wife of 48 years, Carolyn;  nearly 40 great-nieces and  Museum    Association    at  entrusted to the Vermeulen
        School, where he played football.  daughters, Col. Kristin KB  nephews. He is also survived by or  Funeral Home.
           Salute to Stoney set for Saturday Suspect in overpass sandbag

             A great deal of traffic is  we are offering you a drive-by
           expected on Union Street in  wishes,” she said in an invita- assault is bound over for trial
                                       opportunity to share your best
           Plymouth Saturday when the
           community celebrates the    tion to the public to join the   The man accused of dropping  bodily harm and malicious
           retirement of Susan Stoney  tribute. She urged residents of  several 40-pound sandbags from  destruction of personal property.
           from the Plymouth District  the community to join a drive-  an Interstate-96 overpass serious-  Reeds allowed Garcia to leave
           Library.                    by celebration beginning at 11  ly injuring a woman will face trial  home for his employment and
             Stoney has served as the  a.m. Saturday, Dec. 19.        on felony charges             other specific purposes. Reeds
           library community relations   “Please drive past the         Cindy Eckley, a Plymouth busi-  refused a request from the prose-
           specialist since 2001 and has  library parking lot steps to  ness owner, was seriously injured  cuting attorney Jessica Blanch for
           worked full time in that posi-  share your best wishes. You  in the incident last fall which  an increased bond. She argued
           tion for 10 years.          are welcome to make a sign,    resulted in criminal charges  that Garcia committed a random
             “Susan has proudly repre-  wave a flag, and honk your    against David Vincent-Charles  act of violence and is a danger to
           sented the Plymouth District  horn.                        Garcia, 41 of Brighton. A second  society.
           Library for 19 years and we   “We are expecting a crowd    man, who drove Garcia home       She told the judge that Garcia's
           want to send her off with a  so you are encouraged to      after the incident will also face  blood alcohol count was .089 per-
           hurrah,” said Library Director  enter the parking lot from  criminal charges in the incident.  cent, just over the legal .08 limit.
           Carol Souchock, who has     Union Street and join the car    District Judge Travis Reeds of  Investigators determined that he  David Vincent-Charles Garcia
           planned a special tribute for  parade,” Souchock advised.   the Novi 52-1 Court sent the case  had been involved in a vehicle
           Stoney.                       Cards    congratulating      to Oakland County Circuit Court  accident in his truck on I-96 in  dant had not been convicted.
             “The inability to gather  Stoney can be sent to the      last week. He ordered home con-  Lyon Township the night of the  “If I were the sentencing court,
           safely is prohibiting the   library at Plymouth District   finement for Garcia who is    incident.                      I would not hesitate to send this
           opportunity for a traditional  Library, 223 S. Main St.,   charged with throwing objects at  Reeds agreed in the serious-  man to prison. That is not my role,
           retirement party for Susan so  Plymouth, MI 48170.         cars causing serious impairment,  ness of the crime that he called  though, today. He's not convicted
                                                                      assault with intent to do great  horrific but noted that the defen-  as he sits here today,” Reeds said.

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