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December 14, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        New mayor selected to attend Harvard program

           Newly-elected Westland      how to set strategic citywide pri-  capabilities our city needs to  Coleman will join 26 other
        Mayor Kevin Coleman has been   orities, build effective city hall  lead and deliver on residents'  newly-elected U.S. mayors for a
        selected to participate in the  organizations, and deliver for  most pressing challenges and  three-day immersive classroom
        Bloomberg Center for Cities at  residents, according to informa-  opportunities.”           experience     at   Harvard
        Harvard University Program for  tion released by the city. The  As cities find themselves on  University. In addition to the
        New Mayors: First 100 Days pro-  new class of the Program for  the frontlines of addressing  core coursework and connection
        gram.                          New Mayors includes officials  increasingly global challenges,  with peers, the Program for New
           Coleman was one of only 27  from 21 states and represents  the Program for New Mayors:   Mayors provides opportunities
        mayors across the country      more than 9.5 million residents  First 100 Days is designed to  for new mayors to share strate-
        selected to attend the program  nationwide.                   help new mayors make the most  gies with other mayors through
        which is delivered in collabora-  “Effective mayors build     of their roles, according to a pre-  the Bloomberg Center for Cities'
        tion with the Institute of Politics  strong city teams and robust city-  pared statement. Through the  mayoral leadership network,
        at Harvard Kennedy School, the  wide coalitions that move com-  Program for New Mayors, may-  and learn about interventions
        U.S. Conference of Mayors, and  munities   forward,”   said   ors gain strategic insights for  that are already working effec-
        Bloomberg Philanthropies. As a  Coleman. “I am proud to be    strengthening critical leader-  tively to better resident lives in
        participant in the Program for  selected to join the Program for  ship and management skills,  other cities, the prepared state-
        New Mayors, Coleman will       New Mayors: First 100 Days at  leading teams to work across  ment noted.
        experience world-class training  the Bloomberg Center for Cities  departments and sectors, and  The Program for New Mayors          Mayor Kevin Coleman
        from Harvard faculty, urban    at Harvard University, and learn  building out their city hall  builds on the longstanding tradi-
        innovation and management      alongside other U.S. mayors and  organizations in their first days  tion of a seminar for new mayors  Politics in 1975, the statement
        experts and other mayors on    global experts to strengthen the  and months in office.      that originated at the Institute of  concluded.

           Winning ways

           Members of the Three Cities Art Club
           recognized recent exhibition winners
           during a public reception at the
           Westland Gallery in City Hall. First place
           in the photography category was award-
           ed to Lawerence Hamilton for his art-
           work “Crosswalk,” while second place
           honors went to Allen Brooks for “Golden
           Age of Industry. The third-place award
           went to John Middlestead for “Boneyard
           Pastel Sunset.” Honorable mentions
           went to Cheryl Ann Boc-Chidester for
           “Vines of Gaudi,” and Terri Haranczak
           for “Old Truck.” (Fuzzy Dice). Honors in
           other categories included a first-place
           award to Brenda Everson for “Faces 4,”
           a second place award to J. Susan Aitken
           for her art, “The Apple,” and third place
           honors to Barbara Kish for “Christmas.”
           Honorable mentions in this category
           went to Gabrielle Dolin for “Noveau
           Ballet,” and Kseniya Hauptmann for
           “The Sound of the Ocean.” The special
           judge award went to Susan Aitken for
           “Sunlit Gaze.” The winning artwork and
           entries will be on display at the Westland
           Gallery in City Hall through Jan. 4.
           Admission is free and open to the pub-
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