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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 13, 2018


        Financial reporting receives state award

           Canton Township has been    government, according to a pre-                           ”                                 Canton employees, but in particu-
        awarded a Certificate of       pared release from the township.               I'm proud to be part of an                   lar our finance department and
        Achievement for Excellence in    This is the 26th consecutive                                                              their commitment to providing
        Financial Reporting by the     year that Canton has been recog-               organization that puts such                  financial stability, accuracy and
        Government Finance Officers    nized for outstanding financial             emphasis on proper processes.                   transparency year-in and year-
        Association of the United States  reporting.  An Award of Financial                                                        out.”
        and Canada (GFOA). The award   Reporting Achievement has been                                                                The CAFR has been judged by
        recognizes the comprehensive   awarded to the Canton Finance                                                               an impartial panel to meet the
        annual financial report (CAFR)  and Budget Department, specifi-  said Wendy Trumbull, Canton  significant amount of time and  high standards of the program,
        prepared for the township and is  cally, as that group is primarily  director of finance and budget.  effort to ensure proper financial  which includes demonstrating a
        the highest form of recognition in  responsible for the preparing the  “We couldn't have achieved this  reporting.”        constructive “spirit of full disclo-
        the area of governmental       award-winning CAFR.            award without the support of our  Township Supervisor Pat    sure” to clearly communicate its
        accounting and financial report-  “I'm proud to be part of an  board of trustees or the hard  Williams agreed, noting,  “I am so  financial story and motivate
        ing. Attainment represents a sig-  organization that puts such  work put forth by our great  proud of the continued high level  potential users and user groups
        nificant accomplishment by a   emphasis on proper processes,”  finance team. They dedicate a  of achievement exhibited by all  to read the CAFR.
        Township names new sergeant

                          Julie Brown  of a five-year strategic plan for  Nankin Transit Commission to
                          Staff Writer  the department that five addi-  become the service provider for
                                       tional officers will join the  the     Canton      Mobility
           Adam Shulman, an 11 1/2 year-  Canton Police Department. That  Transportation Program. Service
        veteran of the Canton Police   is due, in part, he said, to grant  levels and the projected budget
        Department was promoted to the  money allocated through the   were established using the data
        rank of sergeant at the Nov. 27  Southeast Michigan Council of  reported by the previous service
        regular meeting of the board of  Governments.                 provider.
        trustees.                        “I'm really proud of the work  After several months of opera-
           Shulman will serve as a pla-  my team did on this plan,” said  tions, Nankin has been able to
        toon supervisor responsible for  Meier, who thanked Williams and  increase ridership by 30 percent
        the leadership, training and   board members for their leader-  by having a more efficient serv-
        mentoring of road patrol officers  ship.                      ice network, Hohenberger said of
        assigned to his shift.           In other business, trustees  the driver hire need. The total
           Shulman will also handle    learned that use of Nankin     cost of $50,000 will be split among
        administrative assignments and  Transit Commission transporta-  the five communities in the pro-
        special projects under the lead-  tion has increased, necessitating  gram. The Canton portion is 50
        ership of his designated shift  hiring an additional driver for  percent or $25,000 as this driver
        commander.                     the five communities the entity  will be stationed in the township.
           The newly promoted sergeant  serves.                         Hohenberger told trustees
        was joined by his wife Allie, twin  Greg Hohenberger, Canton  that's an increase to the 2019
        boys Cameron and Conner, and   Leisure Services director, said  budget but still significantly
        other members of his extended  the additional hiring is due to  lower than the cost of the previ-
        family during the meeting.     Canton use of the system, for  ous transit provider. Leisure
        Canton Township Supervisor Pat  older and disabled people, taking  Services will work with the
        Williams presented Shulman's   drivers from neighboring com-  Nankin Transit Commission, the  Congratulating Sgt. Adam Shulman of the Canton Police Department
        new badge and Township Clerk   munities also in the ridership  Canton Mobility Transportation  on his promotion are, at left, Township Clerk Michael Siegrist and, at
                                                                                                     right, Township Supervisor Pat Williams.
        Michael Siegrist administered  area.                          Advisory Committee, and various
        the oath of office.              On May 22, 2018, the Canton  funding sources in order to   five communities of Canton,    physician appointments. It also
           Canton Public Safety Director  Board of Trustees authorized a  implement the contract.   Wayne, Westland, Inkster and   services the destination point of
        Joshua Meier told the board    three-year agreement with an     Nankin Transit takes seniors  Garden City and one mile out-  St. Mary Mercy Hospital in
        members during his presentation  automatic renewal option to the  and disabled people within the  side of the five communities for  Livonia.
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