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December 14, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Gunfire leads to arrest of 3

           Gunfire erupted during an   robbed at gun point and the    juveniles and one, 18-year-old  in Wayne County Juvenile Court
        attempted escape from the      three suspects then fled the   Jason Marqavis Smith, was     with armed robbery and felo-
        scene of an assault and robbery  scene with the victim in pursuit.  arraigned in 35th District Court  nious assault. Their names
        in Canton Township last week.  During the vehicle chase, “shots  on eight criminal counts,  were not released as they are
        Three suspects were arrested   were fired by the suspects as  including one charge of assault  minors.
        when the car in which they     both vehicles were traveling   with intent to murder; armed     If convicted, Smith faces up
        were fleeing crashed into a    along Michigan Avenue.”        robbery; discharging a firearm  to life in prison for the assault
        ditch adjacent to Michigan       Following the gunfire, the   from a vehicle; assault with a  with intent to murder charge; a
        Avenue.                        vehicle in which the suspects  dangerous weapon and four     maximum of two years for
           According to police reports,  were fleeing crashed into a  counts of using a firearm during  armed robbery; a maximum of
        the victim met with the        ditch and the suspects attempt-  a felony. His bond was set at  10 years for discharging a
        assailants at a Michigan Avenue  ed to leave the scene.  Canton  $500,000 by the court. His next  firearm from a vehicle; as long
        credit union to complete a sale  Township police officers were  court appearance is scheduled  as four years for assault with a
        at about 1 p.m. Dec. 1.        nearby and three suspects were  for tomorrow, Dec. 15.  Police  dangerous weapon and a possi-
        According to a press release,  immediately arrested. Two of   said the two minors involved in  ble two years for each count of
        the victim was assaulted and   the suspects arrested were     the incident have been charged  using a firearm during a felony.      Jason Marqavis Smith
                                                                                     Elks Lodge moved

                                                                                     to renovated hall

                                                                                        As the former site of the Plymouth-   The new location which is just north-
                                                                                     Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325 on Ann Arbor  west of the intersection of Lilley and
                                                                                     Road has been leveled in preparation  Ann Arbor Trail is "perfect" for the
                                                                                     for the construction of homes, the new  group, an Elks member noted. He added
                                                                                     headquarters of the group on Ann Arbor  that the refurbished building is popular
                                                                                     Trail is a testament to the determination  with the neighbors in the area.
                                                                                     of the members.                       Membership, according to club officers,
                                                                                        The newly renovated 4,000 square   has increased since the move and the
                                                                                     foot lodge is in the former Airgas store  popularity of the new lounge area with
                                                                                     at 110 Ann Arbor Trail. Lodge President  big-screen TVs appeals to the new mem-
                                                                                     Charley Dawson said he is proud of the  bers as well as those who have been
           Life lessons                                                              new hall and the renovations made to  with the group for years.
                                                                                                                              The new space can be rented for
                                                                                     the building. He said the new headquar-
           Students in the Plymouth Canton Community Schools district are now MI     ters is a great place for the members to  events and can provide various size
           HEARTSafe certified and Canton Fire Department responders were on scene to  socialize and have meetings. The    areas for specific needs, officers said.
           assist with the first cardiac arrest drill at Liberty Middle School last week. Canton  remodeling took nearly two years to  Rental information is available on
           fire officials said this is a "huge achievement for the school district and the fire  complete.                 the Plymouth Elks Lodge website.
           department is honored to participate in their success." There are more than
           350,000 sudden cardiac arrests per year and bystander intervention is key to
           survival, according to national statistics. The Plymouth Canton Community
           Schools students are now trained and equipped to provide this life saving care
           prior to EMS arrival.

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