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December 13, 2018                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Public safety director offers strategic plan

                         Don Howard    domestic situation that turned  possibility of creating a motor car-  with other area agencies, he
                          Staff Writer  violent.                      rier traffic unit and training and  explained.
                                          “We see and hear a lot more of  certifying motorcycle officers.  Each month Mutchler calls
           Last  month,    Northville  crime incidents these days        Mutchler said he would like to  together his staff command per-
        Township Public Safety Director  because of social media,”    work with the trustees to secure  sonnel for a “Compstat” meeting
        Todd Mutchler presented an     Mutchler explained. “Our motto  property for a second fire station  that entails a breakdown, review
        ambitious five-year strategic plan  is 'Working for a safer communi-  and secure funding to hire six  and discussion of all the incidents
        to the members of the township  ty…The key elements are service,  additional firefighters to ade-  that occurred during the month
        board of trustees for both the  trust and respect.'”          quately staff a two-fire-station  for both police and fire depart-
        police and fire departments      To date the department has   operation. Part of his plan to work  ments. The concept is patterned
        under his command.             received 21,542 combined police  toward accreditation by the  after a program initiated by the
           Mutchler created a blueprint  and fire calls for service for the  Commission  On   Fire  New York City Police Department
        to set priorities and identify avail-  31,000 or so township residents,  Accreditation International to  in the 1990s. Compstat is an
        able resources with five main  according to department records.  ensure the department is follow-  acronym  for  Computer
        goals for police and fire staff, in  While Mutchler is looking first  ing national best practices.  Comparison Statistics. Compstat        Todd Mutchler
        three basic categories.        at staffing levels, he says has plan  Mutchler thoroughly exam-  emphasizes information-sharing,
           High on Mutchler's list is pro-  to partner with the FBI Identity  ined training and development  responsibility, accountability and  Canton Police Department. He
        fessional development and addi-  Theft and Fraud Task Force, and  needs for both police and fire per-  improving effectiveness. The pro-  held various positions such as
        tional training to address a plan  add more officers using existing  sonnel with an eye toward provid-  grams four generally recognized  supervisor of the detective
        for emerging threats in what he  staff personnel. It's not just about  ing and enhancing response capa-  core components are: timely and  bureau, patrol lieutenant, special
        calls an “unsafe world” and “work  staffing, he stressed.     bilities and providing profession-  accurate information or intelli-  services lieutenant prior to his
        toward a safer community.”        Part of the plan is to update  al leadership development. He  gence; rapid deployment of  appointment as public safety
           Northville Township, consid-  radio dispatch communication  pointed out to the board the need  resources; effective tactics and  director in 2012. A native of Grand
        ered a “bedroom community,” has  equipment, improve the police  for advanced technology and  relentless follow-up.         Haven, Mutchler graduated from
        had a few unusual high crime   department facilities, including  additional resources to create a  Mutchler was hired three  Eastern Michigan University
        incidents in the past six months,  the holding facility and purchase  more efficient staff environment.  years ago into the Northville  Police Academy and worked in
        including bank robberies and   body-worn cameras. On a larger  He's exploring further coopera-  Township position after retiring  the Public Safety Division of the
        home invasions, along with a   scale, Mutchler is looking at the  tive purchasing opportunities  from a 28-year career with the  University.
        73 students named by National Merit group

           A record 73 members of the  more than 1.6 million students  Kadiri, Shreya Kashyap, Essam  Northville Class of 2019 include:  Vankayalapati, and Melina
        Northville High School Class of  across the nation participating  Kassem, Vishal Kolla, Megha  Shreya Basu, Lindsey Brenton,  Varlamos.
        2019 have been recognized by   in   the   National    Merit   Kunju, Isabella Lee, Catherina  Logan     Bry,     Shreya      “As National Merit Scholar
        the National Merit Scholarship  Scholarship    Competition    Lu, Saaz Malhotra, Hogan      Chadalavada, Natalie Corrigan,  semi-finalists and commended
        Corporation as academically    (NMSC). These students also    Mastanduno, Pranav Meka,      Nicole Cybul, Nikith Ganan,    students, these seniors have
        outstanding.                   have the opportunity to move   Ishani Misra, Sean Munro, Hui  Allen Ho, Rebecca Hopkins,    demonstrated exceptional aca-
           The recognition is based on  forward in the nationally recog-  Murray, Salil Nadkarni, Surbhi  Khushi Kapoor, Kate Kim,  demic ability and have the
        the preliminary SAT/National   nized scholarship competition.  Neole, Travis Nitkiewicz,    Nolan Knight, Jacob Liu,       potential for great success in rig-
        Merit Scholarship Qualifying   National Merit Scholar semi-   Krisha Patel, Vineet Raju, Vania  Kristina Mallabo, Kiran    orous college studies,” said
        Test in the students completed  finalists from the Northville  Rohmetra, Mariella Simoncini,  Mangrulkar, Savannah Manley,  Northville  High    School
        during their junior year. The  Class of 2019 include: Sai     Neila Thomas, Claire Wan,     Kira McCorry, Lillian Miller,  Principal Tony Koski. “We
        students were honored as part  Anantapantula,       Pranav    Timothy Wu, Jean Xiong,       Kevin Moser, Jason Nitkiewicz,  honor   their  outstanding
        of the Northville Board of     Doppalapudi,          Aveek    Annabel Yang and Siri         Anjalee Patel, Callum Roberts,  achievement, and are proud to
        Education meeting at Northville  Duttagupta, Arvind Ganeshram,  Yarlagadda.                                              Disha Satapathy, Annabel  know as educators that we have
        High School Dec. 11.           Connie Gao, Esha Garg, Bhavika   National Merit Scholar      Sharnowski, Dante Silva,       played a role in preparing them
           Thirty-nine Northville sen-  Gummadi, Quinna Halim, David  Commended students rank       Medha Sripada, Valentyna       for this rapidly changing world.
        iors are National Merit Scholar  Hargitt, Ishaan Hiranandani,  among the top 5 percent of their  Stadnik, Paige Tar, Jonathon  We look forward to all that these
        semi-finalists, ranking them   Heidi Huang, Ila Iyengar,      peers academically. The 34 com-  Tish, Matthew Tong, Suneeth  students will accomplish in the
        among the top 1 percent of the  Raymond Jiang, Bhavyashree    mended students in the        Torke, Julia Tweadey, Amulya   years to come.”
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